Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Cover Story–June 2020: Mataró Chauffeur Service, since 2010

Latitudes' homepage www.lttds.org

The June 2020 monthly Cover Story ‘Mataró Chauffeur Service, since 2010’ is now up, check our website www.lttds.org

“The premise was simple. Latitudes needed to get to Tate Modern and so Martí Anson was going to drive us to London and back. He would form a one-man one-car taxi company in his home town of Mataró, pick us up early in the morning in Barcelona and we’d head for the ferry. Mataró, Barcelona, Santander, Portsmouth, London, ‘No Soul for Sale’ festival, happy 10th birthday Tate Modern. Pim pam. His great-grandfather had been a taxi driver in Montevideo and his father-in-law a driver for the boss of Schweppes.”

→ Continue reading
→ After June 2020, this story will be archived here.

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage featuring past, present or forthcoming projects, research, texts, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects or field trips related to our curatorial activities.


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Report: Trip to London and Oxford in pictures

 (Above and four below) Cinthia Marcelle's "The Family in Disorder" (2018) at Museum and Modern Art Oxford.

(Above and below) The magnificent main hall of the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford.

 An example of Micronesian currency – we're reminded of our extended conversation with Melbourne-based artist Nicholas Mangan published in his 2016 Sternberg Press publication "Limits to growth" (and also during Chisenhale's live conversation and while chasing Ancient Lights).

(Above and below) These column capitals are the main reasons we visited Oxford. They were carved for the Oxford Museum of Natural History in 1859-60 by Irish brothers James and John O'Shea, along with their nephew Edward Whelan. Commissioned by John Ruskin, all the works were carved freestyle, without previous sketches, using only plant specimens from the botanical garden, and their sheer imagination, as references.

They are the protagonists of Sean Lynch's 2013 piece "A Blow by Blow Account of Stonecarving in Oxford", which we have been discussing with Sean for a while and finally saw in 2015 in Bordeaux. We continued learning more about this piece and its making during our joint adventure in Banff's "Geologic Time" residency programme last Fall. 

 (Above) Apostolos Georgiou, "FROM MY HEART" at Rodeo Gallery.

 (Above and 3 below) Leonor Antunes's "a thousand realities from an original mark" at Marian Goodman.
 Polycarbonate and brass screens and rope sculptures. Each screen corresponds to the exact measurements of one of the glass panels in the Upper Lawn Pavilion in Wiltshire, built between 1959 and 1962 by the British architects Alison and Peter Smithson (1928-1993 and 1923-2003).

(Above) Tacita Dean's "Landscape" exhibition premiered "Antigone", a new 1-hour long film and cloud paintings at The Royal Academy. Part 2 and 3 in the National Portrait Gallery (a retrospective of portrait films works) and at the National Gallery a two-room exhibition curated by the artist presents a selection of historical and contemporary still lives. 

 Fantastic assembly of square-format paintings by Markus Lüperz at Michael Werner Gallery, which the artist painted at age 24 using distemper on canvas.

 (Above and below) Batia Suter's work at The Photographers' Gallery. One of the nominees for the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2018.

(Above) The 2018 awardee was Luke Willis Thompson with his striking film "Autoportrait" (also nominated for this year's Turner Prize).

 Nicolas Lamas (above and immediately below) and Petra Feriancová (two following) two-person show "Becoming animal" at Tenderpixel
(Above) "Pregnant Landscape" by Phoebe Unwin at Amanda Wilkinson Gallery in SoHo.

 (Above and below) Wilhelm Sasnal at Sadie Coles.

  (Above and below) August Sander's "Men without masks" at Hauser & Wirth included an extensive selection of rare large-scale photographs made between 1910 and 1931. The photographs were printed in a unique oversize format for inclusion in an exhibition at the Mannheimer Kunstverein in 1973.
  (Above) Group exhibition curated by Gianni Jetzer at Hauser & Wirth. 

  (Above and detail below) Rose Wiley's "Lolita's House"three-floor solo show at David Zwirner.

  (Above and below) 1960s vinyl sculptures by South Korean Seung-taek Lee at White Cube (Mayfair). Works have been recreated for the exhibition using urethane vinyl to achieve greater durability whilst retaining a similar visual quality.

  (Above and below) Abigail Reynolds mid-career survey at Peer.

  (Above) Visiting Ian White and Sadie Benning (photographed) at Camden Art Center with Antoni Hervàs.

  (Above and 2 below) Last day to see Magali Reus solo show at South London Gallery. 

   (Above and two below) Osías Yanov's "Orphan Dance" at Gasworks.

   (Above and below) Antoni Hervàs studio at Gasworks, his 3-month residency is supported by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E)
   (Above and 2 below) Joan Jonas exhibition at Tate Modern.

   (Above) View of Trafalgar Square with Michael Rakowitz's "The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist" featuring on the Fourth Plinth commission.

On the way to see Tacita Dean's-curated exhibition "STILL LIFE" at the National Gallery, a much-obliged stop in the room with Vermeer and Dutch still life. Jacob van Walscapelle (1644-1727) and Jan van Huysum (1682–1749) masters in flower painting.

