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‘COLLAPSE. Schizophrenic Machine’ site-specific performance by Joan Morey at the former prison La Model, Barcelona, 10 January 2019

‘Schizophrenic Machine’ site-specific performance by Joan Morey at the former Panopticon-inspired prison La Model, Barcelona, 10 January 2019. © All photographs by Noemí Jariod. Courtesy of the artist.

Schizophrenic Machine’ was the closure of the three-part project ‘COLLAPSE’ by Joan Morey. This new site-specific performance took place on January 10, 2019, in the former prison La Modelo, a location that was kept in secret up until the 113 guests were driven in coaches from either Centre d'art Contemporani - Fabra i Coats, or the Centre d'art Tecla Sala

The audience previously registered to attend the closed-door performance and agreed to comply with the strict dress code. The performance script integrated the 1904 chilling architecture of the prison through voice and technological devices such as drones, surveillance cameras, strobe lighting, and an architecture scanning laser. Each one activated and deactivated the building's memories making ‘Schizophrenic Machine’ be Morey's first performance with no human actors as protagonists. ‘Schizophrenic Machine’ continued Morey's long-standing exploration of power structures and control of the body.

Schizophrenic Machine’ took the physical and discursive past of La Model as a scenario for performance where bodies were not acting and the protagonist was the architecture itself. The Panopticon-inspired prison was inaugurated on June 9, 1904, and was conceived as a model for the Spanish penitentiary system: an example of the reintegration of criminals into society through discipline, isolation and religious morality. La Model was one of the main sites of political repression and social control in the city. Followers of all political persuasion passed through its cells, aside from common criminals, yet during the long totalitarian dictatorship of General Franco (1939–1975), it was especially notorious as a site for the repression of political dissidents. La Model closed on June 8, 2017, 113 years after its inauguration

‘Schizophrenic Machine’ took over the unoccupied building and created a phantasmagoric presence that activated and deactivated its own memory. Conceived as an all-encompassing experience the event took on a singular awareness of the building and the site. The sequential dramatisation of its radial spaces articulated a dystopian representational device. A cast of technological interpreters —voices, sound, lights, cameras, drones and other devices— took the place of performing bodies. Moreover, the panopticon architecture itself seemed to address spectators through a female voice that spoke on the principles of control, power and the paradigm of a surveillance society. La Model became a schizophrenic machine, an imperious disciplinary mechanism for the 21st century. 

Produced by the Contemporary Art Center of Barcelona - Fabra i Coats as the third and final part of the ‘COLLAPSE’ project.


  • Wakelet archive of social media content
  • Selección de reseñas, videos y entrevistas (31 Diciembre 2018)
  • Inscripción para asistir a la performance ‘Máquina esquizofrénica’ de Joan Morey (11 Diciembre 2018)
  • December 13, 2018, 7pm: Performance reenactment of "TOUR DE FORCE. El cos utòpic" (2017) by Joan Morey 10 December 2018
  • December 13, 2018, 7 pm: Performance reenactment of "TOUR DE FORCE. El cos utòpic" (2017) by Joan Morey (10 December 2018)
  • "Joan Morey presenta "Col·lapse. Cos social", programa Taquilla Inversa, L'Hdigital Mitjans de Comunicació de L'Hospitalet, 29 Novembre 2018
  • Pía Cordero, "COL·LAPSE, o l’avenir il·limitat de l’obscenitat", www.nuvol.com, 6 Desembre 2018
  • November 29, 2018, 5–8pm: Performance reenactment of "IL LINGUAGGIO DEL CORPO. Pròleg" (2015-16) by Joan Morey 26 November 2018
  • November 15, 2018, 7 pm: Performance reenactment of "BAREBACK. Fenomenología de la comunión" (2010) by Joan Morey 12 November 2018
  • October 25, 7pm: Performance reenactment of "GRITOS Y SUSURROS" (2009) by Joan Morey 22 October 2018
  • October 11, 2018, 7pm: Performance reenactment of ‘LLETANIA APÒRIMA’ [APORIC LITANY] (2009) by Joan Morey 8 October 2018
  • Performance programme in the context of Joan Morey's exhibition ‘COLLAPSE. Desiring Machine, Working Machine’ 24 September 2018
  • Maria Palau, "Contra l'abús de poder", El Punt Avui, p. 32, 23 Setembre 2018 (Catalan)
  • Full performance programme
  • NOTA DE PRENSA: ‘Joan Morey. COLAPSO’, diversos espacios, Barcelona, 20 septiembre 2018–13 enero 2019, 19 September 2018
  • Save the date: 19 September at 7pm, opening of the solo show by Joan Morey ‘COLLAPSE. Desiring machine, working machine’, Centre d'Art Contemporani Barcelona - Fabra i Coats, 3 September 2018
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Selección de reseñas, videos y entrevistas sobre el proyecto COLAPSO de Joan Morey

Natàlia Farré, ‘Sumisión y frío en la Modelo’, El Periódico, 15 de enero 2019.

