Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Slideshows of two projects: 'Provenances' at Umberto di Marino and 'Nothing, or Something' at SUITCASE Art Projects Beijing

We have updated our web and uploaded images of two recent projects: 'Provenances' an exhibition at Umberto di Marino, Naples, and 'Nothing or Something', SUITCASE Art Projects, Beijing:

'Provenances' [PHOTO GALLERY] opened on May 14th at Umberto di Marino, Naples, and is composed of three specially-commissioned solo presentations by Erick Beltrán, Simon Fujiwara and Jordi Mitjà. The exhibition reflects on the heritage industry and the museumification of history, as well as the creation, transmission and fidelity of cultural worth. On view until 14 September+ info

Via Alabardieri 1
Piazza dei Martiri
80121 Napoli, ITALY
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 15–20h

Ignasi Aballí's new project [photo gallery here] for the eight windows of SUITCASE Art Projects responds to the retail context of the Yintai Centre as well as an artistic history of absence, nothingness and invisibility. + info

Suitcase Art Projects
Park Life, Beijing Yintai Centre, No. 2 Jianwai Dajie, 
Chaoyang District, Beijing, CHINA 
Opening Hours: 10am–10pm, Monday–Sunday

Please join us on Thursday 28th May 20h, at the opening of 'The Garden of Forking Paths', a group exhibition at Maisterravalbuena, Madrid. The exhibition brings together the work of Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick; The Infinite Library (Daniel Gustav Cramer & Haris Epaminonda); huber.huber; Leslie Hewitt & Matt Keegan and Nashashibi/Skaer, five artist-duos to consider duality, simultaneity, saturation and proliferation. On view until 18 July 2009. + info

Doctor Fourquet 1
28012 Madrid
Opening: Mon-Fri 10-14;15.30-19.30; Sat 10-18pm

[Photos: Simon Fujiwara, 'The Museum of Incest', installation at 'Provenances', Courtesy of teh artist. Photo: Simon Fujiwara; Visitors seeing 'Scenic Views' by Ignasi Aballí and Daniel Gustav Gramer & Haris Epaminonda 'Book #7: Walther Haage, 'Das praktische Kakteenbuch in Farben', Neumann Verlag, Radebeul, 1966 & Tibor Déry, 'Der Balaton', Druckerei Kosuth, Budapest, 1968' Courtesy the artists. Below: huber.huber, 'Mikrouniversum und andere kleine Systeme IV', 2009. Courtesy the artists.]
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2009 Cartier Award winner: Jordan Wolfson

Frieze has announced the 2009 Cartier Award winner: New Yorker Jordan Wolfson (New York, 1980. Lives in New York and Berlin). The 2008 winner was Cuban artist Wilfredo Prieto, see Latitudes' post here and artist profile here).

In 2006 Latitudes collaborated with Wolfson in the production of the sound piece 'Day' (2006) for an exhibition in Barcelona. In 2008 his film 'Landscape for Fire' was exhibited in different venues as part of the touring film programme 'A Stake in the Mud, a Hole in the Reel. Land Art's Expanded Field 1968–2008' (Museo Tamayo, Mexico City and other venues, April–October 2008) and will soon present the film 'Untitled (the nothing)' (2005–9, 4mins) as part of the cinema, performance and lectures programme 'The Uncertainty Principle' at Capella MACBA.

ead more about Jordan Wolfson: download a 2006 interview in the writing archive and a May 2005 exhibition review in Frieze Magazine here.

[Image: Jordan Wolfson, still of 'Perfect Lover' (2007). Courtesy of the artist, Johann König, Berlin, and T293, Napoli]
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Simon Fujiwara, Frame, Frieze Art Fair 2009, London

Simon Fujiwara, installation view of 'Museum of Incest: A Site Survey' (2008).

Frieze Art Fair, London (15–18 October 2009), has just announced part of their 2009 programme (+ info...). Galerie Neue Alte Brücke, Frankfurt, will be part of Frame, a newly introduced section dedicated to solo artist presentations. The gallery will present 'The Museum of Incest' by Simon Fujiwara, a version of which will soon be exhibited as part of 'Provenances' a Latitudes-curated exhibition at Umberto di Marino, Naples. + info...

'Provenances' opens Thursday 14 May, 20h. On the opening evening, the artist will present the lecture-performance 'The Museum of Incest: A Guided Tour' (starting 20.30h). For the occasion a guide of the museum has been published by Archive Books (in English with Italian translation). The guide is the first publication by Turin/Berlin-based publishing house Archive Books (formerly known as The Bookmakers Ed.).

