Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Launch of the publication 'Amikejo' at the border tri-point (drielandenpunt) where the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany meet, 2 June, 17h

| UK |

Coinciding with the opening days of Manifesta 9, Latitudes will launch the publication 'Amikejo' at the border marker which represents the apex of the former Neutral Moresnet-Amikejo at Vaalserberg. This tripoint (drielandenpunt) that joins the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, was once a four-border-point before Neutral Moresnet was absorbed in Belgium. 

Confused? Then read Ryszard Żelichowski's essay included in the publication titled "Neutral Moresnet and Amikejo – The Forgotten Children of the Congress of Vienna" which offers an overview of how Neutral Moresnet (the state 'renamed' Amikejo in 1908) came into existence.

The publication accompanies the year-long cycle of exhibitions that took place at the Laboratorio 987, the project space of MUSAC, León, thoughout 2011, with exhibitions by Pennacchio Argentato (29 January–3 April 2011); Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum (9 April–12 June 2011); Uqbar (Irene Kopelman & Mariana Castillo Deball) (25 June–11 September 2011); Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch (24 September 2011–15 January 2012).

Editor: Latitudes
Publisher & Distribution: Mousse Publishing
Format: 22.5 x 15.5cm, 216 pp, hardcover
Texts: Giorgio Agamben, Theo Beckers, Latitudes, Prof. Peter Osborne, Georges Pérec, Prof. Dr. Menno Schilthuizen, Ryszard Zelichowski
Language: English and Spanish
ISBN: 9788896501832
Price: 26 Euro
Purchase via Mousse (Milan) or Motto (Berlin).

| ES |

Coincidiendo con la inauguración de Manifesta 9, Latitudes presentará la publicación 'Amikejo' en el trifinio (drielandenpunt) en el que convergen las fronteras de los Países Bajos, Bélgica y Alemania, y que antaño fue un punto cuadrifinio antes de que Neutral Moresnet-Amikejo fuese finalmente absorbido por Bélgica.

¿Confuso? Lee el texto "Moresnet Neutral y Amikejo: los hijos olvidados del Congreso de Viena" del Prof. Ryszard Żelichowski que se incluye en la publicación y que repass la historia de Neutral Moresnet (el estado 'rebautizado' Amikejo en 1908).
La publicación acompaña el ciclo de exposiciones que tuvo lugar en el Laboratorio 987, el espacio proyectual del MUSAC, León, a lo largo del 2011, con exposiciones de Pennacchio Argentato (29 enero–3 abril 2011); Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum (9 abril–12 junio 2011); Uqbar (Irene Kopelman & Mariana Castillo Deball) (25 junio–11 septiembre 2011); Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch (24 septiembre 2011–15 enero 2012).

Edita: Latitudes
Publica & Distribuye: Mousse Publishing
Formato: 22.5 x 15.5cm, 216 pp, tapa dura
Textos: Giorgio Agamben, Theo Beckers, Latitudes, Prof. Peter Osborne, Georges Pérec, Prof. Dr. Menno Schilthuizen, Ryszard Zelichowski
Idioma: inglés y español
ISBN: 9788896501832
Precio: 26 Euro
Compra via Mousse (Milan) o Motto (Berlin).

Más fotos de la publicación aquí.
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SAVE THE DATE: Presentation of the publication 'Amikejo' with artist Fermín Jiménez Landa. Tuesday 22 May, 20h at Múltiplos, Barcelona

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org

Latitudes will present the publication together with 'Amikejo' artist Fermín Jiménez Landa, who will discuss the project presented together with Lee Welch for the final exhibition of the cycle. Jiménez Landa will discuss one of the works, 'Himno Nacional' (2011), in which a marching band was commissioned to compose and play a new national anthem. Composed in the most archaic tradition, markedly romantic, military and patriotic, the anthem enacted a parodic attempt to reach a futile objective: the conquering of a small island in the Aegean Sea through invasion-by-sound.

