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Mariana Cánepa Luna reviews Ana Jotta’s “Abans que me n’oblidi (Before I forget)” exhibition in art-agenda

Installation view of the exhibition "Ana Jotta: Abans que me n'oblidi (Antes de que me olvide / Before I Forget)", 2016, ProjecteSD, Barcelona. Photo: © Roberto Ruiz 

Ana Jotta’s “Abans que me n’oblidi (Before I forget)
September 30–November 26, 2016

by Mariana Cánepa Luna

"While it has been widely exhibited in her native Portugal, Ana Jotta’s work hasn’t been presented in depth to the Barcelona public since the early 1990s.(1) So this mini-survey of her production from 1980 to the present, framed as part of the Barcelona Gallery Weekend, is overdue. “Abans que me n’oblidi (Before I forget)” begins (or ends) at the intermediary patio space that one crosses before entering the main exhibition space at ProjecteSD. Part of a curved wall is covered with irregular patches of light gray and pale pink paint, as if emulating swatch tests for a redecoration. This playful gesture sets the tone for the exhibition inside, a somber and subtle palette of delicate intonations and provisional arrangements."  

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Originally published in art-agenda.com on November 8, 2016.

Ana Jotta, "Cloud", 2013. Painted steel, 90 x 200 x 4 cm. Photo: ©Roberto Ruiz.

Installation view of the exhibition "Ana Jotta: Abans que me n'oblidi (Antes de que me olvide / Before I Forget)", 2016, ProjecteSD, Barcelona. Photo: ©Roberto Ruiz.

Ana Jotta, "Footnote #1", 2016. Mixed media. Variable dimensions. Photo: ©Roberto Ruiz.

Ana Jotta, "Un Printemps 2008", 2008, Acrylic and felt pen on screen, 160 x 129 x 16 cm. Photo: ©Roberto Ruiz.

Installation view of the exhibition "Ana Jotta: Abans que me n'oblidi (Antes de que me olvide / Before I Forget)", 2016, ProjecteSD, Barcelona. Photo: ©Roberto Ruiz.

Ana Jotta, "Que Sais-Je?", 2011. Marker pen on tape roll, 2,5 x 14,3 diam. cm. Photo: ©Roberto Ruiz.

 Detail of several "Footnote" pieces. Photo: Latitudes.

 Detail of several "Footnote" pieces. Photo: Latitudes.

Ana Jotta, "Sem título", 2016. Paint on wall. Variable dimensions. Photo: Latitudes.


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