Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Studio visit: Ester Partegàs, Brooklyn, New York

Today we visited Ester Partegàs' studio in Brooklyn. Partegàs will be the 'advertising department' for the 10 tabloid newspaper series edited by Latitudes as part of the New Museum forthcoming exhibition 'The Last Newspaper'.

Partegàs has recently exhibited at Christopher Grimes in Los Angeles and on the 21 October will open a show at Foxy Production, New York. Besides this two US galleries, Partegàs also works with NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona and Helga de Alvear, Madrid.

Images: Courtesy the artist. Photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org
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'Antes que todo', Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (CA2M), Móstoles, hasta 9 Enero 2011

Antes que todo'

Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles, Madrid
18 Septiembre 2010 – 9 Enero 2011

Artistas: Ignasi Aballí; Lorea Alfaro; Txomin Badiola; Antonio Ballester Moreno; Erick Beltrán; Bestué / Vives; Rafel G. Bianchi; Carles Congost; June Crespo; Discoteca Flaming Star; Patricia Esquivias; Jon Mikel Euba; Esther Ferrer; Nuria Fuster; Dora García; Fernando García; Rubén Grilo; Lilli Hartmann; Daniel Jacoby; Jeleton; Fermín Jiménez Landa; Adrià Julià; Dai K.S.; Tamara Kuselman; Daniel Llaría; Erlea Maneros Zabala; Pablo Marte; Fran Meana; Asier Mendizabal; Jordi Mitjà; Momu & No Es; Julia Montilla; Itziar Okariz; Antonio Ortega; Kiko Pérez; Juan Pérez Agirregoikoa; Gabriel Pericàs; Paloma Polo; Sergio Prego; Wilfredo Prieto; Tere Recarens; Red Caballo; Alex Reynolds; Xavier Ribas; Carlos Rodríguez-Méndez; Francesc Ruiz; Xabier Salaberria; Jorge Satorre; Javi Soto; Julia Spínola; Sra. Polaroiska; Alain Urrutia; Isidoro Valcárcel Medina; Azucena Vieites; Oriol Vilanova; WeareQQ

Comisariado: Aimar Arriola & Manuela Moscoso

'Antes que todo' es una exposición que se propone penetrar en el presente del arte en el Estado Español. La muestra, que ocupa la totalidad de los espacios del CA2M y en la que participan 56 artistas, no pretende arrojar una mirada totalizadora sobre el “aquí y ahora”, sino que da una mayor visibilidad, y por primera vez de manera concentrada, a formas de trabajo que se han desarrollado en los últimos 20 años en focos específicos del contexto. En la base del proyecto subyace el interés por problematizar la noción de actualidad, con el objetivo de generar una mayor conciencia respecto al lugar que ocupamos en relación a un determinado presente.

El marco conceptual del proyecto se ha articulado en torno a la idea de “expectativa” entendida como una bisagra mediadora entre pasado, presente y futuro. Una de las subtramas del proyecto se centra en explorar hilos de continuidad entre prácticas de diferentes generaciones, con la voluntad de crear puentes y de evidenciar sus resonancias con el presente. Más info…

Las piezas realizadas por Jordi Mitjà ('Floating Lines' (Second Cabinet)) e Ignasi Aballí ('Tomar Medidas') que se presentarán en la exposición, derivan de proyectos comisariados por Latitudes en el 2009 para la Galleria Umberto di Marino, Nápoles, y en Suitcase Art Project, Pekín, respectivamente.

Catálogo 'Antes que todo' 
(próximamente disponible)
Diseño: ferranElOtro Studio
Ensayos: Peio Aguirre, Sofie van Loo, Aimar Arriola y Manuela Moscoso.
Textos artistas: Max Andrews, David Armengol, Haizea Barcenilla, Ellen Blumenstein, Juan Canela, Mariana Cánepa Luna, Amanda Cuesta, Maite Garbayo, Miren Jaio, Willy Kautz, Martí Manen, Mariano Mayer, Tania Pardo, Alberto Sánchez Balmisa, Andrea Valdés Vigil, y los comisarios de la exposición.

Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo
Avda. Constitución 23
28931 Móstoles, Madrid
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Latitudes/New Museum recruiting New York interns for the Museum’s fall exhibition 'The Last Newspaper'

Position: Volunteer internships (editorial/curatorial/journalism/design)
Requirement: Minimum 2 full days per week, 7 hours per day. Based in New York.
Desired dates: 27 September–14 December 2010
Deadline: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all positions are filled

As a partner organization in the New Museum’s fall exhibition 'The Last Newspaper' (6 October 2010–9 January 2011), the Barcelona-based curatorial duo Latitudes (www.LTTDS.org) is editing a weekly in-house newspaper.

Latitudes is seeking multi-talented and motivated people to form the newspaper team to join them in working as art news and feature writers, interviewers, content producers, photographers and/or graphic designers.

During the exhibition a mini-newsroom will be set up and operated on site and, in place of a traditional catalogue, this free 12-page newspaper will be compiled and made available freely from the museum each week for 10 weeks. This opportunity allows interns to get real-world experience in an editorial and curatorial environment and to be an integral part of a unique project. More information here: http://www.lttds.org/projects/current/lastnewspaper/lastnewspaper.html


All interested individuals eighteen years of age and older are eligible to apply for an internship. Candidates with a strong knowledge of 20th-century art history and contemporary art (or have a background in galleries, journalism, art magazines, curating, critical writing and studio art or art education) are welcome to apply. International candidates may apply, but please note that we cannot provide visas, travel or accommodation. When considering whether or not to apply, please keep in mind these are unpaid internships.


Each member of the team will be required to assist and collaborate in all aspects of editorial planning with accuracy and good-humor. Work will include producing both short and long-form writing to tight deadlines under the direction of the editor-curators as well as copy-editing, administrative support and research.

Job requirements

  • A track-record in writing and editorial tasks, compiling textual and pictorial material with an eye for detail
  • Ability to work to agreed deadlines and prioritize
  • Proven ability to organize and manage work flow
  • Interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively as part of a team as well as independently
Days and Hours
Interns must be able to work a minimum of 2 full days per week, 7 hours per day, ideally for the full run of the project (27 September–14 December 2010). The exact schedule will be determined in conjunction with the New Museum.

Application Procedure

Please apply by e-mail (see below) with:
  • a letter of interest of a maximum of 500 words,
  • a resume outlining your educational background and recent work experience,
  • a letter of recommendation from a previous employer or professor/tutor,
  • a maximum of 3 samples of relevant writing, journalism, or design work while indicating your main areas of interest and skills within respect to the roles and opportunities offered by this project.
Please send all the documents in one email to: [email protected] , with subject 'Internship The Last Newspaper'.

Please note that only accepted candidates will be notified.

For general terms about internships at the New Museum, please see conditions here.
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Newsletter #25 - September 2010

THIS MONTH Publication 'Mataró Chauffeur Service', a project by Martí Anson – Now Available! (online from October) + profile texts on the artists Jordi Mitjà, Jorge Satorre and Wilfredo Prieto for the exhibition catalogue 'Before everything' (CA2M, Móstoles) IN PREPARATION Partner organisation in the exhibition 'The Last Newspaper', New Museum, New York, (6 October 2010–9 January 2011) and 'Vic Cambrils Barcelona...A Library Project' for Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis (Talk: 21 October, 7pm) FORTHCOMING IN 2011 Curators of the exhibition 'Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller: United Alternative Energies', Aarhus Art Building, Arhus, Denmark, 22 January–3 April 2011 LATITUDES ON THE PRESS Latitudes on the press: 'Otras Latitudes' by Juan Palomo, El Cultural (Spanish, online), 31 July 2010 and interview 'The curator is a piece in the artworlds' ecosystem', Arteinformado (Spanish, online), 30 August

Check Latitudes' web www.lttds.org for further info
Facebook page here Twitter here Flickr photosets here Previous newsletter here Youtube Latitudes Channel
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Forthcoming project: Partner organisation in 'The Last Newspaper', 3rd, 4th and 5th floors, New Museum, New York, 6 October 2010–9 January 2011

Photo: New Museum/Dean Kaufman

| ENG |

(...) The first people we approached to participate were Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna, who are partners in Latitudes, a curatorial office based in Barcelona. They have a wonderful flexibility in their projects, which include overseeing public commissions, organizing conferences, as well as initiating multidisciplinary research and editorial programs. Our preliminary conversations led quickly to the notion of a weekly newspaper produced in the New Museum over the course of a residency. From this point, we moved pretty quickly into a landscape of organizational residencies that will animate the social aspects of the exhibition. – Richard Flood, interview with Benjamin Godsill about the exhibition, fall 2010.