The publication accompanies the cycle of four exhibitions by Pennacchio Argentato (29 January–3 April 2011); Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum (9 April–12 June 2011); Uqbar (Irene Kopelman & Mariana Castillo Deball) (25 June–11 September 2011); Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch (24 September 2011–15 January 2012) that took place at the Laboratorio 987, the project space of MUSAC, León, thoughout 2011. (+ info...) 

Editor: Latitudes 

Publisher & Distribution: Mousse Publishing 

Format: 22.5 x 15.5cm, 216 pp, hardcover 

Texts: Giorgio Agamben, Theo Beckers, Latitudes, Peter Osborne, Georges Pérec, Menno Schilthuizen, Ryszard Zelichowski 

Language: English and Spanish 

ISBN: 9788896501832 
Price: 26 Euro 

The publication will be available for purchase during the presentation
Múltiplos is an independent bookshop that specialises in artists publications.

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Pennacchio Argentato's show "Conversion" at Wilkinson Gallery, London

Below images of "Conversion" the recently opened solo show of Amikejo artists Pennacchio Argentato. The exhibition is on view in the Upper Gallery of Wilkinson gallery in London until 17 June 2012.

General view of the exhibition.

General view of the exhibition.
'Set in the Same Universe', 2012. Acrylic resin, print transfer (200 × 95 × 45 cm) 
'West End', 2012. Aluminium, cord (Dimensions variable)
(Wall) 'Shield#0 – #00001', 2012. Acrylic resin, iron, print transfer, bike hooks (130 × 92 × 40 cm), (Right, free standing) 'Set in the Same Universe', 2012. Acrylic resin, print transfer (200 × 95 × 45 cm) 
'FAQ', 2012. Plexiglas, digital projection (35×70 cm). All images: Courtesy the artists and Wilkinson Gallery, London

(Excerpts from the gallery press release):

"Conversion" presents sculptures as free standing agents, hanging off the wall and suspended from the ceiling. As if overcome by a crisis of aesthetic register, a stylistic battle takes place between the artworks’ broad formal references, ranging from minimalist tendencies and optical illusion, to gothic font text paired with “new age” video.

Cast in acrylic resin from the front glass of a car, the artists characterize the four shield-like sculptures Shield#0- #00001 as troops deployed in a row, prepared for battle. According to the artists’ selfdevised system, all matter, including the artists’ themselves, are convertible entities; this conversion is likewise reflected in our daily lives, whether it be in terms of converting file formats or currency.
FAQ operates as a sculpture illuminated by a video projection of mathematical fractals abstracted into an array of shifting lights, colors and forms. Acting as a visual anchor, it only but alludes to the presence of answers, instead manifesting as a form of light amusement or distraction. In formal contrast, sculptures such as Long Bones, placed at the entrance to the gallery, as well as West End, a ladder sculpture suspended from the ceiling, adopt a more tectonic composition.
The incandescent photographic flames that optically engulf the freestanding sculpture, Set in the same universe function as the fuel that formally unites the subsequent artworks in the exhibition. Taken from a larger image of civil riots found in recent news, the sculpture acts as a centripetal force within the exhibition by introducing an element of reality into the fictional discourse and diversit of styles that are otherwise present in the gallery.

50-58 Vyner Street
London E2 9DQ
Wednesday to Saturday: 11–18h
Sunday: 12–18h
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Mousse Publishing and MUSAC release the publication 'Amikejo' edited by Latitudes

 Publication in front of MUSAC's façade, León. Photo: Carlos Ordás.

The publication concludes the 2011 exhibition cycle 'Amikejo' curated by Latitudes, which included exhibitions by Pennacchio Argentato; Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum; Uqbar (Irene Kopelman & Mariana Castillo Deball and Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch at the Laboratorio 987, the project space of the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC).

Inside the publication: section dedicated to Pennacchio Argentato.

