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Swab: Cutting Edge or Weeping sore?

Swab 07, the first edition of Barcelona's Contemporary Art Fair – and the only one with the misfortune of being named after "an absorbent pad used in surgery" – ends today. "There is a sweeter way to experience an Art Fair" it declares-threatens on the bizarrely overpriced small catalogue (€19.90). 

Besides the title clanger, there were some to-be-expected teething problems – or foot-shooting episodes – not least a lack of 'mission statement' about what niche in galleries or art works was being showcased (mostly unconvincing painting?), and a press department that seemingly does not read e-mail. 

The crowning pratfall (you can never mix in too many metaphors it seems) is left to the 'Swab in Barcelona' catalogue text wherein we read a gushing comparison of the fair to ... a festering death-ridden cannibal shipwreck: "Swab presents itself this year rather like Théodore Géricault's 'Raft of the Medusa', which recognises the hectic confusion in the present day art market, at the same time embarking upon the event with sufficient vigor and optimism to position itself literally on the raft's elevate vertex, creating hope for the living, Barcelona's revival presented in a showcase of all this city's incredible works, literally on the pinnacle of the art market." Quite. Let's see which of the 42 galleries hang on for next time.
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