Fujiwara (1982, London, UK. Lives in Berlin and London) has recently been artist in residence at the MAK Center for Art & Architecture, Schindler House, Los Angeles (2008–9) and participated in the exhibition 'Office of Real Time Activity', curated by graduating students of the MA Curating Contemporary Art, Royal College of Art, London (2009). Forthcoming projects include: 'The Collectors', Danish and Nordic Pavilions, 53rd Biennale di Venezia.

Read more about Simon Fujiwara: Download a profile text from Latitudes' writing archive (pdfs in Spanish and English).
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Newsletter #12, May 2009

Newsletter #12 is out!

If you would like to read it, please click here for English version or here for Spanish version.

In our forthcoming Newsletter #13 (June–July 09) we will inform you about a video programme to be screened daily at Capella MACBA (1–7 June); our participation in the festival of independent and non-profit art organisations in New York hosted by the X initiative (24–28 June) and the exhibition 'Sequelism. Episode 3: Possible, Probable, or Preferable Futures', to open at Arnolfini, Bristol on 17 July.

In the current issue of frieze (Issue 123, May 2009) you will find a review by Max Andrews on the 2nd Canary Islands Biennial of Architecture – read short report and images of the exhibition in our 8 March 2009 post.

You can also follow us on facebook.
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Exhibition 'Martí i la fàbrica de farina' (Martí and the flour factory), 24 April–31 May 2009, Can Palauet, Mataró (Barcelona)

'Martí i la fàbrica de farina' opens tomorrow 24 April at Can Palauet, Mataró [See installation photos at the end of this blog]. This solo exhibition by Martí Anson (Mataró, 1967) will present work related to his long-term project around the 'afectado' (meaning 'zoned') site of the flour factory Can Fàbregas i de Caralt in Mataró (recent image below), near Barcelona (campain to save the 1879 building here (in Catalan)).

Last year, Anson participated in Lucky #7, the SITE Santa Fe 7th International Biennial in New Mexico where he built a 1:25 scale copy of the factory (see first image). As is often characteristic of Anson's work, the important factor lies in the construction process, rather than in obtaining a pre-ordained final product. The mini building has in fact only two fully-rendered façades, as if a film set. He documented each day of the construction by setting up a video camera as well as through photo documentation, which was recently presented in ARCO'09 replicating the shape of the building (see image below).

Below an abstract of a text by curator Ferran Barenblit on Anson's work:
Martí Anson's work typically involves generating expectations in the viewer that are subsequently not fulfilled. (...) Time becomes an integral part of this process. For Anson, things do not change, but rather are constantly recomposed. Many of his works illustrate precisely this: a dislocation of time, of how events transpire – sometimes, to the point of ridicule. On other occasions, Anson demonstrates how, after patiently waiting and using that period of expectation for analysis, nothing happens. (...) A meticulous observer of reality, for him, the process is more important than the result, championing above all the value of work in art.

Installation photos of 'Martí i la fàbrica de farina' at Can Palauet and of the site where the flour factory stands (photos taken on the 24 April 2009):

'Martí and the flour factory' was commissioned by the SITE Santa Fe 7th International Biennial 'Lucky Number 7', more info here.

UPDATE: Below an article written by Oriol Fontdevila published in Culturas suplement of La Vanguardia from 23 May 2009 (in Catalan):

'Martí i la fàbrica de farina'
24 April–31 May 2009
Sales d'exposicions Can Palauet
c/ d'en Palau, 32 – Mataró (Barcelona)
Opening hours: Tue-Fri 6–9pm; Sat-Sun 11am–2pm and 6–9pm. Mondays closed.

[Images from top to bottom: Martí Anson, Installation view of 'Martí and the flour factory', 2008. Photo: BayAreaEventPhotography.com; Image of the Can Fàbregas i de Caralt factory in Mataró from the flickr album' Salvem Can Fàbregas' photostream, http://www.flickr.com/photos/salvem_can_fabregas; Photo installation at Galeria Toni Tàpies stand, ARCO 09, Photo: Latitudes]
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Jornadas comisariado: 'PRODUCIR, EXPONER, INTERPRETAR Estrategias y conflictos en la práctica curatorial hoy' 22–24 Mayo (MUSAC) 25–27 Sept (MATADERO)

