Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Portscapes: Jorge Satorre returns an ice-age boulder back to Sweden

Jorge Satorre's project for Portscapes had its beginnings in the eastern part of the Netherlands with a 3-tonne gneissic granite rock from the Svecofennian age, approximately 1.9 billion years ago. Following the artist’s fascination with the environmental compensation practices being instigated alongside the construction of Maasvlakte 2, his project consisted of returning the rock to where it once came from in Sweden – an act of synthetic restitution and transnational sculptural offsetting. 

The boulder has now found a permanent home at the Wanås Foundation, near Knislinge in southern Sweden [1]. The boulder was transported from Erica, in the northeast of The Netherlands, to Knislinge at the beginning of January (see report on the Swedish newspaper Kristianstadsbladet).

Not insignificantly, the celebrated Land art work 'Broken Circle' (1971) by Robert Smithson, sited in a working quarry near Emmen, incorporates such a seemingly immovable boulder at its centre. Satorre’s reverse geological gesture is also reflected in the fact that much of the existing and future sea defence in the port area will be made from rock brought from Scandinavia. The artist offers an account of the process through drawings, which incorporates both actual and imagined details. One such detail depicts an imagined protest at the beginning of the boulder’s homeward journey – see post 2 October 2009.

Jorge Satorre's project was produced in the context of 'Portscapes', an accumulative series of newly commissioned projects produced in the context of the 2,000-hectare extension to the Port of Rotterdam, the project Maasvlakte 2.

An exhibition with 'Portscapes' projects will be on view at the
Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam between 30 January and 25 April 2010 (Reception: Friday 5 February, 20h).

Portscapes was commissioned by the Port of Rotterdam Authority with advice and support from SKOR (Foundation Art and Public Space, Amsterdam) and was curated by Latitudes.

[FOOTNOTE 1] The foundation estate encompasses a medieval castle, an organic farm, and a sculpture park which since 1987 has hosted a number of permanent works by international artists.

Images: Journey and placement of the boulder from the newspaper Kristianstadsbladet; Drawings of 'The Erratic. Measuring Compensation' (2009), courtesy of the artist.
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PAC Murcia 2010: 'Dominó Caníbal', a year-long 'cannibalistic' exhibition project

The year-long exhibition project DOMINÓ CANÍBAL will use a single venue, the 18th century convent church Sala Verónicas, over a period of twelve months. Starting with the sculptor, essayist and poet Jimmie Durham, each successive artist [
Cristina Lucas (March 26th), The Bruce High Quality Foundation (May 21st – see images of their 'temporary office' for Latitudes' participation in 'No Soul for Sale'), Kendell Geers (July 9th), Tania Bruguera (September 24th), Rivane Neuenschwander (November 12th) and Francis Alÿs (December 17th)] will create his/her work based on what was created by the preceding artist, either destroying it, appropriating or reinterpreting it.

Jimmie Durham's exhibition will open on Monday 25th January, and will be preceded by a conversation between him and Cuauhtémoc Medina, curator of 'Dominó Caníbal', on Friday 22 January, 6pm at CENDEAC.
Below images of the artist during his recent site visits to Murcia and surroundings. 

 As PAC 2010 curator Cuauhtémoc Medina has stated “my starting point is the operation of the game of dominoes, which is a very widespread transcultural point of production. (...) From the ideological use of the so-called “domino effect” brings to mind the terrors of the Cold War and beyond”. Here "the creative process depends on observation and interaction with the previous moves, instead of viewing itself as the production of some unique and conclusive image." (1)

The ongoing creative process taking place in Sala Verónicas will be filmed in real time and on view at the PAC MURCIA website (www.pacmurcia.es).

As with the previous PAC in 2008 (see Latitudes' posts here and here) a series of activities are running parallel to PAC 2010: a seminar organised in collaboration with CENDEAC (Centro de Documentación y Estudios Avanzados de Arte Contemporáneo), a programme of exhibitions in art galleries in the region and series residences for artists from Murcia in Europe and America.