As advanced in previous posts, the publication includes essays by:  

Peter Osborne (Professor of Modern European Philosophy and Director of the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University London) text "‘Fragments of the future’: Notes on project space" centres on the idea of ‘project space’ as a peculiar one insofar as it characterizes a type of space wholly by its appropriateness for a particular kind of temporalization: the temporalization of the project. What is the distinctive spatialization corresponding to this? And how is it affected by the specifically artistic coding of a project?; 

Ryszard Żelichowski (Professor and Director for Scientific Research at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences) text "Neutral Moresnet and Amikejo – The Forgotten Children of the Congress of Vienna" offers an overview of how Neutral Moresnet (the state 'renamed' Amikejo in 1908) came into existence; 

Pages with Ryszard Zelichowski's essay on the history of Neutral Moresnet/Amikejo.

Theo Beckers (Former Professor of Leisure Studies at Tilburg University and currently faculty member of the Tilburg Sustainability Center and Visiting Professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) text "Free time. The rise and fall of a social project" traces western society’s relation to work and time, from Seneca the Younger, through the rise of the factory and Frederick Winslow Taylor's 'The Principles of Scientific Management' (1911), to today's blurring of labour and leisure; 

Pages with Theo Beckers' essay.

Menno Schilthuizen (Research scientist at NCB Naturalis, an endowed chair for Insect Biodiversity at the University of Groningen and an Associate Professor at Leiden University) contributed a text "On Mirror Images in Nature: How Identical Forms Can Be Completely Different" reflects on Uqbar's exhibition centered on chirality: on how in asymmetric animals and plants, sometimes both mirror-image forms exist side by side, but sometimes only one exists, the other being "forbidden"; 
Pages dedicated to Uqbar and to Prof. Dr. Menno Schilthuizen's essay.
as well as texts on each project by exhibition curators Latitudes, reprints by Giorgio Agamben ('Notes on Gesture', 1996) and Georges Perec (excerpts from "Species of Spaces and Other Pieces Gesture", 1974), installation views and biographies of the participating artists.

Pages with Georges Perec's reprint.
Pages with installation views of Pennacchio Argentato's exhibition.
Pages with spanish translations.

More info on the exhibition series, and photos of the shows by Pennacchio Argentato, Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum, Uqbar (Irene Kopelman & Mariana Castillo Deball) and Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch (see performance)

'Amikejo' publication, beginning to end. Photos: Mousse Publishing

Title: Amikejo
Edited by: Latitudes
Publisher & Distributor: Mousse Publishing
Format: 22.5x15.5cm, 216 pp., hardcover
Language: English and Spanish
Publication date: April 2012 
ISBN: 9788896501832
Price: 26 Euros

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Update: Contents of the forthcoming publication 'Amikejo' to be realised in January 2012 by Mousse Publishing

Photo: Courtesy Musée de la Vallée de la Greule
As announced on our previous post, we are currently editing the forthcoming catalogue 'Amikejo', which concludes the exhibition cycle that has taken place at the Laboratorio 987 in MUSAC, León.

One of the main essays (aside that by Prof. Peter Osborne around the philosophical and the historical development of the 'project space' as a type of art space) is that by Prof. Ryszard Żelichowski, Director for Scientific Research at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, titled "Neutral Moresnet and Amikejo – The Forgotten Children of the Congress of Vienna", which narrates the story of the small state Neutral Moresnet which, in 1908 became the first Esperanto state and changed its name to 'Amikejo' ('a place of great friendship' in Esperanto).

Below an excerpt of what's to come...
Upon Napoleon’s defeat in 1814, the victorious coalition faced the need to introduce a new order in Europe. European citizens could gain entirely new borders for the states they inhabited; first and foremost however, the coalition saw hope for the improvement of the terms of their nation’s existence. The Congress of Vienna had to deal with these challenges while reconciling the often contradictory expectations of both big and small states. One such challenge was posed by an area of what had been the Aubel canton during the French Empire, which today is part of the Belgian municipality of Kelmis. This territory – more precisely a small part of it – wedged between what is today Belgium and Germany enjoyed a certain amount of independence for over a century, and had many attributes of a sovereign state: its own anthem, flag, currency, and postage stamps. This mini-state, Neutral Moresnet (1816–1919), has been mostly forgotten by historiography, and almost two hundred years since its creation, I would like to commemorate the extraordinary fortune of this tiny piece of land at the heart of Western Europe.

