Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Latitudes’s 15th anniversary and rebuilt and redesigned website

April marked 15 years of Latitudes’s curatorial practice. We’ve long been planning an update and redesign of our website, and with life and work on hold for the last few weeks, we’ve finally had the time to make it happen. 

The whole site has been rebuilt from the ground up using the Foundation 6 framework. It is now faster, more accessible, and more responsive (it better adapts to whether you’re viewing on a mobile, or whatever size screen). Many of the changes are under the hood, although you’ll notice the larger type size and improved navigation elementsMost importantly, you can now more easily toggle between languages throughout (Spanish ‘ES’ and English ‘EN’). Many of the images will already look much crisper, especially on retina devices, and we’ll gradually be upgrading the rest of the galleries.
Our home page https://www.lttds.org will continue to feature a Cover Story: a monthly focus on a current project, an artwork, artist, or a glimpse from our archive, accompanied by a short caption or narrative. This month the new widescreen image format features Donna Conlon, Jonathan Harker, and Sandino Scheidegger, and the latest episode of ‘Incidents (of Travel)’, accompanied by Donna’s and Jonathan’s thoughts on how life has changed in recent weeks in Panama City.

We’ve eliminated the drop down menu organising our projects by year. Instead the ‘Projects’ page becomes the main hub where tags enable you to filter by year as well as by categories such as ‘Editions’, ‘Editorial’, ‘Exhibitions’, ‘Pedagogy’, ‘Performance’, ‘Public Realm’, ‘Research’, ‘Residencies’, ‘Screenings’ ‘Talks’.

Each individual project page includes a full-width sliding photo gallery, and has clearer access to further photos (from our Flickr), publications, social media archive – accessing posts on twitter or facebook, as well as videos.

Each project now its own ‘Archive’ section reconfigured as an ‘off-canvas’ panel which swoops in to show all the relevant press reviews, as well as posts published on Longitudes, a section which cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage going back to 2006.

We have revised the ‘About’ page and broken it down into three further categories: ‘People’, ‘Activities’, ‘Press’.

Under ‘Activities’ there is a submenu listing ‘Writing’, ‘Lectures’, ‘Pedagogy’, ‘Awards & Affiliations’, ‘Juries’, ‘Residencies’, ‘Visitor Programmes’. And ‘Press’ is divided into ‘Press Coverage’ and ‘Latitudes in the Media’.

Newsletters is the place to sign-up for our email updates, and continues to archive our past mailings, also offering the possibility of filtering by year.

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