Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Latitudes in 'Dazed & Confused' (December 2007 issue)

Photo of the magazine spread by Alexis Zavialoff.

The December 07 issue of 'Dazed and Confused' have profiled UOVO magazine as a 'heavy-duty zine'. Their short review is subtitled 'Latitudes, the Spanish curators, take over the doorstep-sized art quarterly with the help from Dash Snow and Ryan McGinley' and the caption under the photograph reads 'Latitudes take over the reins at UOVO'.

They are indeed dazed and confused. We have NOT taken over the magazine nor have we met Dash Snow or Ryan McGinley, at least not yet. Snow and McGinley were interviewed in previous UOVO issues as were, in fact, all the other artists mentioned in the review.

However, Latitudes did guest edit the summer issue #14 (Green) 'Ecology, Luxury and Degradation' which included interviews and projects by artists such as Tue Greenfort, Sergio Vega, Michael Rakowitz, Lara Almarcegui, Federico Martelli, Noguchi Rika, Arturas Raila, etc. 

We are also collaborating with The Bookmakers Ed., the design office led by Chiara Figone which has just begun to publish monographs, as members of their Advisory Board together with Andrew Bonacina, Adam Carr, Lillian Davies, Silvia Sgualdini and Francesco Stocchi.
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'Greenwashing...' website

Sergio Vega, 'Paradise on Fire', 2007. Series of five inkjet archival prints, 106 x 134 cm each. Courtesy the artist and Umberto di Marino Arte Contemporanea, Naples.

We have launched the project website for 'Greenwashing. Environment: Perils, Promises and Perplexities': www.greenwashing.lttds.org. The site will be updated over time as an extension to the printed catalogue, with expanded contents such as installation shots, interviews, artists CVs, etc.

So far we have confirmed the participation of Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla, Lara Almarcegui, Maria Thereza Alves, Amy Balkin, The Bruce High Quality Foundation, Chu Yun, A Constructed World, Ettore Favini, Cyprien Gaillard, Tue Greenfort, Norma Jeane, Cornelia Parker, Jorge Peris, Wilfredo Prieto, RAF / Reduce Art Flights, Tomás Saraceno, Simon Starling, Nikola Uzunovski, Sergio Vega, Wang Jianwei and James Yamada.

The show will open on 28 February 2008 at the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin and remain on view until 11 May. The exhibition is curated by Fondazione's curator Ilaria Bonacossa and Latitudes (Max Andrews & Mariana Cánepa Luna).

For any press enquiries please email: [email protected]
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out of the studio! photos

Here are a few photos of our recent presentation at the 'out of the studio! symposium of art and public space' in Hasselt, Belgium (26–28 October). We were joined in our session by Bristol-based curator Claire Doherty and Mexican-based curator Cuauhtémoc Medina.

out of the studio!
out of the studio!
out of the studio!

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New Berlin Galleries: Feinkost & Maribel López Gallery

Two friends of Latitudes are opening their own galleries in Berlin: Feinkost and Maribel López Gallery.

Feinkost opened at the end of September with a show with work by the bulgarian artists Luchezar Boyadjiev. Tomorrow they will inaugurate their second show titled 'The Art World' with works by Ad Reinhardt, Alan Phelan, Balthasar Burkhard, Ben Gavin, Charles Gute, Christian Jankowski, IRWIN, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Matthieu Laurette, Pablo Helguera, Rainer Ganahl, REP Group, SOSka Group, et al.

On December 15th, Maribel López Gallery will open her space with the show 'Game Over Expanded' by Barcelona-based artist Francesc Ruiz.

"Francesc Ruiz (Barcelona, 1971) deploys an array of ‘possible’ fictions, laden with irony and bordering on delirium, which encompass multiple horizons of escaping from and re-inventing reality. His ink drawings alternate with other media, such as installations of black-and-white photocopies glued to the wall, videos and sculptures.On this occasion, in a new series of drawings and an installation, Francesc Ruiz tackles one of his recurring themes—his interest in places of consumption. These spaces enable him to develop narrative exercises charged with unexpected potential for action."

Francesc Ruiz was present at such recent exhibitions as Existencias, MUSAC, León (2007); Où? Scènes du Sud: Espagne, Italie, Portugal, Carrée d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain, Nîmes (2007), Registros y hábitos. Máquina de tiempo/imágenes de espacio, Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona and CGAC, Santiago de Compostela (2006).