Title: 'Amikejo'
Edited by: Latitudes
Publisher & Distributor: Mousse Publishing and MUSAC
Format: 22,5x15,5cm, 200 pp, hardcover
Language: English/Spanish
Print run: 1,200
Date of publication: Spring 2012

Follow the project on Latitudes' Twitter #Amikejo
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Details of the forthcoming 'Amikejo' exhibition catalogue published by Mousse Publishing

Poster of the exhibition cycle. Designed by Latitudes.

We are now editing the 'Amikejo' final publication to be released by Mousse Publishing in Spring 2012. The 200-page-publication will include essays by:

Peter Osborne (Professor of Modern European Philosophy and Director of the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University London);
Ryszard Żelichowski (Professor and Director for Scientific Research at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences);
Theo Beckers (Former Professor of Leisure Studies at Tilburg University and currently faculty member of the Tilburg Sustainability Center and Visiting Professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences);
Prof. Dr. Menno Schilthuizen (Research scientist at NCB Naturalis, an endowed chair for Insect Biodiversity at the University of Groningen and an Associate Professorship at Leiden University)

amongst others, as well as texts on each exhibition by Latitudes.

In the meantime some images of the exhibitions on Latitudes' flickr, including the final exhibition 'Amikejo: Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch', on view at the Laboratorio 987, MUSAC, until 15 January 2012. More soon!

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org (except when noted otherwise in the photo caption)

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Newsletter #37 - October/octubre 2011

Newsletter en Español | Newsletter in English


Participation in the symposia 'Antimonuments: Critique of Public Space', Espai d'Art Contemporani de Castelló, Saturday 22 October 2011. Coordinated by Ángela Molina and with the participation of Iria Candela (Assistant Curator, Tate Modern, London), Patricia Esquivias (artist, Madrid), Latitudes (independent curators, Barcelona) and Racons Públics (curator/architect, Barcelona).

UNTIL 15 JANUARY 2012...
'Amikejo: Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch', fourth and final exhibition of the cycle 'Amikejo' at the Laboratorio 987, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, León,
24 September 2011–15 January 2012

Read article by Bea Espejo (El Cultural, 2 August 2011) related to the artists' work and their collaborative working process (in Spanish).

Follow #amikejo


Coinciding with the first anniversary of the beginning of 'The Last Newspaper' exhibition at the New Museum (6 October 2010–9 January 2011), readers are now be able to flick through the pages of the exhibition catalogue via Issuu: #0 Contents + Index; #1 The Last Post; #2 The Last Gazette; #3 The Last Register; #4 The Last Star-Ledger; #5 The Last Monitor; #6 The Last Observer; #7 The Last Evening Sun; #8 The Last Journal; #9 The Last Times; #10 The Last Express.

Read the first issue 'The Last Post':

...The rest (#2 to 10 plus #0 with Contents+Index) now available on Issuu!

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Opening performance: 'Himno Nacional' (2011) by Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch in the context of their exhibition 'Amikejo' at the Laboratorio 987, MUSAC

Pasacalles de la Agrupación Musical La Cena por León. Foto: Latitudes | www.lttds.org

'Himno Nacional' (National Anthem, 2011)
A project by Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch
24 September 2011 at 13:30h (centre of León) and 19.30h (MUSAC)
In the context of 'Amikejo' exhibition cycle at the Laboratorio 987, MUSAC 

"In the context of 'Amikejo' – an exhibition cycle on micro-nations, historical anomalies, common endeavours and optimism – a León marching band has been invited to compose a new national anthem. Composed in the most archaic tradition, markedly romantic, military and patriotic, the anthem enacts a parodic attempt to reach a futile objective: the conquering of a small island in the Aegean Sea through invasion-by-sound.

