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Haegue Yang's 'Symmetric Inequality' (Desigualdad simétrica) exhibition catalogue, sala rekalde, Bilbao

Haegue Yang at Sala Rekalde

The trilingual exhibition catalogue 'Symmetric Inequality' (Desigualdad simétrica), has just been published following the solo exhibition by Berlin-based artist Haegue Yang (1971, Seoul, Korea) which opened a year ago at sala rekalde, Bilbao (18.12.08–19.04.09 – see above images of the exhibition on Latitudes' post from 20 December 2008). 

The catalogue is the second volume of a two-part publication project that began with the exhibition 'Asymmetric Equality: Haegue Yang', which took place at REDCAT, Los Angeles between 28 June and 24 August 2008.

This second volume documents the installation at sala rekalde and includes texts by Max Andrews of Latitudes; Prof. Jie-Hyun Lim, director of the Institute of Research in History and Comparative Culture of the University of Hanyang and a conversation between Melanie Ohnemus, curator of Portikus, Bart van der Heide, former curator of Cubitt, Pablo Lafuente, critic and editor of the journal Afterall, London/ Los Angeles, Asier Mendizábal, artist, Leire Vergara, former curator of sala rekalde and Haegue Yang.

'Haegue Yang. Symmetric Inequality'
Graphic Design: Katie Hanburger & Gail Swanlund
Publisher: sala rekalde, www.salarekalde.bizkaia.net
Distributor: AGD Libros, Bilbao, [email protected]
ISBN 978-84-88559-58-6 (sala rekalde), ISBN 0-9749831-9-5 (REDCAT)
352 pp., colour, softcover
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Sala Rekalde de Bilbao

Desde el blog de 'Sala Rekalde: arte contemporáneo y responsabilidad pública' siguiendo al comunicado enviado el 21 Abril, donde se expresaba la preocupación por el cese de la directora de la sala Rekalde.

Más información en


Estimad@ amig@,

Nos tomamos la libertad de responder con este mail a tu apoyo al texto del 21 de abril de 2009 (www.rekaldeadhesiones.com) con el que exponíamos nuestra preocupación ante una serie de decisiones políticas con respecto a la Sala Rekalde de Bilbao. Lo hacemos ahora, en la confianza de contar con tu interés y porque es cuando algunas de las consecuencias de aquellas decisiones empiezan a hacerse efectivas.

La carta de apoyo convocó la adhesión de 647 personas relacionadas con la realidad del arte contemporáneo desde un gran número de países. Fue publicada en prensa y enviada a los representantes de los diferentes partidos políticos integrantes de la Comisión de Cultura de las Juntas Generales de Bizkaia, encargada de evaluar la situación.

Si bien las primeras reacciones por parte de la Diputada de Cultura de la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, responsable de la sala Rekalde, parecían responder positivamente a través de pronunciamientos en la prensa a nuestra demanda de refrendar el programa realizado por la sala, es sólo ahora que se hace pública la conclusión real del problema:

El cese de la directora de su cargo ha supuesto su vuelta al puesto de comisaria que ocupaba antes de su designación y que es el puesto que han venido ocupando las sucesivas responsables de la programación de la sala. La situación administrativa creada supone en la práctica que Leire Vergara, responsable del programa desde 2006, y ajena al cese decretado en abril, ha sido despedida de su puesto. Es clara la incoherencia en la que incurre la Diputada de Cultura, Miren Josune Ariztondo, que ha mostrado a través de los medios y ante la Comisión de Cultura de las Juntas Generales de Bizkaia su respaldo al programa realizado, pero que cesa por supuesta razón administrativa a quien es responsable de ese programa.

