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Mariana Cánepa Luna reviews ‘Te toca a tí! [It's Your Turn!]’ for art-agenda

Te toca a tí’ [It's Your Turn]
Espai d'art contemporani de Castelló, Castelló de la Plana
October 26, 2018—February 17, 2019

"Two pairs of hands play a game of cat’s cradle, forming a star from a loop of string; viewers may imagine one person pulling the string while the other interprets their instructions. This photograph, which appears on the cover of the booklet accompanying the group exhibition “Te toca a tí” [It’s your turn] at the Espai d’art contemporani de Castelló (EACC), epitomizes the exhibition’s conceptual framework. Curated by Laura Vallés Vílchez and including works by ten artists, the show asks whether a gallery can become a site of negotiation, and if so, in what ways it can be re-signified."

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Text originally published in art-agenda on January 7, 2019.

Teresa Lanceta, selection of tapestries and sewn fabrics, 2003-2018. Variable dimensions. Courtesy of the artist and Galería Espacio Mínimo. Photo by Ester Pegueroles.

Luca Frei, ‘Simone Forti's See-Saw’, 2015. Variable dimensions. Performance with plywood see-saw. Courtesy of the artist and The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Committee on Media and Performance Funds, 2018. Photo by Luca Frei.

Céline Condorelli, ‘Models for a Qualitative Society’, 2016. Variable dimensions. Painted blackwood acacia, steel. 84 x 119 cm, Inkjet prints. Courtesy of the artist. Photo by Ester Pegueroles.


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