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Cover Story, October 2024: Nancy Holt “Ventilation System”

October 2024 cover story on www.lttds.org


The October 2024 monthly Cover Story “Nancy Holt “Ventilation System” is now up on Latitudes’ homepage (after October 2024 it will be archived here). Cover Stories are published monthly featuring past, present, or forthcoming projects, research, texts, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects, or field trips related to Latitudes’ curatorial projects and activities.

Mariana Cánepa Luna of Latitudes was commissioned to write an essay on a work by American artist Nancy Holt  (1938–2014) for the Holt/Smithson Foundation’s Scholarly Text Program.

→ Read it here.

Mariana focused on Holt’s “Ventilation System” (1985–1992), a site-responsive installation that celebrates air-conditioning infrastructures and draws attention to their ubiquitous, though often overlooked, presence in modern life. While such building components are typically concealed, Holt’s work ostentatiously showcases industrial ducts and fans, blending functionality with wry playfulness. This installation, part of her “System Works”, critiques humanity's dependency on technological infrastructures and subtly raises ecological concerns around energy use. It reflects Holt’s interest in connecting human experience to larger natural systems, akin to her most famous work, “Sun Tunnels” (1973–1976).

Graphics courtesy Holt/Smithson Foundation.

In today's context, “Ventilation System” resonates with a heightened sustainability awareness. Recent artworks, like Nick Raffel’s “fan (Wesleyan)” (2022) and “wind dial (Pied-à-Terre)” (2021), further explore air circulation in buildings, emphasizing efficiency and environmental literacy. Ghislaine Leung’s “Violets 2” (2018) explores related themes, using repurposed ventilation pipes to reflect on institutional conditions and artistic labour. 

[1 and 2] Nancy Holt, “Ventilation IV: Hampton Air”, 1992. Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton, New York. Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton, New York. Steel ducts, fans, turbine ventilators, shanty caps. Indoor section: 4.9 x 5.5 x 8.5 m. Outdoor section: 4.8 x 6.1 x 8.2 m. © Holt/Smithson Foundation / Licensed by Artists Rights Society, New York. [2] Ghislaine Leung, “Violets 2”, 2018. Galvanised Steel Ventilation System, Brackets, Screws, Bolts, Dirt, Welcome Sign. Ventilation System removed from Network Aalst Bar during 2017 refurbishment. Commissioned by Network Aalst, Belgium. Score: All pipes removed for refurbishment reinstalled within the space of one room and bracketed fixed to the floor, using as much of the material as possible while keeping it all interconnected. Spare pieces that do not fit in this configuration are to be bracketed together in smaller formations. A welcome sign to be installed. Courtesy of the artist and Maxwell Graham, New York. [3] Nick Raffel, “Pied-à-terre”, San Francisco, 2022. Photo: McIntyre Parker. Courtesy of the artist.

Throughout her career, Holt presented four iterations of “Ventilation System”: at Temple Gallery, Philadelphia; and Palladium, New York (both in 1985); at the Tampere Art Museum, Finland; and at the Guild Hall Museum in East Hampton, New York (both in 1992). Posthumously, the installation has been presented on three occasions: at Bildmuseet, Umeå, Sweden; Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia (both in 2022); and most recently at MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Spain (2023).

[Above and below] Nancy Holt, “Ventilation System” (1985-92). Installation view: Bildmuseet, Umeå, Sweden, 2022. Steel ducts, turbine ventilators, shanty caps, fans, air [materials are locally sourced with each presentation]. Overall dimensions variable [site responsive]. Photograph: Mikael Lundgren. Image Courtesy Holt/Smithson Foundation and Bildmuseet. © Holt/Smithson Foundation / Licensed by Artists Rights Society, New York

The Scholarly Text Program regularly commissions thinkers from various disciplines to write 1,200 words on single artworks by Nancy Holt and/or Robert Smithson. The authors explore how Holt and Smithson’s ideas resonate through artistic and cultural production in the present, exploring topics ranging from geology to ecology, poetry, architecture, science fiction, public art, sculpture, drawing, film, exhibition histories or philosophy. The Scholarly Text Program will publish two essays on each work, presenting differing opinions and approaches. Each new essay includes images selected by the author, a short bibliography, citation references, endnotes pointing to the author’s references and an ISBN. 

Stay tuned for Max Andrews’ upcoming contribution on Smithson’s article “Aerial Art” (1969) next month.

Thank you to Lisa Le Feuvre, Executive Director of the Holt/Smithson Foundation, for the kind invitation to contribute to the foundation’s growing Scholarly Texts Program archive and to William T. Carson, Program Manager and Assistant Curator, for the research assistance. Extended gratitude to Chicago-based artist Nick Raffel for the insightful online studio visit and to Maxwell Graham Gallery, New York.

Nancy Holt’s “Ventilation System” (1985-92) is a site-specific installation that exposes the hidden infrastructure of air circulation in buildings. By using industrial-grade ducts and HVAC systems, Holt both celebrates and critiques human dependence on technology. The essay discusses the relationship between “Ventilation System” and environmental concerns. It highlights the tension between functionality and artistic playfulness, and how the work raises awareness of our reliance on energy-intensive systems. Finally, the essay connects Holt’s artistic intervention to current debates about sustainability in the art world, particularly regarding museum energy consumption.

Nancy Holt, ventilation systems, Site-specificity, HVAC systems, sustainability, ecological concerns, System Works, Land art, Conceptual art, Charlotte Posenenske, Post-pandemic world, climate change, Institutional critique, building efficiency, sustainability, air quality, Nick Raffel, Karen Archey, Third wave of Institutional Critique, HVLS fans, Ghislaine Leung, artistic labour, climate crisis, “Constitutional critique”, context-contingent art.   

How to cite
Cánepa Luna, Mariana, “Nancy Holt’s “Ventilation System” (1985–1992).” Holt/Smithson Foundation: Scholarly Texts Chapter 7 (October 2024). ISBN: 978-1-952603-35-8 https://holtsmithsonfoundation.org/nancy-holts-ventilation-system-1985-1992


  • Archive of Monthly Cover Stories 
  • Other writing by Mariana Cánepa Luna
  • Looking back – Visiting Robert Smithson's “Spiral Jetty” (1970) on 7 September 2004, 7 Sep 2014
  • Publication “Robert Smithson: Art in Continual Movement” (Alauda Publications, 2012) includes an essay by Max Andrews, 28 Mar 2012
  • Cover Story–September 2024: Cover Story, September 2024: THE CREST OF A WAVE, 2 Sept 2024
  • Cover Story–July-August 2024: Rosa Tharrats, Curtain Call, 1 July 2024 
  • Cover Story, June 2024: TERENCE GOWER—DIPLOMACY, URBANISM, URANIUM, 3 June 2024
  • Cover Story, May 2024: Richard Serra & Anne Garde—Threats of Paradise, 30 Apr 2024 
  • Cover Story, April 2024: In Progress–Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum, 2 April 2024
  • Cover Story, March 2024: Dibbets en Palencia, 4 March 2024
  • Cover Story, February 2024: Climate Conscious Travel to ARCOmadrid, 1 February 2024
  • Cover Story, January 2024: Curating Lab 2014–Curatorial Intensive, 2 Jan 2024 
  • Cover Story, December 2023: Ibon Aranberri, Partial View, 2 Dec 2023 
  • Cover Story, November 2023: Surucuá, Teque-teque, Arara: Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, 2 Nov 2023
  • Cover Story, October 2023: A tree felled, a tree cut in seven, 2 October 2023

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