Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Review of the publication 'With/Without: Spatial Products, Practices and Politics in the Middle East'

Max Andrews's Frieze (Issue 110, October 2007) review of: 'With/Without: Spatial Products, Practices and Politics in the Middle East' edited by Shumon Basar, Antonia Carver and Markus Miessen and published by Bidoun and Moutamarat, Dubai, 2007.

Bidoun sub-site here.

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Latitudes in the 'Out of Studio!' symposium

The Out of the Studio! symposium is organised by Jan Debbaut and the Province of Limburg, in collaboration with Z33 Center for Contemporary Art, Hasselt, Belgium.

More than twenty leading international artists, curators and scholars will present a variety of projects ranging from the Snow Show in Lapland to the Echigo Tsumari Triennial in Japan, from the make-over of Barcelona to the complexity of commissioning art in public space in New York City and addressing actual concerns and strategies.

When: Friday 26, Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 October 2007
Where: Hasselt, Belgium

The number of participants is limited. Booking in advance is necessary by returning a.s.a.p. the registration form.
The registration fee of €200 includes documentation, receptions, lunches, dinner and transfer to Alden Biesen. For further information and assistance with travel arrangements please contact Monique Verhulst at mverhulst@z33.be

Presentations and discussions will be in English. Proceedings will be published afterwards.

For a printable version of the programme and registration form, please go to: http://www.z33.be/outofthestudio
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Tue Greenfort & Piotr Uklanski, Secession, Vienna

Tue Greenfort & Piotr Uklanski, Secession, Vienna

Piotr Uklanski 'A Retrospective' (main space) and Tue Greenfort's 'Medusa' (upper and lower galleries) at the Secession, Vienna, 20 September–18 November 2007.

All images: Latitudes | www.lttds.org
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Pyramid Power: Issue 3

Issue 3 of the sharp-suited Vancouver-based Art/Design/Literature Pyramid Power has just come out with an extended version of Max Andrews's interview with Revolver founder Christoph Keller, originally published in the Latitudes-edited UOVO issue 14. Here it is titled "Still Not a Hippie: Interview with Christoph Keller on the Future of the Book & Life on a Farm"


Unfortunately the mind-blowing products from Herr Keller's
Stählemühle distillery can only be ordered within Germany.
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The Bookmakers Ed. presents IN-SCAPE series

 'Kent Henricksen A season of delight'
Edited by Luca Andriolo

Authors: Lillian Davies, Mario Diacono, Kathy Grayson, Norma Mangione, Bob Nickas

Edition English

October 2007

ISBN 978-88-95702-00-1
Hardcover, 21 x 26 cm – 288 pages

On the 6th September, The Bookmakers Ed. presented
'Kent Henricksen: A season of delight', the first volume of IN-SCAPE, a series devoted to young talents emerging in the contemporary art world. The publication was launched in New York coinciding with 'Divine Deviltries', the artist's exhibition at John Connelly Presents gallery on view until October 6, 2007.
This monograph explores Kent Henricksen's imagery and art-practice: writer and gallerist Mario Diacono analyzes Henricksen's work in the context of contemporary art, whilst writer Lillian Davies offers the reader an essay about violence within the artist's imagery. To complete the volume are an in-depth interview with writer and curator Bob Nickas and a conversation between curator Kathy Grayson and the artist.
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Presentation in New York of UOVO's green issue
Where? 200Orchard, 200 Orchard Street, NY (@ Houston & Stanton)
When? 7 September 2007, 11 pm onwards

Upcoming UOVO parties and presentations:
06/09/07: NEW YORK –John Connelly Presents: Kent Henricksen Book Launch
07/09/07: 200 ORCHARD – NEW YORK
13/10/07: LONDON – FRIEZE
08/12/07: MIAMI – ARTBASEL

More info: www.uovo.tv and http://uovomagazine.blogspot.com
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UOVO14 'GREEN – Ecology, Luxury & Degradation' Available now!


Issue #14 presents interviews, essays, projects and two CDs around art practices that resist the spectacularisation or romanticisation of ecological issues or the natural world. The issue was launched in Art Basel's Art Lobby on the 17 June (images below). See also inside the magazine here.

Where to find it? here
More info? here and here

[Photos: courtesy UOVO | The Bookmakers Ed. & MCH Swiss Exhibition Basel/Zurich AG]
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Bruce Sterling's Sharjah Biennial keynote

We have uploaded Bruce Sterling's keynote paper 'Ecology and the Politics of Change' presented in the Sharjah Biennial 8 symposium on 5 April. You can download the document on the SB8 archive (pdf, 404 KB).

Author, futurist and critic Bruce Sterling (b. 1954) is based in Austin, Texas and Serbia. Best known for his eight science fiction novels, he has also written short stories, book reviews, design criticism, opinion columns, and introductions for books ranging from Ernst Juenger to Jules Verne. His non-fiction works include 'The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier' (1992), 'Tomorrow Now: Envisioning the Next 50 Years' (2003) and 'Shaping Things' (2005). He is a contributing editor of WIRED magazine. He also writes a weblog and runs a website and Internet mailing list on the topic of environmental activism and postindustrial design. In 2005, he was the Visionary in Residence at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. He has appeared on ABC’s Nightline, BBC’s The Late Show, CBC’s Morningside, on MTV and TechTV, and in publications including Time, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fortune, Nature, I.D., Metropolis, Technology Review, Der Spiegel and La Repubblica.

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Snapshots of Münster Skulptur Project 2007

Photodocumentation of our adventures discovering this year's Münster Skulptur Project is now up on our flickr. Take a look!

The exhibition presented the works of 36 artists from all over the world. The curators are Brigitte Franzen, Kasper König and Carina Plath.

Invited Artists:

Pawel_Althamer | Michael_Asher | Nairy_Baghramian | Guy_Ben-Ner | Guillaume_Bijl | Martin_Boyce | Jeremy Deller | Michael_Elmgreen und Ingar_Dragset | Hans-Peter_Feldmann | Dora_Garcia | Isa_Genzken | Dominique_Gonzalez-Foerster | Tue_Greenfort | David_Hammons | Valérie_Jouve | Mike_Kelley | Suchan Kinoshita | Marko_Lehanka | Gustav_Metzger | Eva_Meyer und Eran_Schaerf | Deimantas_Narkevicius | Bruce_Nauman | Maria_Pask | Manfred_Pernice | Susan_Philipsz | Martha_Rosler | Thomas_Schütte | Andreas_Siekmann | Rosemarie_Trockel | Silke_Wagner | Mark_Wallinger | Clemens von Wedemeyer | Annette_Wehrmann | Pae_White

All images: Latitudes | www.lttds.org
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Slideshow of Documenta 12, Kassel

All images: Latitudes | www.lttds.org
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