Wed, Oct 29 2008
'Open Ground on the Banks of the Ebro' (2008) by Lara Almarcegui. Courtesy the artist.
Latitudes contributed a short text on Lara Almarcegui's work for the recently released publication 'Intervenciones artísticas en las riberas del Ebro' ('Artistic interventions around the riberas del Ebro'), printed on the occasion of the commissions series produced by Expo Zaragoza 2008.
Almarcegui's 'Un descampado en la Ribera del Ebro' (Open Ground on the Banks of the Ebro) was commissioned by ExpoAgua Zaragoza 2008 and produced in collaboration with The Centro de Arte y Naturaleza–Fundació Beulas in Huesca. Here an extract of the text:
(...) “Almarcegui’s project for Expo Zaragoza 2008 started from an agreement to preserve a section of land in an untouched state for as long as possible. The artist has set up a legal stipulation whereby an otherwise unremarkable 700 sq.m. ‘wasteland’ is put beyond the control of developers for 75 years. This project takes its place among several sites that she has sought to preserve, including Rotterdam Harbour, 2003-2018; Genk, 2004-2014 and Arganzuela Public Slaughterhouse, Madrid, 2005-2006, for example. Each place seems banal yet beautiful while confounding what we understand as ‘wild’. They are what they are: what they have left to be.
(...) The terrain is located within the boundaries of the Parque del Agua, in the Sotos del Río area where the Expo fair itself takes place. Almarcegui chose this area as she was attracted by its proximity to the Ebro river and to the idea that the flux of the currents during the seasons would slowly modify its appearance―blurring the margins where land becomes water. This interstitial, entropic site was picked without the intention of “trying to experiment with new ideas”. As she has described, “The project is something I thought necessary ... given the speed of construction ongoing in Spain and also the construction involved in the Expo, I somehow felt compelled to stop and preserve something in its raw state.”
Other artists included in the publication: Javier Peñafiel, Federico Guzmán, Christopher Janney, Klaus Bury, Nicolás Camoisson y Marion Coudert, Isidro Ferrer & Batlle i Roig, Atelier Van Lieshout, Miguel Ángel Arrudi, Fernando Sinaga, Dan Graham, Miquel Navarro, Jeppe Hein, Jaume Plensa, Tony Cragg and Richard Deacon.
Editor: Expoagua Zaragoza 2008, S.A.
Languages: Spanish, English, French
Pages: 240 pp.
Format: 22 x 27 cm
ISBN: 978-84-93657-23-9
Price: 35 Euros
Distributed by: Actar D, Turner, FNAC, Casa del Libro, Librería Central, Barrabes, amongst others.
On 23 October 2008, Lara opened the solo exhibition 'Ruins in the Netherlands' at Galeria Pepe Cobo, Madrid, where she presented a selection of 26 photographs of sites in ruin (an abandoned open theatre, a barn, a bunker, a windmill, a ferry station, an IBM tower, a swimming pool...) which are featured in her publication 'Ruins in the Netherlands XIX–XXI' (Episode, 2008, ISBN 978-90-5973-092-2) – also present in the exhibition.
Alongside this, a photograph of her recent project 'Removing the outside wall of a ruined house' is included, as well as a slideshow of 80 images, 'An empty terrain in the Danshui River', accompanied by a small guide analysing this particular area – three elements related to her presentation at the 2008 Taipei biennial.
Read Mariano Navarro's review 'Lara Almarcegui. Memoria de los lugares vacíos' here ('El Cultural' suplement, week 30 october, in Spanish).

Above and below: Installation views of the exhibition 'Ruins in the Netherlands' in Galeria Pepe Cobo, Madrid. Photos: Latitudes.
2008, catalogue, Essay, Lara Almarcegui, latitudes, madrid, Pepe Cobo, Ruins in the Netherlands
Wed, Oct 8 2008
The second and third parts of the project 'THE CREST OF A WAVE' by Lawrence Weiner will be presented this evening at Nivell Zero (image above): an adaptation of the sentence painted on the exterior wall of the courtyard in Catalan, Spanish and English. In the interior space the same statement was recorded within a catchy musical composition based on a track by Ned Sublette and The Persuasions.

The last element of the project took place as a small event realised by the Mediterranean on October 6, 2008: an iron horseshoe was wrapped in cotton cloth and was tossed upon a wave's crest.