The Last Newspaper will be a hybrid exhibition inspired by the ways artists approach the news and respond to the stories and images that command the headlines. Alongside the exhibition, a number of partner organisations (see list below) will use on-site offices to present their research, engage in rapid prototyping, and stage public dialogues, opening up the galleries as spaces of intellectual production as well as display.

'THE LAST POST' / 'THE LAST GAZETTE' / 'THE LAST REGISTER'... will be an evolving-titled 12-page free weekly newspaper and an incremental exhibition catalogue edited by Latitudes and produced and disseminated from the museum every week for 10 weeks.

The tabloids, design directed by Chad Kloepfer, will be conceived by a specially-assembled editorial team and contributors who are giving their time and skills pro bono. The published record of the enterprise will be bound at the conclusion to form a surrogate catalogue of The Last Newspaper.

Artists in the exhibition:
Alighiero e Boetti; Judith Bernstein; Pierre Bismuth; Andrea Bowers; Francois Bucher; Sarah Charlesworth; Luciano Fabro; Robert Gober; Hans Haacke; Karl Haendel; Rachel Harrison; Thomas Hirschhorn; Emily Jacir; Larry Johnson; Mike Kelley; Nate Lowman; Sarah Lucas; Adam McEwen; Aleksandra Mir; Adrian Piper; William Pope.L; Allen Ruppersberg; Dexter Sinister; Dash Snow; Rikrit Tiravanija; Wolfgang Tillmans; and Kelley Walker.Partner organisations: Center for Urban Pedagogy; StoryCorps; Latitudes; The Slought Foundation; INABA, Columbia University’s C-Lab; Joseph Grima and Kazys Varnelis/Netlab; and Angel Nevarez and Valerie Tevere.

Exhibition co-curated by Richard Flood, Chief Curator of the
New Museum and Benjamin Godsill, Curatorial Associate.

| ESP |

Hans Haacke, News, 1969/2008, RSS newsfeed, paper, and printer, dimensions variable.

"La primera persona que invitamos a participar fue Max Andrews y Mariana Cánepa Luna, socios de Latitudes, una oficina curatorial con base en Barcelona. Tienen una maravillosa flexibilidad en sus proyectos, que incluyen la supervisión de comisiones públicas, la organización de conferencias, así como iniciar programas de investigación multidisciplinaria y de índole editorial. Nuestras conversaciones preliminares nos llevaron rápidamente hacia la idea de realizar un periodico semanal producido en el New Museum en el transcurso de una residencia. – Richard Flood, entrevista con Benjamin Godsill entorno a la exposición, otoño 2010

'The Last Newspaper' será una exposición híbrida que explorará el modo en que los artistas responden a las noticias, imágenes y titulares y al tiempo analizará cómo se genera, gestiona, registra, ordena y distribuye la información. Un número de organizaciones asociadas han sido invitadas a 'desplazar' sus oficinas al terreno museístico para presentar su trabajo, participar en la creación de propotipos y diálogos públicos, convirtiendo las galerías del museo en espacios de exhibición y discurso.

'THE LAST POST' / 'THE LAST GAZETTE' / 'THE LAST REGISTER'... será un tabloide semanal de 12 páginas editado por Latitudes durante 10 semanas ‘en directo’ desde una sala de redacción instalada en el espacio expositivo. El periódico será una publicación episódica gratuita que cambiará su título semanalmente e investigará el frágil momento del periódico como medio de comunicación así como los comportamientos comunes entre la labor editorial y la curatorial.

Los tabloides, cuyo diseño será dirigido por Chad Kloepfer, serán un documento en continua formación que registrará la exposición. Al concluir ésta, se encuadernarán como un único volumen formando el catálogo sustituto de 'The Last Newspaper'.