PRODUCIR, EXPONER, INTERPRETAR es un encuentro nacional de comisarios de arte contemporáneo, vinculados generacionalmente, cuyo objetivo es, por un lado incentivar la creación de redes sociales entre profesionales del sector; y por otro lado, poner de relieve una serie de cuestiones en torno a la redefinición de la práctica curatorial.
Latitudes participará en las jornadas en Matadero en Septiembre. Véase programa completo aquí.
Lugar: MUSAC de León (22, 23 y 24 de mayo) y Matadero Madrid (25, 26 y 27 de septiembre)
Dirigen: Tania Pardo (Comisaria MUSAC); Manuela Villa (Responsable de contenidos de Matadero Madrid y Coordinadora general de La noche en blanco)
Presentan las Jornadas: Agustín Pérez Rubio (Director en funciones, MUSAC); Pablo Berástegui (Coordinador General Matadero Madrid); Cristina Conde (Directora General de Proyectos Culturales del Ayuntamiento de Madrid)
Participan en el panel: David Arlandis / Javier Marroquí (Comisarios independientes, Valencia); David Armengol (Comisario independiente, Barcelona); María Bella (Comisaria de Intermediae, Madrid); Álex Brahim (Comisario independiente, Barcelona); Amanda Cuesta (Comisaria independiente, Barcelona); Beatriz Herráez (Comisaria, Centro Cultural Montehermoso Kulturunea, Vitoria); Latitudes (Comisarios independientes, Barcelona); Iván López Munuera (Comisario independiente, Madrid); Manuela Moscoso (Comisaria independiente, Madrid); RMS La Asociación (Comisarios independientes, Madrid); Manuel Segade (Departamento de exposiciones, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela); Virginia Torrente (Doméstico, comisaria independiente, Madrid); Leire Vergara (Comisaria-Jefe de Sala Rekalde, Bilbao).

Para asistir a las Jornadas de MUSAC inscribirse en: www.musac.es

Para asistir a las Jornadas de Matadero Madrid inscribirse en: [email protected]
Matadero Madrid
Paseo de la Chopera 14, 28045, Madrid
T: 915 177 309
[email protected]

MUSAC, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León
Avda. Reyes Leoneses, 24, 24008 León
T.: 987 09 00 00
[email protected]
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Latitudes' Projects Timeline with Dipity

2006 projects

2007 projects

 2008 projects

 2009 projects

We have introduced a new feature with Dipity on www.lttds.org: a timeline (viewable also as a flipbook or map) to browse our projects since 2005 – find it on our website here.
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New blog design | Nuevo diseño del blog


As you might have noticed we have updated the look of the blog introducing a new commenting system (Disqus) and the possibility of logging in and commenting with your facebook identity. As always, there are three ways to keep up-to-date with our projects: keep an eye on this blog (see Site Feed link to the right) and website (www.lttds.org), sign up for our email newsletter (see form here) or via our facebook group.

We look forward to reading your comments!

Como habreis notado, hemos actualizado el diseño del blog introduciendo nuevos elementos como un nuevo sistema para realizar comentarios (Disqus) y la posibilidad de acceder y dejar tus comentarios a través de facebook. Las tres vías para mantenerse al día con nuestros proyectos siguen siendo: leyendo este blog (véase link al Site Feed a la derecha) y la web (www.lttds.org), subscribiéndote a nuestra newsletter (véase formulario aquí) o a través de nuestro
facebook group.

Esperamos vuestros comentarios!
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ACCA premia el ciclo de exposiciones de arte contemporáneo del Nivell Zero-Fundació Suñol

Ayer noche tuvo lugar la 25a edición de los Premios ACCA de la Crítica de Arte otorgados por la Associació Catalana de Crítics d'Art (ACCA) a las exposiciones, iniciativas y publicaciones que marcaron la temporada artística 2008.

El Nivell Zero de la Fundació Suñol recibió el premio al ciclo de exposiciones de arte contemporáneo. Sergi Aguilar, el director de la fundación, recogió el premio y agradeció al Sr. Suñol la confianza depositada en él, así como a la Associació y al público por el apoyo ofrecido a una "iniciativa privada que trabaja con vocación de ofrecer una programación pública".

Durante la temporada 2008, el Nivell Zero acogió dos proyectos comisariados por Latitudes: la proyección del ciclo itinerante de video y film 'Una estaca en el lodo, un hoyo en la cinta. El campo expandido del Land Art, 1968-2008' (6 y 8 Julio) y la exposición y proyecto público 'Lawrence Weiner: La cresta de la ola' (Octubre–Noviembre) (véase foto abajo). ¡Contentos de aportar nuestro granito de arena!

Passeig de Gràcia, 98
08008 Barcelona
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Latitudes' 4th anniversary

This April marks four years since we started working as Latitudes. Coinciding with next year 5th anniversary, we will produce a small booklet comprising a selection the projects we've been involved in.

We would like to thank our families and friends for their ongoing support and for offering a spare room whenever needed ;-)

Max & Mariana

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