Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Forthcoming project: Partner organisation in 'The Last Newspaper', 3rd, 4th and 5th floors, New Museum, New York, 6 October 2010–9 January 2011

Photo: New Museum/Dean Kaufman

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(...) The first people we approached to participate were Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna, who are partners in Latitudes, a curatorial office based in Barcelona. They have a wonderful flexibility in their projects, which include overseeing public commissions, organizing conferences, as well as initiating multidisciplinary research and editorial programs. Our preliminary conversations led quickly to the notion of a weekly newspaper produced in the New Museum over the course of a residency. From this point, we moved pretty quickly into a landscape of organizational residencies that will animate the social aspects of the exhibition. – Richard Flood, interview with Benjamin Godsill about the exhibition, fall 2010.

The Last Newspaper will be a hybrid exhibition inspired by the ways artists approach the news and respond to the stories and images that command the headlines. Alongside the exhibition, a number of partner organisations (see list below) will use on-site offices to present their research, engage in rapid prototyping, and stage public dialogues, opening up the galleries as spaces of intellectual production as well as display.

'THE LAST POST' / 'THE LAST GAZETTE' / 'THE LAST REGISTER'... will be an evolving-titled 12-page free weekly newspaper and an incremental exhibition catalogue edited by Latitudes and produced and disseminated from the museum every week for 10 weeks.

The tabloids, design directed by Chad Kloepfer, will be conceived by a specially-assembled editorial team and contributors who are giving their time and skills pro bono. The published record of the enterprise will be bound at the conclusion to form a surrogate catalogue of The Last Newspaper.

Artists in the exhibition:
Alighiero e Boetti; Judith Bernstein; Pierre Bismuth; Andrea Bowers; Francois Bucher; Sarah Charlesworth; Luciano Fabro; Robert Gober; Hans Haacke; Karl Haendel; Rachel Harrison; Thomas Hirschhorn; Emily Jacir; Larry Johnson; Mike Kelley; Nate Lowman; Sarah Lucas; Adam McEwen; Aleksandra Mir; Adrian Piper; William Pope.L; Allen Ruppersberg; Dexter Sinister; Dash Snow; Rikrit Tiravanija; Wolfgang Tillmans; and Kelley Walker.Partner organisations: Center for Urban Pedagogy; StoryCorps; Latitudes; The Slought Foundation; INABA, Columbia University’s C-Lab; Joseph Grima and Kazys Varnelis/Netlab; and Angel Nevarez and Valerie Tevere.

Exhibition co-curated by Richard Flood, Chief Curator of the
New Museum and Benjamin Godsill, Curatorial Associate.

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Hans Haacke, News, 1969/2008, RSS newsfeed, paper, and printer, dimensions variable.

"La primera persona que invitamos a participar fue Max Andrews y Mariana Cánepa Luna, socios de Latitudes, una oficina curatorial con base en Barcelona. Tienen una maravillosa flexibilidad en sus proyectos, que incluyen la supervisión de comisiones públicas, la organización de conferencias, así como iniciar programas de investigación multidisciplinaria y de índole editorial. Nuestras conversaciones preliminares nos llevaron rápidamente hacia la idea de realizar un periodico semanal producido en el New Museum en el transcurso de una residencia. – Richard Flood, entrevista con Benjamin Godsill entorno a la exposición, otoño 2010

'The Last Newspaper' será una exposición híbrida que explorará el modo en que los artistas responden a las noticias, imágenes y titulares y al tiempo analizará cómo se genera, gestiona, registra, ordena y distribuye la información. Un número de organizaciones asociadas han sido invitadas a 'desplazar' sus oficinas al terreno museístico para presentar su trabajo, participar en la creación de propotipos y diálogos públicos, convirtiendo las galerías del museo en espacios de exhibición y discurso.

'THE LAST POST' / 'THE LAST GAZETTE' / 'THE LAST REGISTER'... será un tabloide semanal de 12 páginas editado por Latitudes durante 10 semanas ‘en directo’ desde una sala de redacción instalada en el espacio expositivo. El periódico será una publicación episódica gratuita que cambiará su título semanalmente e investigará el frágil momento del periódico como medio de comunicación así como los comportamientos comunes entre la labor editorial y la curatorial.

Los tabloides, cuyo diseño será dirigido por Chad Kloepfer, serán un documento en continua formación que registrará la exposición. Al concluir ésta, se encuadernarán como un único volumen formando el catálogo sustituto de 'The Last Newspaper'.

Artistas en la exposición:
Alighiero e Boetti; Judith Bernstein; Pierre Bismuth; Andrea Bowers; Francois Bucher; Sarah Charlesworth; Luciano Fabro; Robert Gober; Hans Haacke; Karl Haendel; Rachel Harrison; Thomas Hirschhorn; Emily Jacir; Larry Johnson; Mike Kelley; Nate Lowman; Sarah Lucas; Adam McEwen; Aleksandra Mir; Adrian Piper; William Pope.L; Allen Ruppersberg; Dexter Sinister; Dash Snow; Rikrit Tiravanija; Wolfgang Tillmans; and Kelley Walker.

Organizaciones asociadas:
Center for Urban Pedagogy; StoryCorps; Latitudes; The Slought Foundation; INABA, Columbia University’s C-Lab; Joseph Grima y Kazys Varnelis/Netlab; y Angel Nevarez y Valerie Tevere.

Exposición comisariada por Richard Flood, Comisario jefe del New Museum y Benjamin Godsill, Comisario asociado.

New Museum
235 Bowery
New York, NY 10002
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