Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

PUBLICS' Library in Helsinki incorporates Latitudes-edited back catalogue of publications

We are glad to announce that PUBLICS in Helsinki now has all of Latitudes publications available for consultation in their library (with the exception of the monograph "Lara Almarcegui, Projects 1995–2010" which is out of print). Our first publication, "LAND, ART: A Cultural Ecology Handbook" (RSA/Arts Council England, 2006, also out of print), was already available in their library

PUBLICS library is the third location where the whole back catalogue of Latitudes' publications resides, together with the Library of the MACBA Study Centre, Barcelona, and the Paul D. Fleck Library & Archives, The Banff Centre, Canada.

We also donated a few books we have contributed to with essays or interviews, such as "Antoni Hervàs. ‘The Mystery of Cabiria" (Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2016), "C-H-R-I-S-T-O-P-H-E-R-K-N-O-W-L-E-S SO LISTEN UP" (NoguerasBlanchard, 2017), Rasmus Nilausen, ‘Soups & Symptoms, Paintings 2011–2016’ (Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2016) and "Lara Almarcegui. Béton" (SilvanaEditoriale, 2019).

PUBLICS library is located at Sturenkatu 37-41 4b 00550 Helsinki.

Latitudes' publications available at PUBLICS Library (bibliography online):

Joan Morey: COLLAPSE
Various locations, Barcelona
September 2018–January 2019
Exhibition guide/programme guide, opuscule, poster

4.543 billion. The matter of matter
CAPC musée d'art contemporain, Bordeaux
June 2017–January 2018
Exhibition guide & symposium guide

Catalogue of the exhibition series, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC), León
April 2012

United Alternative Energies
Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller
Catalogue of the exhibition, Aarhus Art Building, Centre for Contemporary Art, Århus
January 2012

Catalogue of the project, Espai Cultural Caja Madrid, Barcelona
July 2011

Also available online.

Catalogue of the commission series and exhibition 'Portscapes', Port of Rotterdam / Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam
February 2010

Martí Anson, Mataró Chauffeur Service
Catalogue of the project, 'No Soul For Sale', Tate Modern, London
January 2011

The Last Newspaper
Catalogue of the exhibition 'The Last Newspaper', New Museum, New York
October–December 2010

Lawrence Weiner: THE CREST OF A WAVE
Booklet of the exhibition, Fundació Suñol, Barcelona
October 2008

Simon Fujiwara: The Incest Museum–A Guide
Artist book, 'Provenances', Umberto di Marino Arte Contemporaneo, Naples
May 2009

Ignasi Aballí: 没有,有 Nothing, or Something
Catalogue of the exhibition, Suitcase Art Projects, Beijing
July 2009

Ecology, Luxury & Degradation
UOVO #14
Summer 2007

Greenwashing. Ambiente: Pericoli, Promesse e Perplessità 

(Greenwashing. Environment: Perils, Promises and Perplexities)
Catalogue of the exhibition, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin
February 2008


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