Maria Palau, ‘Angoixats a la Model’, El Punt Avui, 13 de enero 2019, pág 23.

Conxita Oliver, ‘El món performatiu de Joan Morey, a revisió’, eltemps.cat, 13 desembre 2018 (Catalán).

Pía Cordero, "COL·LAPSE, o l’avenir il·limitat de l’obscenitat", núvol.com, 6 desembre 2018 (Catalán).

María Muñoz, ‘Sobre el poder, la performance y el deseo’, Metal magazine, 4 diciembre 2018 (Castellano).

"Joan Morey presenta "Col·lapse. Cos social", programa Taquilla Inversa, L'H digital Mitjans de Comunicació de L'Hospitalet, 29 novembre 2018 (4'57'', Catalán).

Entrevista ‘Joan Morey, artista i performer mallorquí’ con Tania Adam, programa ‘Terrícoles’, canal betevé, 13 novembre 2018 (27', Catalán).
Vanessa Graell, ‘Anatomía de la ‘performance’’, El Mundo, 27 septiembre 2018 (Castellano).
Maria Palau, ‘Contra l'abús de poder’, El Punt Avui, 23 setiembre 2018 (Catalán).
Núria Juanico, ‘L’entrada a l’univers sinistre de Joan Morey’, Ara.cat, 25 setiembre 2018 (Catalán).

  • Proceso de inscripción para asistir a la performance ‘Máquina esquizofrénica’ de Joan Morey 11 Diciembre 2018
  • December 13, 2018, 7 pm: Performance reenactment of "TOUR DE FORCE. El cos utòpic" (2017) by Joan Morey 10 December 2018
  • November 29, 2018, 5–8pm: Performance reenactment of "IL LINGUAGGIO DEL CORPO. Pròleg" (2015-16) by Joan Morey 26 November 2018
  • November 15, 2018, 7 pm: Performance reenactment of "BAREBACK. Fenomenología de la comunión" (2010) by Joan Morey 12 November 2018
  • October 25, 7pm: Performance reenactment of "GRITOS Y SUSURROS" (2009) by Joan Morey 22 October 2018
  • October 11, 2018, 7pm: Performance reenactment of ‘LLETANIA APÒRIMA’ [APORIC LITANY] (2009) by Joan Morey 8 October 2018
  • Wakelet archive of social media content
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Save the date: 19 September at 7pm, opening of the solo show by Joan Morey ‘COLLAPSE. Desiring machine, working machine’, Centre d'Art Contemporani Barcelona - Fabra i Coats

Joan Morey, ‘POSTMORTEM. Projet en sept tableaux’ (2006–2007). Courtesy of the artist. Documentation photography: Noemi Jariod.

Since the late 1990s, Joan Morey (Mallorca, 1972) has produced an expansive body of live events, videos, installations, sound and graphic works, exploring the intersection of theatre, cinema, philosophy, sexuality and subjectivity. Most recently, in 2017 Morey was awarded the Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Visual Arts given by Barcelona City Council in recognition of excellence in creativity, research and artistic production.

COLLAPSE encompasses three parts. The first, opening on September 19 at 7pm, will be presented over two floors of the Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona - Fabra i Coats. ‘Desiring machine, working machine’ is a survey of ten major projects from the last fifteen years of the artist’s work and it will be on view until January 13, 2019.

The second part will open on November 22 at 7:30pm at the Centre d’Art Tecla Sala, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (also on view until January 13, 2019) and is the definitive version of the touring exhibition Social Body, the winning project of the third edition of the Video Production Prize launched by the Xarxa de Centres d’Arts Visuals de Catalunya, Arts Santa Mònica and LOOP Barcelona.