Coinciding with this edition of PAC, the
European Biennial for Contemporary Art Manifesta 8 will also take place in Murcia and open on October 1st . The event is curated by three collectives Alexandria Contemporary Art Forum (Egypt), Chamber of Public Secrets (Denmark, Italy, Lebanon) and Tranzit (Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia) (see Latitudes post here and here) with the "aim to engage with Europe’s present-day boundaries with Northern Africa and its interrelations with the Maghreb region." (2)

'Dominó Caníbal'
, January–December 2010, Sala Verónicas, Murcia
Artists: Jimmie Durham (January 22nd) Cristina Lucas (March 26th), Bruce High Quality

Foundation (May 21st), Kendell Geers (July 9th) Tania Bruguera (September 24th),
Rivane Neuenschwander (November 12th) and Francis Alÿs (December 17th).
Curator: Cuauhtémoc Medina
Project Management: Carlos Urroz
Production: PAC Murcia is an initiative of the Department of Education and Culture of the Región de Murcia through its Directorate General of Fine Art and Cultural Goods.
Organiser: Department of Culture & Tourism, Region of Murcia
Press & Communication: Urroz Proyectos, T + 34 915 648 856, [email protected], www.urrozproyectos.com
Project website: www.pacmurcia.es

UPDATE - images of Jimmie Durham's installation. Photos: La Lobera
(1) Curatorial text, available on http://www.pacmurcia.es
(2) Manifesta website

Images: Graphic identity of 'Dominó Caníbal', portraits of Jimmie Durham during his site visits to Murcia and surroundings and interior of Sala Verónicas (Photos: La Lobera). Courtesy PAC Murcia 2010.
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Newsletter #19 – January 2010

Newsletter #19 – January 2010
English | Español

Portscapes exhibition reception 5th February, 8pm, at the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam. Exhibition runs between 30 January – 25 April 2010.
Latitudes in the press: article by Teresa Sesé, 'De profesión, comisario, 'La Vanguardia', 2 January 2010, pp. 38-39. Read full article here (in Spanish).
If you would like to read previous newsletters, click here.
Check also our Latitudes' at www.lttds.org/blog for further news.
Facebook fan page here
Flickr photosets here
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Latitudes en La Vanguardia artículo 'De profesión, Comisario'


"Reflexiones entorno a una figura cada vez más influyente en el mundo del arte", artículo por Teresa Sesé, La Vanguardia, 2 Enero 2010, pp. 38-39. Incluye comentarios de Cuauhtémoc Medina, Tania Pardo, Valentín Roma, Rafael Doctor, Rosa Martínez, Latitudes (Max Andrews & Mariana Cánepa Luna) y Chus Martínez.
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Happy holidays to you all!

Felices fiestas a todos!

Latitudes' web: http://www.lttds.org
Latitudes' blog: http://www.lttds.org/blog
Latitudes' facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/LTTDS
Latitudes' photo albums: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lttds/sets
Latitudes' current project: http://portscapes.nl
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Images of SUM#5 magazine featuring an interview with Marjolijn Dijkman

SUM# 05 magazine for contemporary art, December 2009

Updating the 30 November blog post, here are images of the published interview between Latitudes and Marjolijn Dijkman appearing in the December issue of SUM# 05 magazine for contemporary art, pages 56–64.

If you would like to read the whole interview, please download the text from Latitudes' writing archive.

SUM is published twice a year in English/Danish by The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts' Schools of Visual Arts. Issue #5 is published with support from The Danish Ministry of Culture's grant for culture magazines and The New Carlsberg Foundation.

ISSN 1902-8970
ISBN 978-3-86895-064-9
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Haegue Yang's 'Symmetric Inequality' (Desigualdad simétrica) exhibition catalogue, sala rekalde, Bilbao

Haegue Yang at Sala Rekalde

The trilingual exhibition catalogue 'Symmetric Inequality' (Desigualdad simétrica), has just been published following the solo exhibition by Berlin-based artist Haegue Yang (1971, Seoul, Korea) which opened a year ago at sala rekalde, Bilbao (18.12.08–19.04.09 – see above images of the exhibition on Latitudes' post from 20 December 2008). 

The catalogue is the second volume of a two-part publication project that began with the exhibition 'Asymmetric Equality: Haegue Yang', which took place at REDCAT, Los Angeles between 28 June and 24 August 2008.

This second volume documents the installation at sala rekalde and includes texts by Max Andrews of Latitudes; Prof. Jie-Hyun Lim, director of the Institute of Research in History and Comparative Culture of the University of Hanyang and a conversation between Melanie Ohnemus, curator of Portikus, Bart van der Heide, former curator of Cubitt, Pablo Lafuente, critic and editor of the journal Afterall, London/ Los Angeles, Asier Mendizábal, artist, Leire Vergara, former curator of sala rekalde and Haegue Yang.