Artistas en la exposición:
Alighiero e Boetti; Judith Bernstein; Pierre Bismuth; Andrea Bowers; Francois Bucher; Sarah Charlesworth; Luciano Fabro; Robert Gober; Hans Haacke; Karl Haendel; Rachel Harrison; Thomas Hirschhorn; Emily Jacir; Larry Johnson; Mike Kelley; Nate Lowman; Sarah Lucas; Adam McEwen; Aleksandra Mir; Adrian Piper; William Pope.L; Allen Ruppersberg; Dexter Sinister; Dash Snow; Rikrit Tiravanija; Wolfgang Tillmans; and Kelley Walker.

Organizaciones asociadas:
Center for Urban Pedagogy; StoryCorps; Latitudes; The Slought Foundation; INABA, Columbia University’s C-Lab; Joseph Grima y Kazys Varnelis/Netlab; y Angel Nevarez y Valerie Tevere.

Exposición comisariada por Richard Flood, Comisario jefe del New Museum y Benjamin Godsill, Comisario asociado.

New Museum
235 Bowery
New York, NY 10002
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Latitudes 'out of office' photo album 2009–10 season

Following a tradition started last year with an 'out of office' summer post, below is a selection of the 2009-10 season's unseen and 'behind the scenes' moments.
Happy holidays/felices vacaciones!

– Latitudes | www.lttds.org

'Closed for holidays' sign, Passatge Mercader, Barcelona

Performance 'The Museum of Incest' by Simon Fujiwara, 19 September 2009, Hangar, Barcelona, programmed as part of Vena (por la).

Conference 'Producir, Exponer, Interpretar (Estrategias y conflictos en la práctica curatorial hoy)', Matadero Madrid, 25–27 September: Conference break with some of the speakers: in the back (left to right) Tania Pardo, Sergio Rubira, Iván López Munuera.

October 2009: Site visit to Meessen de Clercq gallery, Brussels, a forthcoming Latitudes-curated exhibition will open there in February 2011

Frieze At Fair, London, October 2009: T293 stand by artists Pennacchio/Argentato, about who you'll hear more from us soon...

On 18th October 2009 and as part of Frieze Projects, Max Andrews of Latitudes participated in Fia Backström's project 'Studies in Leadership - The Review' at invitation of Filipa Oliveira and Miguel Amado. Four art critics and writers – Amado, Michele Robecchi, J. J. Charlesworth (not in this image) and Andrews – worked with a professional voice coach to publicly read one of their recent exhibition reviews, and together consider the implications of performance and the author's 'voice'.

Seminar on Art & Ecology, The Wanås Foundation, Knislinge, Sweden, 21 October 2009: Coffee break + socialising in the Swedish sunshine
Seminar on Art & Ecology, The Wanås Foundation, Knislinge, Sweden, 21 October 2009: Going around the Wanås state and recognising some (perhaps edible?) fungi with artist Tue Greenfort
Opening of Lawrence Weiner's Under the Sun at Espai d'Art Contemporani Castelló
, 23 October 2009
'Portscapes' series, Port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, throughout 2009: Lara Almarcegui being interviewed for the 'Behind the scenes' video produced for Portscapes. The interview took place after touring 4 wasteland sites included in Almarcegui's guide 'Wastelands of the Port of Rotterdam', 9 November 2009

'Portscapes' series, Port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, throughout 2009: Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller filming the performing choir under the heavy rain nearby the Maritime Museum, Rotterdam, 8 November 2009'Portscapes' exhibition, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 30 January–25 April 2010: Hans Schabus and Roman Keller on Hemauer/Keller's stage (which travelled from Basel to Rotterdam by boat).
'Portscapes' exhibition, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 30 January–25 April 2010: Opening party with Lara Almarcegui, Ilana Halperin and Hans Schabus, 5 February 2010
'Portscapes' exhibition, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 30 January – 25 April 2010: Private view dinner at the museum's cafe to celebrate the openings of 'Portscapes' and Carsten Höller, 5 February 2010.