Titled Schizophrenic machine, the third comprises a major new performance event which will take place on January 10, 2019, at an especially resonant – yet, for the moment, deliberately undisclosed – location in Barcelona, where live action will be integrated within the longer narrative of the site’s physical and discursive 

Share: #JoanMoreyColapso

Joan Morey, ‘IL LINGUAGGIO DEL CORPO’ (2015). Courtesy of the artist. 


27 September 2018, 7pm
‘POSTMORTEM. Pour en finir avec le jugement de Dieu [POSTMORTEM. To have done with the judgment of God], 2006–2007
Interpreted by Sònia Gómez.

11 October 2018, 7pm 

Interpreted by Jordi Vall-lamora.

25 October 2018, 7pm

GRITOS Y SUSURROS. Conflicte dramàtic cinquè (amb l’obra d’art) [CRIES & WHISPERS. Fifth Dramatic Conflict (with the Work of Art)], 2009
Interpreted by Carme Callol and Tatin Revenga.

15 November 2018, 7pm

BAREBACK. Fenomenología de la comunión [BAREBACK. Phenomenology of Communion], 2010
Interpreted by Manuel Segade.

29 November 2018, 5pm

Interpreted by Catalina Carrasco and Gaspar Morey.

13 December 2018, 7pm

TOUR DE FORCE. El cos utòpic [TOUR DE FORCE. The Utopian Body], 2017
Interpreted by Eduard Escoffet.

Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona - Fabra i Coats
c/ Sant Adrià, 20
08030 Barcelona

Joan Morey, ‘COS SOCIAL. Lliçó d'anatomia’ (2017). Cortesía del artista. Foto documentación: Noemi Jariod.


Desde finales de la década de 1990, Joan Morey (Mallorca, 1972) ha producido un amplio número de eventos en vivo, videos, instalaciones, sonido y obra gráfica, explorando la intersección del teatro, el cine, la filosofía, la sexualidad y la subjetividad. En 2017 Morey fue galardonado con el Premi Ciutat de Barcelona de Artes Visuales otorgado por el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona en reconocimiento a la excelencia en creatividad, investigación y producción artística.

COLAPSO consta de tres partes. La primera se presenta en dos plantas del Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona - Fabra i Coats: Máquina deseante, máquina de trabajo revisa diez proyectos del artista realizados en los últimos quince años.

La segunda parte de COLAPSO inaugurará el 22 de noviembre a las 19:30h en el Centre d'Art Tecla Sala, en L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, y podrá visitarse entre el 23 de noviembre de 2018 y el 13 de enero de 2019Esta consiste en una presentación en evolución de la videoperformance COS SOCIAL. Lección de anatomía, que en 2017 contó para su producción con el Premio de Videocreación de la Xarxa de Centres d’Arts Visuals de Catalunya, Arts Santa Mònica, el Departamento de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya y LOOP Barcelona.

La tercera parte, que lleva por título Máquina esquizofrénica, consiste en una performance inédita que tendrá lugar el 10 de enero de 2019 en una localización de Barcelona muy relevante pero que, por el momento, se mantiene deliberadamente en secreto. La acción en vivo se integrará en la narrativa, más extensa, del pasado físico y discursivo de dicho espacio.

Comparte: #JoanMoreyColapso

Joan Morey, ‘TOUR DE FORCE’ (2017). Cortesía del artista. Foto documentación: Noemi Jariod.


27 septiembre 2018, 19 h
‘POSTMORTEM. Pour en finir avec le jugement de Dieu’, 2006–2007
Intérprete: Sònia Gómez.

11 octubre 2018, 19 h
Intérprete: Jordi Vall-lamora.

25 octubre 2018, 19 h
‘GRITOS Y SUSURROS. Conflicte dramàtic cinquè (amb l’obra d’art)’, 2009
Intérpretes: Carme Callol y Tatin Revenga.

15 noviembre 2018, 19 h
‘BAREBACK. Fenomenología de la comunión’, 2010
Intérprete: Manuel Segade.

29 noviembre 2018, 17 h
‘IL LINGUAGGIO DEL CORPO. Prólogo’, 2015–2016
Intérpretes: Catalina Carrasco y Gaspar Morey.

13 diciembre 2018, 19 h
‘TOUR DE FORCE. El cos utòpic’, 2017
Intérprete: Eduard Escoffet.

Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona - Fabra i Coats
c/ Sant Adrià, 20
08030 Barcelona

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