En su momento, distintas agrupaciones de profesionales (entre otros, la Asociación de directores de Arte Contemporáneo de España, el Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo y el Consejo de Críticos de Artes visuales) exigieron a la Diputada de Cultura que aplicara las recomendaciones del Documento de Buenas Prácticas en museos y centros de arte firmado por distintas agrupaciones profesionales y el Ministerio de Cultura. La Diputada de Cultura no ha anunciado, hasta la fecha, concurso público alguno para cubrir la dirección artística de la sala Rekalde. Entendemos, de acuerdo con las citadas agrupaciones, que la sala Rekalde ha adquirido una posición entre las instituciones artísticas en la que no se puede permitir prescindir de un procedimiento estimado como básico por la totalidad de los agentes e instituciones del sector.

En nuestro anterior escrito, quisimos dejar fuera de toda duda el contrastado valor que ha tenido el programa de la sala Rekalde. Ahora que incluso quienes han causado esta situación han reconocido públicamente este valor, sólo nos queda pedir que se tomen decisiones en consecuencia y que se evite la irresponsabilidad de dilapidar el prestigio internacional que Rekalde ha conseguido en estos años. Quienes hemos valorado este hecho somos además conscientes de la dificultad y la fragilidad de tales logros, sólo posibles en situaciones de confianza mutua entre los agentes del arte y los gestores de la cultura. Tras tantas equivocadas decisiones, esta confianza no puede darse ya por hecha. Seguiremos atentos a las consecuencias de este proceso con gran preocupación y determinación.

Te haremos saber si surge alguna iniciativa pública de respuesta a esta situación e intentaremos mantenerte al corriente de la conclusión de este lamentable proceso.

Otra vez gracias y un saludo,

Peio Aguirre, José Ramón Amondarain, Ricardo Antón, Xabier Arakistain, Ibon Aranberri, Aimar Arriola, Txomin Badiola, Haizea Barcenilla, Daniel Castillejo, Guadalupe Echevarría, Miren Eraso, Santiago Eraso, Inazio Escudero, Oier Etxeberria, Jon Mikel Euba, Esther Ferrer, Charo Garaigorta, Iñaki Garmendia, Beatriz Herráez, Eduardo Hurtado, Fernando Illana, Iñaki Imaz, Pello Irazu, Miren Jaio, Iratxe Jaio/Klaas van Gorkum, Abigail Lazkoz, Maider López, Asier Mendizabal, Juan Luis Moraza, Ignacio Múgica, María Mur, Isabel de Naverán, Itziar Okariz, Lucía Onzain, Moisés Pérez de Albeniz, Sergio Prego, María Ptqk, Josu Rekalde, Natxo Rodríguez, Arturo f. Rodríguez, Xabier Sáenz de Gorbea, Xabier Salaberria, Azucena Vieites


Dear friend,

By means of this email we are taking the liberty of responding to your support for the text of April 21st 2009 (www.rekaldeadhesiones.com), in which we expressed our concern over a series of political decisions concerning the Sala Rekalde of Bilbao. We are doing so now as we trust in your interest in this question, and because some of the consequences of those decisions are beginning to come into effect.

The letter of support was signed by 647 people related to the reality of contemporary art from a great number of countries. It was published in the press and sent to the representatives of the different political parties who form part of the Cultural Commission of the Representative Assembly of Biscay, which was responsible for evaluating the situation.

While the first reactions, in statements to the press, by the Representative for Culture of the Provincial Council of Biscay, responsible for the Sala Rekalde, seemed to respond positively to our demand for endorsement of the programme developed by the Sala Rekalde, it is only now that the real conclusion of the question is being made public:

The dismissal of the Director from her post has meant her return to the curatorial position she held before her appointment, a position that has been occupied successively by the persons responsible for designing the Sala Rekalde’s programme. The administrative situation created has in practice meant that Leire Vergara, who has been responsible for the programme since 2006 and who has no connection with the dismissal decreed in April, has been dismissed from her position. What is clear is the inconsistency of Miren Josune Ariztondo, the Representative for Culture: after expressing, in the press and before the Cultural Commission of the Representative Assembly of Biscay, her support for the programme developed, she has dismissed the person responsible for that programme for a supposedly administrative reason.