ARCO, Madrid, 17 February 2010: With artist Fermín Jiménez Landa (left) and curator David Armengol (right)
ARCO, Madrid, 17 February 2010: Artists Marc Vives & David Bestué posing with their piece shown at the stand of Estrany de la Mota, Barcelona.
2010 curatorial award Premi GAC: A colleague took a picture on the TV monitor while Latitudes received the award, 25 February 2010.
Easter visit to the old-time classic Barcelona's Wax Museum: grateful smiles by gallerists, curators and artists posing next to writer and philosopher Ramon Llull, whose Institut Ramon Llull has partly supported some of our projects.

Flyby visit by The Bruce High Quality Foundation on their way to Murcia to open the third installment of 'Dominó Caníbal', May 2010

'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Customising the BMW car with designer ferranElOtro at Can Xalant, 8 May 2010
'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: A tired chauffeur...

'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Lunch break with the artist-chauffeur on the way to Santander, 10 May
'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Deciding which petrol to put in the car...10 May
'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Installation finished ('chiringuito' settled). Checking Google maps for route of how to see as many galleries as possible in one afternoon, 13 May.

'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Cleaner brooming the feathers thrown by a group of protesters against BP's Tate sponsorship, 15 May

'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: 'A Mariana summit': with Mariana Castillo Deball.
'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: 'No Soul for Sale' curator Cecilia Alemani being interviewed by Tate watched by 'No Soul for Sale' creator & artist Maurizio Cattelan.
'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Danish artist John Kørner discussing with Martí Anson about Anson's factory project in New Mexico.

'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Waiting to board at Portsmouth to sail back to Santander.

Falmouth Convention (
20–23 May, Cornwall, UK) – Waiting for the train back to London after the convention with curators Michaela Crimmin (former director of the Arts & Ecology programme at the RSA) and curator Emma Ridgway.
Visiting designer and publisher Chiara Figone from Archive Kabinett during the Berlin Biennial, June 2010
Visiting Maribel López Gallery (with Maribel López) during the Berlin Biennial, June 2010

Devouring 'The Exhibitionist' journal while drinking a cold German beer on the Berlin-Basel train, 13 June 2010

Browsing through pictures on Art Basel's website we found us portrayed while visiting Simon Fujiwara's space, Neue Alte Brücke, Frankfurt am Main, Art Statements – Art Basel 2010. Photo: Art Basel
Checking the designs for the forthcoming 'Mataró Chauffeur Service' publication with Martí Anson at the ferranElOtro Studio, July 2010. Photo: Latitudes
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Artist-run initiatives in Barcelona

Several admirable artist-run initiatives have recently made refreshing incursions into the Barcelona cultural landscape. Self-organisation and sustained micro-activity outside the major institutions have been uncommon in recent years. Yet as the city awaits the opening of the future 'Kunstverein' of Barcelona, the Canòdrom Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (the planned Spring 2011 opening now suffering delays and budget cuts), and with a continuing lack of flexible grants and affordable rents, innovative projects have sprung up through necessity. These have often been sporadic and ephemeral, such as the weekend group exhibition of about 30 artists 'Entes' at the flat of artist Luz Broto's last November (video here, photo documentation here) or 'Domestica 2' an open-submission group show organized by artists Antoni Hervàs, Ariadna Parreu and Consol Llupià, whose second edition took place in early July in a former bicycle repair shop. ('Entes' will take shape again as the summer show at gallery Àngels Barcelona (22 July–18 September 2010), an interesting transition.)

KKKB (Komando Kultura Kontemporanea Barcelona), a non-profit cultural association, opened at the end of May 2010 with '7 Songs. The raining machine of Raffaella Carrà's monkey does ventriloquism with my neighbour', a project curated by artist Daniel Jacoby. The street-level space in Joaquin Costa 9, near MACBA, resembles more a traditional gallery space, opens weekdays 18-21h and is currently accepting exhibition proposals.

The opening of 'Short Time', December 2009. Courtesy: Halfhouse Espacio

Halfhouse Espacio, which operates as an association in order to be able to apply for grants, is an exhibition space of about 10m2 in the private apartment of artists Alberto Peral and Sinéad Spelman. It opened on December 2009 with 'Short Time', a screening programme of 15 videos under 1 minute by artists David Bestué, Luis Bisbe, Jesús Palomino, Gabriel Pericàs, Jorge Satorre and Daniel Steegmann, amongst others, as well as a site-specific work by Renata Lucas.

