On the 1 and 2 October, ARCO Foundation offers ARCO Gallery Walks – five free guided routes around all the participating galleries led by an art professional. Limited places. Pre-registration required: bgw@artbarcelona.es
Saturday 1 October
Route Born
Meeting point: Unitat Muntada de la Guàrdia Urbana de Barcelona, (Wellington, s/n), 10:30am
Ruta Raval
Meeting point: Galeria Trama (Petritxol, 5), 3pm
Ruta Montjuïc - L’Hospitalet
Meeting point: In front of Universitat de Barcelona (Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585), 5pm
Sunday 2 October
Ruta Eixample Sud
Meeting point: A|34 (Aribau, 34), 11am
Ruta Eixample Nord
Meeting point: Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo (Aribau, 75), 4pm