Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

'2006 Problems' exhibition and publication by John Kørner, Victoria Miro Gallery, London

'There are plenty of known knowns in what John Kørner has recently painted: ships and trees, men and women, crocodiles and birds, town and country—and most apparently in'2006 Problems', factories and bicycles. These are modern things that we know we know. And as this commandeered logic continues, we know there are some things we do not know (known unknowns), and still others we don't yet know we don't know (unknown unknowns). It's the known unknown phenomena that belong to the realm of Kørner's sustained symptomatology of problems. Visible in paint as coloured blot marks shaped like elongated eggs or dropped-in droppings, problems often line up in Kørner's works as if notes on a musical stave or blobs of clay on wobbly shelves, latent undifferentiated tissue that's waiting to become more specific. Of course how to paint a problem must have been in itself a problem. We may presently be dealing with the problems of this year, or equally, it could be that there is a host of two thousand and six of these quandaries. Kørner makes paintings and painted ceramics, while, as he insists, he is not really a 'proper' painter. His often vast canvases are foremost a way of communicating through a very direct means and are only paintings later, almost by coincidence. All of this is, needless to say, problematic.'

Extract taken from the catalogue essay of the publication '2006 Problems: John Kørner' by Latitudes' Max Andrews.

'2006 Problems' by John Kørner
Victoria Miro Gallery, London
25 November – 22 December 2006

Exhibition catalogue: Paperback, English, 44 pages, 30 x 23 x 0.6 cm
ISBN 978-0-9554564-0-4
Purchase here for ₤10. 
More photos here.

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org
Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Peter Piller at ProjecteSD, Barcelona

Peter Piller's show Arrows at ProjecteSD, Barcelona, has been extended until 5 January. "The installation brings together 37 pictures of different formats, colour and black & white, all showing “arrows”. Arrows are symbols commonly seen on local German newspapers used by editors to underline supposedly interesting features on the image illustrating the news."

Following an excerpt on Peter Piller's work published on the Cal Cego collection web, written by Mariana Cánepa Luna from Latitudes:
"Peter Piller was born in Fritzlar, former West Germany in 1968, and currently lives between Hamburg and Leipzig, where he has been a professor at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst since 2006. Piller began to work for the media agency Carat in 1997, and for years held the post dealing with evaluating and archiving regional newspapers and editing their advertisements. It was monotonous work, but there is no doubt that it helped him develop a keen and patient ability to appreciate details that are normally overlooked. In 1998 he defined his artistic method and began to collect, systemise and inventory images, a process that he defines as “an exercise in productive misunderstanding”. [1] " – Read more here.
[1] Artist quoted in ‘Classified Information’, Dominic Eichler. Frieze, November-December issue, 2006, p. 139
[Image: From 'Pfeile 2/Arrows 2'. Archiv Peter Piller 2000/2006. Pigment Print, 72 x 51 cm. Ed. 6. Courtesy the artists and ProjecteSD, Barcelona.]
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Tue Greenfort's 'Rococo Eco', Max Wigram, London

Tue Greenfort 'Rococo Eco' 17 November 2006 – 13 January 2007
Max Wigram
99 New Bond Street, London

For his first solo exhibition in the UK, Tue Greenfort’s new works in this exhibition respond to the businesses that run the length of New Bond Street. They query the function of luxury accessories, looking at how the notion of luxury has historically changed from the roots of capitalism to neo-liberalism. They also question the meaning of wealth and who benefits from its consumption.

The installation 'Fur No Fur' (2006) makes reference to the former function of the gallery as a fur shop. Placing on a clothes rail a silver fox and mink fur stitched together for visitors to try them on in front of a fragmented mirror, Greenfort has graphically visualised the economic transaction taking place between those who give up a coat to the international charitable organisation P.E.T.A. (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) to receive in exchange tax-exemption. He has also included a mink trap to address how the institutionalization of anti-fur movements in the UK and the ban on mink farming has led to the industry moving to places like China where animal rights activism doesn’t exist. As a consequence, this shift has produced a disequilibrium in the bio-diverse ecosystem of the English countryside as, for the last two decades, minks have been endangering smaller rodents like water voles.