Site-specific work 'camouflaged' in the house by Renata Lucas. Courtesy: Halfhouse Espacio

'5 Platonic Solids' followed in April 2010, with a 'chain invitation' by artists and curators that led to the presentation of works by Daniel Jacoby, Paloma Polo, Christian Friedrich, Johannes Wald and Florian Kohler and last June they presented 'Puede que nadie vuelva a tener el mismo conocimiento' a project by Maria Castelló Solbes and Regina de Miguel.

View of the exhibition '5 Platonic Solids'. Courtesy: Halfhouse Espacio

'Puede que nadie vuelva a tener el mismo conocimiento' by Maria Castelló Solbes & Regina de Miguel. Courtesy: Halfhouse Espacio

Halfhouse's programme not only includes exhibitions. In their manifesto, they announce the intention of offering 'discursive support, tortilla and wine' as well as opening up to other formats such as residencies (the first of which takes place this summer as a flat swap), performances and talks.

Their most recent show, 'Lo de siempre raras veces ocurre', opened on a very humid 16 July with a strong selection of works displayed in the 'exhibition' space, as well as in the private space of the flat, by 4 students from the Fine Arts Department at the Universitat de Barcelona: Serafín Álvarez, Mercedes Mangrané, Gerard Ortín, and Rafel Marcos Mota. The latter lay underneath a gold emergency blanket for the most part of the opening as a test of resistance to the event as well as the high temperature. Álvarez presented two works: '±2.5 g (I Believed I Could Fly)' consisting of two silver balloons tethered to 10g weights at a height of 160cm – susceptible to human and atmospheric changes; as well as the performative piece 'Sube a velocidad constante, fría y pequeña, aunque en el torrente sanguíneo te mate', for which he poured cava into an empty glass with a microphone amplifying the bubbles. Gerard Ortín's video 'El Truco' showed his cat snoozing in a garden. During the opening, the artist honked an old-fashioned horn coinciding with a moment when the animal was startled from its sleep as if claiming its attention in a delayed interaction between owner and pet. Mercedes Magrané's two short videos (one on a TV monitor, another projected) showed views of the apartment space, one is an objective view of the flat (a sort of promotional agency video of the property) and the other being a more intimate portrait of inhabited space (afternoon light, the artist touching a plant…).

Gerard Ortín, 'El Truco (el gag)', 2009, action & video 1'30. Courtesy: http://www.gerardortin.com

Pere IV 46, 1º 3ª
08005 Barcelona
[email protected]
Visits by appointment only

Joaquin Costa 9
08001 Barcelona
Monday-Friday 18–21h

Domèstica 1 (January 2009) and 2 (July 2010) http://convocatoriadomestica.blogspot.com
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Vena (por la) y Latitudes presentan: Charla con la comisaria Direlia Lazo, Miércoles 14 Julio, 19h

Charla con la comisaria Direlia Lazo y presentación del catálogo de la exposición 'I'm not here. An exhibition without Francis Alÿs', Miércoles 14 Julio, 19h.

Librería La Central del Raval | c/ Elisabets, 6 | 08001 Barcelona |
Metro: Liceu (L3), Pl. Catalunya (L3, L1, FGC) | MAPA

: 4 Euros (se adquieren en la cripta, el lugar del evento)

Direlia Lazo hablará sobre la exposición 'I'm not here. An exhibition without Francis Alÿs' (17 Abril—6 Junio 2010, de Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam) y presentará su catálogo.
'I'm not here. An exhibition without Francis Alÿs' está inspirada en la película 'I'm not there' (2007) dirigida por Todd Haynes, donde seis actores encarnan diferentes facetas de la vida de Bob Dylan sin la presencia física del músico. De modo similar, Francis Alÿs es el protagonista 'ausente' de 'I'm not here…', aunque la obra de los 14 artistas participantesexposición pretende cuestionar el formato de la exposición individual al tiempo que aborda los conceptos de presencia y ausencia. evoca la atmósfera de la práctica artística del artista belga afincado en México. Cambiando el punto de atención que recae sobre artistas establecidos como Alÿs a un grupo de prácticas artísticas relacionadas, la exposición pretende cuestionar el formato de la exposición individual al tiempo que aborda los conceptos de presencia y ausencia.