Feinkost (Aaron Moulton & Mette Ravnkilde)
Bernauer Straße 71 - 72
13355 Berlin
T. +49 (0)172 1849732

Maribel López Gallery
Holzmarktstrasse 15-18
S-Bahnbogen 54
10179 Berlin
T: +49 (0) 30 200 54 530
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Hamsterwheel & Jiri Kovanda, Centre d'Art Santa Mònica, Barcelona

El viernes 16 se inauguró la exposición-consulta 'JIRI KOVANDA vs EL RESTO DEL MUNDO', comisariada por la agencia curatorial Work Method dirigida por Guillaume Désanges y François Piron. La exposición presenta fotografías de performances realizadas por Jiri Kovanda en los 70 (presentadas en la zona superior blanca) acompañadas de fotocopias con obras de la cultura occidental que sugieren conexiones con la obra del artista (en la zona inferior gris). La muestra ha ido viajando por diversos centros (gb agency, Paris; De Appel, Amsterdam...) y en cada uno de ellos se reedita el material expuesto y se presenta una pieza nueva realizada por el artista checo.

También incluimos fotos de la instalación de 'HAMSTERWHEEL', un proyecto de Franz West, comisariado por Antonio Ortega y con la participación de Reinhard Bernsteiner, David Bestué/Marc Vives, Songül Boyraz/Peter Holl, Philippe Bradshaw, Jean-Marc Bustamante, Urs FischerOlivier Garbay, Gelitin, Douglas Gordon, Heiri Häfliger, Rachel Harrison, Sarah Lucas, Bernhard Martin, Rubén Martinez, Mel O’Callaghan, Antonio Ortega, Rudolf Polanszky, Anselm Reyle, Tamuna Sirbiladze, Una Szeemann, Piotr Uklanski, Frank West y Toby Ziegler.

Centre d'Art Santa Mònica
del 09/11/2007 al 03/02/2008
La Rambla, 7 | 08002 Barcelona
Tel. 93.316.28.10 | Fax. 93.316.28.17
[email protected]
Martes–Sábado; 11-20h domingos y festivos: 11-15h. Lunes cerrado. Entrada Gratuita.

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GREENWASHING exhibition announcement

We are delighted to announce that Latitudes will curate, with Ilaria Bonacossa, the exhibition Greenwashing. Environment: Perils, Promises and Perplexities / Ambiente: Pericoli, Promesse e Perplessità / Medioambiente: Peligros, Promesas y perplejidades at the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy, 28 February – 4 May 2008.

More information here. And eventually on this site.
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Best "Present Futures" in ARTissima, Turin

Natascha Sadr Haghighian at ARTissima, Turin, "Present Futures"
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Latitudes' lecture 'Notes towards an ecology of risk' in 'Out of the Studio', Hasselt, Belgium

Last Sunday 28th October we spoke during the final session of out of the studio!

The session included lectures by:

Cuauhtémoc Medina
– Associated curator of art from Latin America, Tate Modern, London and researcher at the UNAM, Mexico. Lecture: “A different typology of public art in Latin America”
Max Andrews & Mariana Cánepa Luna
– Founders of Latitudes, an independent curatorial office, Barcelona. Lecture: “Notes towards an ecology of risk”
Claire Doherty
– Editor of 'Contemporary Art: From Studio to Situation' (2004), senior research fellow at the University of the West of England, Bristol. Lecture “Public Art as Situation: from temporary intervention to long-term commitment”
Closing remarks by:
Frank Lubbers – Independent curator and art advisor, Brussels.
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Lara Almarcegui's Wastelands

Last weekend we visited 2 of Lara Almárcegui's wastelands. One in the Rotterdam harbour (www.braakliggendterrein.nl) and the other one in Genk, Belgium. The Rotterdam wasteland (first 4 pictures) has remained untouched since 2003 and will be kept until 2018. The Genk wasteland's dates are 2004-2014 (following 12 images).

"Lara Almárcegui's work often explores neglected or overlooked sites, carefully cataloguing and highlighting each location's tendency towards entropy. Her projects have ranged from a guide to the wastelands of Amsterdam to the display, in their raw form, of the materials used to construct the galleries in which she shows. Her works are simple actions that belie the vast research process which she undertakes to achieve them." (Frieze Projects, 2006)
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Paul McCarthy at SMAK, Ghent

'HEAD SHOP/SHOP HEAD. Works 1966-2006'
13 October 2007–17 February 2008

More information and images: http://www.smak.be/tentoonstelling.php?la=en&y=2007&tid=0&t=archief&id=376

All images: Latitudes | www.lttds.org
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