'Haegue Yang. Symmetric Inequality'
Graphic Design: Katie Hanburger & Gail Swanlund
Publisher: sala rekalde, www.salarekalde.bizkaia.net
Distributor: AGD Libros, Bilbao, [email protected]
ISBN 978-84-88559-58-6 (sala rekalde), ISBN 0-9749831-9-5 (REDCAT)
352 pp., colour, softcover
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SUM#5 interview with Marjolijn Dijkman and Karriere#4 text on Renzo Martens and Mark Boulos's films

 Marjolijn Dijkman, Maasvlakte, 2009, Courtesy of the artist.

In the forthcoming issue of Danish magazine SUM#5, Latitudes talks to Rotterdam and Saint Mihiel-based artist Marjolijn Dijkman (1978) about visions of the Earth, cartography, image categorisation, representations of the future and new lands. Marjolijn Dijkman is one of the artists involved in the year-long commissioning series 'Portscapes'. Her film 'Here be dragons' (2009–10) will be premiered in the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen exhibition, opening on the 5th February.

SUM#5 will be launched on the 9th December, from 17–19h, at the BKS Garage on Ny Carlsberg Vej 68, Copenhagen V.

SUM is published twice a year in English/Danish by The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts' Schools of Visual Arts. Issue #5 is published with support from The Danish Ministry of Culture's grant for culture magazines and The New Carlsberg Foundation.

 pdf of Karriere. Courtesy of Karriere

Another Denmark-based magazine Karriere#4 (Autumn issue), has published the text 'Big Things: Crunch, Crisis, Change we can believe' by Max Andrews from Latitudes which discusses Mark Boulos' two-screen film installation 'All that is Solid Melts into Air' (2008) and Renzo Martens' feature-length 'Episode III: Enjoy Poverty' (2008). You can download a pdf of Karriere text from Latitudes' writing archive.

Karriere is published 3 times a year. Karriere is a free newspaper on contemporary art and social life. Distributed in all major Danish cities, Germany and England via the Walther Koenig Bookstores.
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Hinterland Symposium: 'The evolving relationships between artists, the changing climate and new responsibilities', 26 November, Nottingham, UK

Hinterland Symposium: 
The evolving relationships between artists, the changing climate and new responsibilities

Hinterland are inviting specialists in the field of commissioning temporary site-specific art to present their practice. Alongside informal discussions with artists currently engaged in commissions for Hinterland, this one day event will question the responsibilities of artists when creating work in the public realm. Biographies of the speakers here.

Conference programme

[Registration starts at 9.30am promptly so talks can begin at 10am in Screen 2.]

10.30am Joy Sleeman
11.10am Latitudes (Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna)
12.20pm Lunch
1.20pm Wallace Heim in conversation with Rebecca Beinart
2.05pm Richard Grayson in conversation with John Newling
3.30pm Neil Cummings in conversation with Annexinema (Emily Wilczek and Ian Nesbitt)
4.15pm Jonathan Griffin in conversation with S Mark Gubb

Film Screening 6pm onwards
Mark Harasimowicz and Tristan Hessing invite symposium delegates from Broadway to One Thoresby Street studios in Sneinton for the preview of a new film installation.

Harasimowicz and Hessing spent time cycling around Europe exploring contemporary and abandoned industrial space. Hinterland has commissioned a new work, which marks a new artistic partnership between the two artists.

Bookings: Contact Broadway Box Office, Tel. 0115 952 6611 or book online www.broadway.org.uk

Hinterland is a project led by independent curator, Jennie Syson. Working together with artists, Hinterland closely examines the areas that surround the River Trent in Nottingham which make up a ten mile car free cycle route around the city known as the Big Track. As we head towards economic depression and society becomes increasingly aware of issues surrounding global warming and the natural environment, Hinterland pays tribute to the geographical locations and the industrial halo that surrounds Nottingham’s city centre.
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'Foro de expertos' Máster On-line de 'Arte Actual: Análisis y Gestión' de la Universitat de Barcelona

Imagen: 'Self-Help', publicada en la compilación Helguera’s Artoons: Cartoons about the Art World de Pablo Helguera, via www.artworldsalon.com/blog

Los próximos 23 y 24 de Noviembre 2009, Latitudes participará en el 'foro de expertos' del Máster On-line de Arte Actual: Análisis y Gestión organizado por el Instituto de Formación Contínua de la Universitat de Barcelona dirigido por el comisario y crítico David G. Torres y la gestora cultural Ester Prat dentro del módulo dedicado al 'Coleccionismo y Arte Actual' coordinado por la crítica y comisaria Montse Badia.

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