Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

'Mataró Chauffeur Service' – Day 4 – Installation at Tate Modern Turbine Hall

Installation of the BMW at Tate Modern Turbine Hall bridge by the great technical team that came to help + info...

Tomorrow Thursday 10am opening of 'No Soul for Sale'!
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'Mataró Chauffeur Service' – Days 2 and 3

Journey in the Port Aven ferry from Santander to Portsmouth followed by drive from Portsmouth to London and car pick up by BMW technicians + info…

Tomorrow installation day at Tate Modern Turbine Hall…

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'Mataró Chauffeur Service' – Day 1

Images of the journey from Barcelona to Santander (via Zaragoza, Logroño and Bilbao) to take the ferry to Portsmouth, UK. + info...
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Artículo en abc.es sobre el 10º aniversario de Tate Modern y el proyecto 'Mataró Chauffeur Service' de Martí Anson en colaboración con Latitudes

Enlace al artículo aquí. Extracto del texto de Javier Díaz-Guardiola publicado en la web del ABC.es, 6 Mayo 2010:

"Un taxi de ida y vuelta"

El evento, de carácter gratuito y abierto a todo el mundo, iniciativa del artista Maurizio Cattelan y comisariado por Cecilia Alemani y Massimiliano Gioni, llevará por nombre «No Soul for Sale. A Festival of Independents», y entre los más de sesenta espacios de arte independientes convocados (de White Columns de Nueva York a e-flux de Berlín o la Mountain School of Arts de Los Ángeles) habrá participación española, y no nos referimos a su director, Vicente Todolí.

Así, la oficina curatorial Latitudes colaborará con el artista catalán Martí Anson, que, con el proyecto «Mataró Chauffeur Service», se convierte –convenientemente dado de alta y pertrechado como tal– en taxista, para trasladar su coche tuneado como un Spanish cab hasta Londres y empleando la Sala de Turbinas como aparcamiento del mismo. Durante los días que dure el festival, el vehículo se transformará en sala de proyecciones de los vídeos de creadores como Jan Dibbets, Roman Keller o Bik van der Pol, con los que ha trabajado Latitudes. La ruta del viaje y sus andanzas pueden seguirse en el blog http://lttds.blogspot.com Es su particular manera de celebrar estos últimos diez años que serán analizados este fin de semana en las páginas de ABCD."

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Newsletter#23 – May 2010

Newsletter in English | Newsletter en Español

This month Latitudes and Martí Anson will participate in 'NO SOUL FOR SALE – A Festival of Independents' with the project 'Mataró Chauffeur Service' taking place at Tate Modern's Turbine Hall, 14–16 May, London, UK + info...

Between the 20–23 May Max Andrews's of Latitudes will participate in 'The Falmouth Convention', taking place at various venues around Cornwall, UK + info...

Check Latitudes' web www.lttds.org for further info
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Flickr photosets here
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'Mataró Chauffeur Service' – graphic identity of the project

Latitudes is soon participating in the London edition of 'No Soul for Sale – A Festival of Independents' which will take place in the Turbine Hall in Tate Modern, from 14–16 May, coinciding with the museum's 10th Anniversary celebrations.
In response to the need to travel to London, Mataró-based artist Martí Anson (1967) has proposed to set up the company “Mataró Chauffeur Service”, and drive Latitudes from Barcelona [41º 23’N, 2º 11’E] to London [51°30′N 0°7′W] and back. Legally registering his employment as a driver, designing the livery of the single vehicle fleet and his uniform, and the journey to Tate Modern and back (including the ferry journey Santander–Portsmouth) all form a part of the project.
Here we present the graphic identity of Anson's chauffeur service, designed by the artist in collaboration with Barcelona-based graphic designer and publisher ferranElOtro.

We are very pleased to announce that the car has been kindly provided by BMW.
And here is our chauffeur...
And last, but certainly not least, we would like to thank the generous support of the Institut Ramon Llull, the SEACEX (Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior), the Institut Municipal d'Acció Cultural of the Ajuntament de Mataró, Galeria Toni Tàpies, Barcelona, as well as thanking the in-kind-sponsorship provided by Loreak Mendian.
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Poster for 'No Soul for Sale: A Festival of Independents' Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May and mention in 'The New York Times' (22 April)

Above Latitudes' poster for 'No Soul for Sale' (see posters by other participants here).

The project was briefly mentioned in Carol Vogel's article 'Inside Art' in The New York Times last Thursday (scroll down until you find the heading 'Tate Modern Free-for-All').

"...The Spanish artist Martí Anson will drive two curators, who make up the collective Latitudes, from their base in Barcelona to London by taxi and park inside Turbine Hall. “That will be their space,” Mr. Gioni said. Mr. Anson has designed the car and his chauffeur’s uniform."

Anson will be give a talk on Friday 14 May, 2.30–3pm

Related info:
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LAST CHANCE! Until Sunday 25th April, exhibition 'Portscapes', Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Free entrance to exhibition

Project website: www.portscapes.nl
Projects chronology
: http://www.dipity.com/latitudes/PORTSCAPES
Photos projects
: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lttds/sets

Where: Serra Hall, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen | Museumpark 20 | 3015 CX Rotterdam, Netherlands | Opening hours: Tue–Sun 11–17h | Free entrance to the exhibition

With works by Lara Almarcegui, Bik van der Pol, Jan Dibbets, Marjolijn Dijkman, Fucking Good Art, Ilana Halperin, Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller, Paulien Oltheten, Jorge Satorre, Hans Schabus, as well as work by the website collaborators Maria Barnas (poetry) and Markus Miessen (interviews). + info...
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'Portscapes' reviewed on Artforum Critics' Picks, 8 April 2010

8 April 2010

(Click on the image to enlarge / Clicar la imagen para ampliar)
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Newsletter #22 – April 2010

Newsletter in English | Newsletter en Español

This month, Latitudes celebrates its 5 year anniversary! Together with Archive Books (Turin/Berlin) they are preparing a small publication gathering documentation from a selection of projects produced since 2005 (release date TBA).


Text 'Under Construction' on Lara Almarcegui's practice on the April–May issue of Milan-based magazine Mousse #23.


Latitudes invited Martí Anson to create
Latitudes’ temporary office-encampment for their participation in 'NO SOUL FOR SALE – A Festival of Independents', taking place at Tate Modern's Turbine Hall, 14–16 May, London, UK + info...

Participation of Latitudes' Max Andrews in 'The Falmouth Convention', 20–23 May, Cornwall, UK + info...

Collaboration in the
exhibition 'The Last Newspaper' at the New Museum, New York, October 2010–January 2011 + info...


Portscapes exhibition of the ten public commissions that took place throughout 2009 in the port of Rotterdam, on view until 25 April at the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
+ info...

Check Latitudes' web www.lttds.org for further info and project updates
Facebook fan page here.
Flickr photosets here

Newsletters archive here
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