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Text on Lara Almarcegui’s Graves (2021) in “Sketches of Transition. An Atlas on Growth and Decay” edited by Michele Bazzoli

Photo: @michele_bazzoli

Premièred at Onomatopee on October 25th, 2023, during the Dutch Design Week, t
he publication “Sketches of Transition. An Atlas on Growth and Decay” brings together the practices of five different artists in relation to the key concept of transition. 

Edited by Italian-born, Amsterdam-based artist 
Michele Bazzoli the book includes a reprint of Latitudes’ text on Lara Almarcegui’s project “Graves” originally commissioned to accompany her solo exhibition at Centre d’Art la Panera, Lleida, curated by Cèlia del Diego and on view between February and June 2021.

Gazing through various apertures of “Sketches of Transition”’s featured researches, each chapter could be considered a sketch of transition in itself, as an annotation on an alternative perspective on the material and visual spheres of our existences. With the same freedom of sketching on a blank paper sheet, the contributions investigate and probe new modes of production of beauty and wonder. 

Sketches of Transition. An Atlas on Growth and Decay
Editor: Michele Bazzoli
Designer: Kai Udema
Texts: Maria Barnas, Michele Bazzoli, Dagmar Bosma, Yana Naidenov, Lara Almarcegui’s text by Latitudes (Max Andrews & Mariana Cánepa Luna)
Publisher: Onomatopee project
Date of publication: October 2023
ISBN: 978-94-93148-98-7

(Above and two below) Views of Michele Bazzoli’s exhibition “Sketches of Transition. An Atlas on Growth and Decay” and namesake publication at Onomatopee, Amsterdam. Courtesy Michele Bazzoli.

Latitudes’ text presents the two new projects Almarcegui produced for her solo exhibition at Centre d'Art la Panera. “Rocas y Materiales de la Cordillera de los Pirineos” (2021) was an austere ordered list presented as a large wall text detailing the quantities of rocks and materials that constitute the Pyrenees (two images below). 

(Above and below) Installation view of “Graves” exhibition at the Centre d'Art la Panera, Lleida. Photos Jordi V. Pou.

The second work, “Gravera” (2021), was a large video projection documenting the industrial complex operated by Sorigué near the town of Balaguer, which temporarily stopped operations for a day (images of the public programme organised during the exhibition below). 

(Above and below) “Gravera aturada” was an event organised by the Centre d'Art la Panera, Lleida, on 19 February 2021, as part of Lara Almarcegui’s solo exhibition. For the occasion, citizens were able to take a tour around Sorigué’s gravel mining and processing plant near Balaguer, which stopped its activity for a day. Photos Jordi V. Pou.

    • Cover Story – April 2021: Lara Almarcegui at La Panera, 2 Apr 2021
    • 18 marzo 2021, 18:30h: Mesa redonda “Transformación geológica y construcción artificial” con Lara Almarcegui y Juan Guardiola, 8 Mar 2021
    • 11 de julio 2019, 19h: Conversación con Lara Almarcegui en el Institut Valencià d'Art Modern (IVAM), 25 June 2019
    • ‘Thinking like a drainage basin’ essay in the catalogue of the exhibition ‘Lara Almarcegui. Béton’, 8 April 2019
    • Works by Lara Almarcegui included in the exhibition “4.543 billion. A Matter of Matter”, CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, 2017
    • Report from Urdaibai: commission series ‘Sense and Sustainability’, Urdaibai Arte 2012 22 July 2012
    • Launch of the monograph ‘Lara Almarcegui. Projects 1995–2010’, edited by Latitudes at 'The Dutch Assembly', ARCOmadrid, 15 February, 19-20h 14 February 2012
    • Photos 'In conversation with Lara Almarcegui', 19 May 2011, TENT, Rotterdam 6 June 2011
    • Portscapes bus tour: Lara Almarcegui wasteland tour and Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller's 'Postpetrolistic Internationale' choir performance 10 November 2009
    • Text on Lara Almarcegui's project for Expo Zaragoza 2008 and exhibition at Pepe Cobo, Madrid 28 October 2008
    • Catálogo 'Estratos', texto sobre Lara Almarcegui, PAC Murcia 2008, 28 Mayo 2008
    • Lara Almarcegui, “Wastelands” in “LAND, ART: A Cultural Ecology Handbook”, Royal Society of Arts and Arts Council England, 2006
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