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Antoni Hervàs's exhibition “El Misterio de Caviria” awarded the Visual Arts prize of the Premis Ciutat de Barcelona 2016

Antoni Hervàs receiving the award from Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona, at the Saló de Cent of the Ajuntament de Barcelona, 16 February. Photos: Latitudes.

We are proud to announce that Antoni Hervàs's exhibition "El Misterio de Caviria" (The Mystery of Caviria) has been awarded the Visual Arts prize of the Premis Ciutat de Barcelona 2016 (City of Barcelona Award). The award has been organised on a yearly basis since 1949 by the Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona City Council), “to award the creation, research and production of quality produced in Barcelona by creators or collectives working for institutions and organizations in Barcelona that promote or produce projects”.  

The jury recognised “the artist's research in linking Greek mythology with the Barcelona cabaret scene from the 1960s–80s and for the recuperation of its vitality.” The jury also acklowledged the “formalisation of the project into a scenographic and immersive installation and the range of public programmes it generated”. Huge congratulations to Toni, a very well-deserved recognition for his Herculian efforts!

The prize comes hot-on-the-heels of Hervàs’s exhibition winning the public vote for the best show of 2016 given by the Tria 33 programme of the Catalan TV3 channel. 

"El Misterio de Caviria" (The Mystery of Caviria) took place at La Capella between September and November 2016. It was part of the BCN Producció'16 season and was one of the three projects mentored by Latitudes.  

View of "El Misterio de Caviria" exhibition by Antoni Hervàs at La Capella.  
This and following photos: Pep Herrero / La Capella–BCN Producció'16.

Antoni Hervàs’ artistic project revolves around the legend of Jason and the Argonauts’ expedition in search of the Golden Fleece. The exhibition "El Misterio de Caviria" (The Mystery of Cabeiria), divided into eight chapters (exhibition guide (pdf) and description of each chapter (pdf)), took as its point of origin the section of the tale in which the expedition led by Jason stops for a few months in Lemnos, the island of fire, in the northern part of the Aegean Sea. Here live a kind of tribe of Amazons organized under the gynaecocracy of Queen Hypsipyle who are keeping a grisly secret. Taking this fragment, Hervàs explores the transformist and genre-bending possibilities of drawing, a medium that enables him to unite two mythologies: the Cabeirian rites of Classical Greece and figures from Barcelona’s dwindling cabaret scene. 

Video of the exhibition (Spanish subtitles).

Exhibition layout. Space design: Goig.

Publication of the project edited by Ajuntament de Barcelona and The Flames includes an interview between the artist and Latitudes. Photos: Latitudes.

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