At their time, different professional groups (amongst them the Association of Directors of Spanish Contemporary Art, the Institute of Contemporary Art and the Council of Visual Art Critics) demanded that the Representative for Culture should apply the recommendations of the Document of Good Practices in Museums and Art Centres, signed by different professional groups and the Ministry of Culture. To date, the Representative for Culture has not announced any open public competition to fill the position of artistic director of the Sala Rekalde. We understand, together with the abovementioned groups, that the Sala Rekalde has acquired a position amongst the artistic institutions in which it is not permissible to dispense with a procedure considered as basic by all the agents and institutions of the sector.

In our earlier communication, we wished to leave beyond all doubt the proven value of the programme of the Sala Rekalde. Now that even those who brought about this situation have publicly recognised this value, all we can do is ask that they take decisions accordingly and avoid the irresponsibility of squandering the international prestige that Rekalde has won in recent years. Such achievements are difficult and fragile, and are only possible in situations of mutual trust between the agents of art and the managers of culture. In the wake of so many erroneous decisions, this trust can no longer be taken for granted. We will continue to monitor the consequences of this process with great concern and determination.

We will let you know if any public initiative arises in response to this situation, and we will try to keep you informed about the conclusion of this lamentable process.

Thank you once again, and best wishes,
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Catalogue essays: Henrik Håkansson, Museo Rufino Tamayo; Haegue Yang, Artsonje Center / samuso

Two recent catalogue essays by Latitudes' Max Andrews:

Henrik Håkansson - Museo Tamayo catalogue

• ‘Untitled (You Are Good For Me Because You Destroy Me)’, Henrik Håkansson: Novelas de la selva / The Jungle Novels, Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City, 2009 (Spanish and English)

Haegue Yang – Samuso publication

• ‘Towards Haegue Yang’s ‘Blind Rooms’’, Haegue Yang, Artsonje Center / samuso, Seoul, 2009 (Korean) & forthcoming in Symmetric Inequality: Haegue Yang, Sala Rekalde, Bilbao, 2009 (Spanish, Basque and English)

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Haegue Yang at Sala Rekalde & 2009 Korean Pavilion Venice Biennale

Haegue Yang's new exhibition at sala rekalde 'Symmetric
Inequality' (18.12.08-19.04.09) "belongs to a group of installations the artist has been developing over the course of this year, focusing her interest on investigating new possibilities for parallel crossings between abstraction and narration. Together with
Kunstverein (Hamburg), Cubitt (London), the Carnegie Museum of Art (Pittsburgh), Portikus (Frankfurt) and REDCAT (Los Angeles), sala rekalde now contributes to the closure of a serial project that has taken the medium of portraiture as the point of departure for its own articulation." (from e-flux 18.12.08).

Below an excerpt from
the catalogue essay by Latitudes' Max Andrews "Towards Haegue Yang's 'Blind Rooms'", which will be included in the forthcoming publication (out Spring 2009) followed by a video of the installation:

"Yang has developed a finely-tuned articulation of space through deft assemblage that has encompassed mirrors, multifarious electric lamps, scent atomizers, infrared motion detectors, heat sources and Venetian blinds. Variously sensory and sensible (i.e. readily percieved), such devices are not necessarily socially meaningful in themselves, yet they allow an interactive atmospherics that suggest zones of indeterminate necessities – part domestic interiors, part private theatres – and “localized effects” akin to political action."

As the Arts Council Korea announced on the 23 December Eungie Joo, Director & Curator of Public Programs at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, recently appointed commissioner of the Korea Pavilion at the forthcoming Venice Biennale has invited Yang to represent Korea at the 53rd International Venice Biennale. Joo is the first non-Korean national commissioner for the Korean Pavilion.

Haegue Yang was featured in an interview by Doryun Chong in the Summer 2007 issue, which Latitudes guest edited, of UOVO/14 titled 'Ecology, Luxury and Degradation' (see inside the issue here).


'Symmetric Inequality'
18 December 2008 - 19 April 2009
sala rekalde
Alameda de Recalde 30
48009 Bilbao, Spain

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