Forming a journey loop from León to the island and back again, the musical representation of nationhood becomes an end in itself. During the exhibition opening, the 65+ musicians of the Agrupación Musical La Cena paraded through the streets of León (Plaza San Marcelo, Plaza Don Gutierre; Plaza San Martín; Plaza de Regla (in front of the cathedral); and Palacio de Botines) in what could be seen as a playful, ceremonial or military action, and perform an anthem that is familiar in its musical idiom and yet is completely unidentifiable".
  – Fermín Jiménez Landa

Anthem composed by: Juan Ramón Solla Santos, musical director, Agrupación Musical La Cena, León. 

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org (except when noted otherwise in the photo caption)
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24 Septiembre, 19h: Inauguración última exposición del ciclo anual 'Amikejo' con Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch, Laboratorio 987, MUSAC, León. 19.30h: Performance 'Himno Nacional' de Jiménez Landa.

El sábado 24 de Septiembre a las 19h inaugurará la última exposición del ciclo anual 'Amikejo' comisariada por Latitudes. La exposición presentará el trabajo de Fermín Jiménez Landa (1979, Pamplona) y Lee Welch (1975, Louiseville, EEUU) quienes no se conocían antes de que se les invitara a participar en el ciclo. Como si fuera una cuestión de diplomacia internacional, los artistas han tenido que entenderse mutuamente tanto en lo personal como en lo artístico antes de emitir una declaración conjunta, según lo acordado y negociado. Jiménez Landa y Welch han escogido establecer su colaboración en torno a la noción de “micro-nación” y los recursos que definen la soberanía: fronteras, sellos o himnos nacionales

En MUSAC presentan un conjunto de elementos algunos de los cuales se advierten directamente en el Laboratorio 987, mientras que otros documentan fenómenos en lugares remotos, o existen únicamente en la imaginación. Una estructura similar a una plataforma, junto con esculturas que adoptan la forma de portales o hitos fronterizos, crea espacios y herramientas para el encuentro y el debate, además de albergar otras obras bidimensionales y de vídeo. + info...

Eventos inauguración:

Sábado 24 de septiembre, 13:30 h.
'Himno nacional', 2011
Duración aproximada: 60'

A menudo se dice que lo más relevante de un trabajo es el proceso. 'Himno Nacional' (2011) se incorpora y se desdobla en varios elementos, historias y anécdotas. Enmarcado en 'Amikejo', un proyecto expositivo entorno a micro-naciones, anomalías históricas, empresas en común y optimismo, se ha invitado a una popular banda de música de León a que componga un nuevo himno nacional realizado a la más arcaica de las maneras: con un sabor marcadamente romántico, militar y patriótico. El himno se presenta con un objetivo paródico y fútil: la conquista de una pequeña isla situada en el mar Egeo mediante la imposición sonora del himno.

Con un viaje de ida y vuelta, de León a la isla y de la isla a León, la representación musical se convierte en una celebración en sí misma. Durante la inauguración, 65 músicos de la banda desfilarán por las calles de León en lo que podría parecer ser una acción lúdica, conmemorativa o militar, tocando un himno que resulta reconocible en su lenguaje musical y, sin embargo, es totalmente irreconocible.Fermín Jiménez Landa

La banda Agrupación Musical La Cena interpretará el nuevo himno nacional en cinco puntos del casco antiguo de León, entre los cuales se desplazará acompañándose únicamente con la sección de percusión. La banda iniciará su recorrido en la Plaza San Marcelo (13:30 h) prosiguiendo a la Plaza Don Gutierre; Plaza San Martín; Plaza de Regla (frente a la catedral) y finalizará en la Plaza San Marcelo (frente al Palacio de Botines).

A las 19.30h volverán a interpretar el himno en el hall del MUSAC.