The first part of the project coincided with the 24th September festivities of the patron saint of Barcelona: La Mercè (see post 23.09.08). 300,000 white sugar sachets were distributed throughout emblematic cafés, restaurants and bars of the city [locations:] to sweeten our conversations.
Exhibition runs until Saturday 15 November. A 16 page booklet has been printed for the ocasion.
Monday to Saturday, 16–20h
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Above: Installation at Nivell Zero–Fundació Suñol of 'A CLOTH OF COTTON WRAPPED AROUND A HORSESHOE OF IRON TOSSED UPON THE CREST OF A WAVE', Cat. #929, 2006–2008. Courtesy the artist. Below: Lawrence Weiner with a horseshoe wrapped around a cloth of cotton. Courtesy the artist/Latitudes. All photos: Latitudes
2008, Barcelona, Fundació Suñol, Lawrence Weiner, Nivell Zero, press coverage
Mon, Sep 22 2008
(English below / Català a continuació)
Coincidiendo con las fiestas de la Mercè, la patrona de Barcelona, se ha distribuido una escultura efímera de Lawrence Weiner en más de 70 emblemáticos bares, restaurantes y cafés de Barcelona [MAPA localización], un dulce regalo para acompañar nuestros cafés con leche, cortados o carajillos y la tertulia. Impreso sobre miles de sobres estándar de 7 gramos de azúcar en tres idiomas, la llamativa y reconocible tipografía de la declaración (statement) UN PAÑO DE ALGODÓN ENVUELTO ALREDEDOR DE UNA HERRADURA DE HIERRO LANZADO CONTRA LA CRESTA DE UNA OLA, va acompañada de un emblema en forma de diagrama que evoca la trayectoria de una determinada herradura sobre una ola. Más información...
Esta es la primera manifestación de un proyecto en cuatro partes comisariado por Latitudes que inaugurará el 8 de Octubre, 19.30h, en el Nivell Zero de la Fundació Suñol.
Coinciding with the festivities of Mercè, the patron saint of Barcelona, an ephemeral sculpture by Lawrence Weiner has been distributed throughout 70 emblematic bars, cafes and restaurants in the city [MAP of locations] to accompany one’s café con leche, cortado, carajillo, or conversation. Printed on hundreds of thousands of standard 7 gram white sugar sachets in three languages, Weiner’s striking typographic rendition of the statement A CLOTH OF COTTON WRAPPED AROUND A HORSESHOE OF IRON TOSSED UPON THE CREST OF A WAVE, is accompanied by an emblem which evokes the trajectory of a certain horseshoe over a wave in diagrammatic form. Further reading...
This is the first manifestation of a four-part project curated by Latitudes that will open on the 8th of October, 19.30h, at the Nivell Zero space of Fundació Suñol.
Coincidint amb les festes de la Mercè, la patrona de Barcelona, s'ha distribuit una escultura efímera de Lawrence Weiner a més de 70 emblemàtic bars, restaurants i cafès de la ciutat comtal [MAPA localitzacions], un dolç regal per acompanyar els nostres cafès amb llet, tallats o cigalons, per exemple, i la tertúlia. Imprès sobre milers de sobres estàndard de 7 grams de sucre i en tres idiomes, la reconeixible tipografia de la declaració (statement) UN DRAP DE COTÓ EMBOLICAT AL VOLTANT D’UNA FERRADURA DE FERRO LLANÇAT CONTRA LA CRESTA D’UNA ONA, va acompanyada d’un emblema en forma de diagrama que evoca la trajectòria d’una ferradura sobre una ona. Més informació...
Aquesta és la primera manifestació d'un projecte en quatre parts comissariat per Latitudes que inaugurarà el 8 d'Octubre a les 19.30h, al Nivell Zero de la Fundació Suñol.
Nota de Lluís Permanyer, La Vanguardia, 23.09.08, p. 33.
Lawrence Weiner, ’LA CRESTA DE UNA OLA’
9 Octubre–15 Noviembre 2008
Nivell Zero, Fundació Suñol
c/ Rosselló 24
08008 Barcelona
2008, Barcelona, exposición individual, Fundació Suñol, Lawrence Weiner, Nivell Zero