Ariel Schlesinger "Minor Urban Disasters" (2007-ongoing). Secuencia de diapositivas. Cortesía del artista.

Artistas participantes: Mounira Al Solh (LB/NL) Stefan Brüggemann (MX/UK) Vaast Colson (BE) Luisa Cunha (PT) Grier Edmundson (US) Noa Giniger (IL/NL) André Guedes (PT) Tatiana Mesa (CU) Gustav Metzger (UK) Roman Ondák (SK) Pak Sheung Chuen (HK/CN) Wilfredo Prieto (CU/ES) Ariel Schlesinger (IL/DE) y David Sherry (UK).

La exposición fue comisariada por los participantes del de Appel Curatorial Programme 2009/2010.
David Sherry "Just Popped Out Back in Two Hours", 2008-10. Performance. Cortesía del artista y Mother's Tankstation, Dublin.

Direlia Lazo (La Habana, 1984, vive en Barcelona) acaba de concluir estudios de comisariado en de Appel Arts Centre en Amsterdam, Holanda (2009–10). Lazo es Licenciada en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de La Habana en el 2007 y en el 2008 trabajó como comisaria en el Centro Wifredo Lam, La Habana. Ha colaborado con diversos proyectos de artistas entre ellos la Cátedra de Arte de Conducta, fundada y dirigida por Tania Bruguera (2007, 2008) y comisariado exposiciones como 'Grasa, jabón y plátano' de Wilfredo Prieto (9a Bienal de La Habana, 2006); 'Cero' (Convento San Francisco de Asís, La Habana, 2007). Ha colaborado con textos para catálogos como 'Estados de intercambio', Iniva, Londres (2008); 'Mute', Mc Master Museum, Hamilton, Canadá; 'Ilusión Optica', Galería Servando Cabrera, La Habana. Obtuvo el premio a jóvenes comisarios 'Inéditos 2009' para el cual organizó 'A la vuelta de la esquina' (La Casa Encendida, Madrid, 2009). 

Catálogo: 'I'm not here. An exhibition without Francis Alÿs'
Publica: de Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2010
Edita: Participantes del de Appel Curatorial Programme 2009/2010.
Características: 116 págs., dos colores, inglés
Textos: Nikita Choi, Emily Highfield, Alhena Katsof, Direlia Lazo, Yael Messer, Alan Quireyns, Luis Silva y Jan Verwoert.
Diseño: Felix Weigand
ISBN 978-90-73501-73-7

Con la colaboración de La Central 

Vena (por la) y Latitudes organizan estas charlas sin ánimo de lucro. La compra de tu ticket se invierte íntegramente en la realización de futuras presentaciones. Gracias por tu colaboración. http://venablog.wordpress.com/charlas
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Newsletter #24 – Summer 2010/Verano 2010

Newsletter in English | Newsletter en Español

Vena (por la) and Latitudes present:
Talk and catalogue launch by curator Direlia Lazo, 'I'm not here. An exhibition without Francis Alÿs', Wednesday 14 July, 7pm, La Central c/ Elisabets, 6, Barcelona (talk will be in Spanish)


Participating in the exhibition 'The Last Newspaper', New Museum, New York, (3 October 2010 – 9 January 2011) and organising 'Vic Cambrils Barcelona...A Library Project' for Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis (October 2010) and
joining Hangar's Programming Committee 2010-12

Latitudes on the press: 'The creative landscape of independent curators', The New York Times, 15 June and 'Palabra de comisario', El Cultural, 29 June

Check Latitudes' web www.lttds.org for further info
Facebook page here
Flickr photosets here
Previous newsletters click here
Youtube Latitudes Channel
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Photo-impressions of Art Basel 2010

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org

Includes a selection of images from Art Basel's Unlimited, Statements, Art Feature and the fair section as well as Matthew Barney's show 'Prayer Sheet with the Wound and the Nail' at Schaulager (only outside, sadly pictures not allowed inside), the exhibition 'Strange Comfort (Afforded by the Profession)' Kunsthalle Basel and Liste 15.
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