Stills video 'Himno Nacional. Conquista de una isla mediante la colocación de un equipo de sonido con un generador de energía limitada emitiendo un himno nacional compuesto por una banda musical de León. (2011) de Fermín Jiménez Landa. Cortesía del artista.

| UK |

The final exhibition of the year-long cycle 'Amikejo' will open on Saturday 24th, 19h, at the Laboratorio 987 space in MUSAC. The exhibition will show new works produced collaboratively by Fermín Jiménez Landa (Pamplona, Spain, 1979) & Lee Welch (Louisville, USA, 1975). Jiménez Landa and Welch did not know each other before the invitation to participate in Amikejo. As if engaged in international diplomacy, the artists have had to understand each other personally and artistically before issuing what might be regarded as a joint statement based on what they have agreed and negotiated, in the form of an exhibition. Jiménez Landa and Welch have chosen to establish their collaboration in relation to the notion of the micronation and devices which delineate sovereignty – borders, stamps, anthems, and so on.

Their works in MUSAC comprise a constellation of diverse performative, discursive, interactive and displayed elements, some of which are directly apparent in the Laboratorio 987 , while others document occurrances at remote locations, or exist only in the imagination. A platform-like structure and sculptures that take the form of portals or border markers constitute spaces and tools for assembly and discussion as well as hosting further two-dimensional and video works. + info...


Saturday 24 September, 13:30 h
'Himno Nacional' (National Anthem, 2011) by Fermín Jiménez Landa
Duration: approx. 1h

It is often said that the best thing about a work of art is the process leading up to it. In the case of 'National Anthem' (2011) the work incorporates and unfolds many other elements, histories and anecdotes. In the context of 'Amikejo' – an exhibition project on micro-nations, historical anomalies, common endeavours and optimism – a León marching band has been invited to compose a new national anthem. In the most archaic tradition, markedly romantic, military and patriotic, the anthem enacts a parodic attempt to reach a futile objective: the conquering of a small island in the Aegean Sea through invasion-by-sound.

Forming a journey loop from León to the island and back again, the musical representation of nationhood becomes an end in itself. During the exhibition opening, 65 musicians will parade through the streets of León in what could be seen as a playful, ceremonial or military action, and will perform an anthem that is familiar in its musical idiom and yet is completely unidentifiable.Fermín Jiménez Landa

13.30h: The band Agrupación Musical La Cena will parade through five points of the old town of León playing the new anthem starting at Plaza San Marcelo (13:30 h) and thereafter proceed to the Plaza Don Gutierre; Plaza San Martín; Plaza de Regla (in front of the cathedral); and finalise at the Plaza San Marcelo (in front of the Palacio de Botines).

19.30 h: Parade of the anthem at MUSAC's atrium.

Stills video 'Himno Nacional. Conquista de una isla mediante la colocación de un equipo de sonido con un generador de energía limitada emitiendo un himno nacional compuesto por una banda musical de León. (2011) de Fermín Jiménez Landa. Cortesía del artista.

Síguenos / Follow us: #amikejo y aquí / and here.

Exhibition made possible by the contribution of the Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdam.


Avenida de los Reyes Leoneses, 24
24008 León
T: +34 987 09 00 00; F: +34 987 09 11 11

Martes–Viernes / Tue–Fri: 10–15 / 17–20h
Sábado y Domingo / Sat–Sun: 11–15/ 17–21h
Lunes: cerrado / Monday: closed
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Newsletter #36 – September/septiembre 2011


'Amikejo: uqbar (Irene Kolpelman & Mariana Castillo Deball',
Laboratorio 987, 2011 season guest curated by Latitudes, MUSAC, León. Until 11 September.


'Amikejo: Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch', fourth and final exhibition of the exhibition cycle 'Amikejo' at the Laboratorio 987, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, León,
24 September 2011–15 January 2012. Opening: Saturday 24 September.

Read article by Bea Espejo (El Cultural, 2 August 2011) related to the artists' work and their working process.

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