IMAGES ABOVE: 'Fur No Fur', 2006. Installation of 4 elements: Mirrors (175 x 145 x 36 cm); Galvanised steel mink trap (23.7 x 83 x 7.5 cm); Two furs (each, approx. 120 x 53 x 21 cm); Aluminium clothes rail (145 x 120 x 50 cm). Courtesy the artist and Max Wigram Gallery, London.
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'LAND, ART: A Cultural Ecology Handbook' - related links

LAND, ART: A Cultural Ecology Handbook goes to print this Wednesday. Meanwhile here are some previews from the RSA, the excellent worldchanging.com, the e-flux announcement and Cornerhouse's web, worldwide distributor of the book.



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Emirates Research Trip - Sharjah and Dubai, April 2007

Sharjah &  Dubai Research Trip, November 2006

Here are some photos from Latitudes' research trip last week to the United Arab Emirates in preparation for the upcoming Sharjah Biennial 8, April-June 2007. We are convening the three-day symposium in collaboration with RSA Arts & Ecology Centre in London.
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'DAY' by Jordan Wolfson

Here's an interview with Jordan Wolfson, in which he talks about DAY, the piece Latitudes' presented as part of the exhibition 'Alrededor de todos juntos, una entre tantas' at ProjecteSD, Barcelona, 8 June–4 August 2006.

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Invitation card for the launch of the publication 'LAND, ART: A Cultural Ecology Handbook'

[Image on the book cover: Henrik Håkansson, Untitled (Khao Nor Chuchi), 2003, offset print on paper, 70 x 100 cm. Courtesy the artist; The Modern Institute, Glasgow; Galleria Franco Noero, Torino.]

Edited by / Editor: Max Andrews
Published by / Publica: RSA in partnership with Arts Council England

Specs / Caracteríticas: 17 x 24 cm, 248 pages, colour throughout
ISBN 0 901469 57 2
Design by / Diseñado por: SMITH
Distributed by / Distribuidor: Cornerhouse Publications

| UK | 

Here is the invitation for the publication launch of 'LAND, ART: A Cultural Ecology Handbook' which will take place on the Monday 11 December, 6.15–8pm at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), coinciding with the RSA/LSE international enquiry 'No Way Back?' (11–12 Dec). 

The book is going to print in Italy in two weeks, so soon you will be able to see more on these pages.

| ES | 

Aquí tenéis la postal de la publicación en la que hemos trabajado a lo largo de este último año! Su presentación oficial se hará el 11 de Diciembre en Londres al final del primer día de la conferencia internacional organizada por la Royal Society of Arts (RSA) y la London School of Economics (LSE) titulada 'No Way Back?' (11-12 Dic). 

El libro se imprimirá en dos semanas en Italia, así que pronto podréis ver más información en estas páginas.
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Swab is the offputting name of a new art fair in Barcelona next spring, with the deadpan tagline "Swab: small piece of absorbent material attached to the end of a stick or wire. Swab will absorb Contemporary Art around the world between the 10th and the 13th of May 2007 in Barcelona." Weeping sores anyone?
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Amy Balkin: Public Smog

"Public Smog is part of an ongoing conceptual artwork by San Francisco-based artist, Amy Balkin. The project consists of a gesture in which the artist buys and withholds carbon gas emission credits from international trading markets in order to create a temporary clean-air park. Aiming to highlight the complexities and contradictions of current environmental protocols, Balkin will attempt to submit an application to qualify the entire atmosphere as a UNESCO World Heritage Site."
From http://www.cca.rca.ac.uk/publicsmog/

Curated by MA Curating Contemporary Art students at the Royal College of Art
1 — 7 November 2006, 12noon — 6pm, Private View 1 November, 6 — 9pm
Peer, 99 Hoxton Street, London N1 6QL, UK

Amy presents a print version of This is The Public Domain in the Latitudes' edited publication LAND, ART: A Cultural Ecology Handbook
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Latitudes is excited to announce a collaboration with the Turin-based art and culture magazine UOVO. We will be guest editing the April 2007 issue. More details soon...

Estamos encantados de anunciar la colaboración de Latitudes con la revista cultural UOVO con base en Torino. Seremos editores invitados del número de Abril 2007. Pronto os daremos más detalles...
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