(Above) English singer-songwriter, record producer and humanitarian Peter Gabriel during the internet interspecies symposium "The Shape of a Circle in the Mind of a Fish" curated by Lucia Pietroiusti and Filipa Ramos for the Serpentine Gallery at the London Zoo.

Not photographed but also visited: Chisenhale Gallery, Matt's Gallery, Spruth Magers, Blain Southern, Pilar Corrias, Frith Street Gallery (both locations), Hollybush Gardens, Josh Liley Gallery, Kate McGarry, Mother's Tankstation, Modern Art (unexpectedly closed when it should have been open!, and so was Project Native Informant – which had a broken lift so had to go up 3 flights of stairs). 

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Conferencia dentro del ciclo "Oficios de la cultura", Aula Cultura OBS Caja Mediterráneo, c/ Salzillo 7, Murcia, 17 de octubre, 20h. Entrada gratuita.

Publicación del ciclo expositivo 'Amikejo' (Mousse Publishing, 2012).
Mariana Cánepa Luna de Latitudes discutirá el rol del comisario a partir de tres proyectos recientes de Latitudes. Estos casos de estudio trazan enfoques de índole editorial (The Last Newspaper, New Museum, Nueva York (2010)); como organización participante (las dos ediciones del festival No Soul for Sale: A Festival of Independents en X Initiative, Nueva York (2009) y en Tate Modern (2010)); y en un ciclo expositivo anual ('Amikejo', MUSAC, León (2011)).

Este ciclo de conferencias mensuales analiza las diferentes profesiones que operan en el campo del arte contemporáneo, presentando aspectos que caracterizan la labor del crítico, el comisario, el productor cultural, el investigador y los responsables de espacios independientes. + info...

Ciclo co-dirigido por Ana G. Alarcón, Isabel Durante y Pablo Lag, componentes del grupo curatorial Primer Escalón

Fotodocumentación de la conferencia aquí.

The Last Newspaper exhibition catalogue, New Museum, New York, 2010–11.

Lecture within the cycle "Cultural Professions", Aula de Cultura Caja Mediterráneo, Murcia, 17 October, 20h. Free.

Mariana Cánepa Luna of Latitudes will discuss the role of the curator in the context of three of Latitudes' recent projects. These case studies trace Latitudes' approach in an editorial context (The Last Newspaper, New Museum, New York (2010)); a year-long exhibition series ('Amikejo', MUSAC, León (2011)) and as an invited organisation (the two editions of No Soul for Sale: A Festival of Independents in X Initiative, New York (2009) and Tate Modern (2010)).

This cycle of monthly conferences centres on different professions within contemporary art, discussing aspects that characterise the practice of a cultural producer, a critic, a curator, a researcher and a member of an independent art space.
+ info...

Cycle co-directed by Ana G. Alarcón, Isabel Durante and Pablo Lag, from the curatorial group
Primer Escalón.

UPDATE: Photo documentation of the lecture here. 

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Publication release: 'Mataró Chauffeur Service', project by Martí Anson & Latitudes for 'No Soul for Sale', Tate Modern, London, May 2010

Cover of the publication. Photo: Save As... Publications

Published by: Save As... Publications
Edited by: Latitudes
Texts by: Martí Anson and LatitudesGraphic Design: ferranElOtro Studio
Format: 21 x 15 cm / softcover with folded poster jacket / 62pp / offset, black-and-gold
Language: English, Spanish & Catalan
Price: EUR 16,00
Print-run: 500 copies
Date of Publication: February 2011
ISBN: 978-84-936956-9-9
Availability: La Central

The publication 'Mataró Chauffeur Service' gathers documentation of the collaboration with artist Martí Anson realised on the occasion of Latitudes' participation in the London edition of 'No Soul for Sale' (14–16 May 2010), for which the artist set up his own chauffeur company and drove the curatorial duo from Barcelona to Tate Modern's Turbine Hall and back. (+ info...)

"Martí Anson drove a car up from Spain and parked in the Tate to double as a screening room for Latitudes projects" 

– Janine Armin, The New York Times

"An interactive art-taxi" 

– Martin Coomer, Hotline

"Mr. Anson has designed the car and his chauffeur’s uniform." 

– Carol Vogel, The New York Times

"La oficina curatorial Latitudes colaborará con el artista catalán Martí Anson … para trasladar su coche tuneado como un 'Spanish cab' hasta Londres y empleando la Sala de Turbinas como aparcamiento" 

– Javier Díaz-Guardiola, ABC.es

"…ha fet el viatge en un espectacular model cedit per la marca BMW que el propi Anson ha redissenyat perquè recordés a l’estil original dels taxis de Mataró dels anys 60 (daurat i negre)" 

– www.capgros.com

"Anson daba a pensar sobre el rol camaleónico del artista, y sobre el intercambio de servicios que se da entre diferentes agentes dentro de la industria del arte." 

– Cristina Garrido, Diari de Tarragona

"Martí Anson ha hecho de chófer de una supuesta compañía de taxis (ha creado logo y tarjetas de visita) y cubierto por carretera-ferry el trayecto Barcelona-Londres en plena crisis por la nube volcánica (…) Lo suyo es ficción, pero recuerda que durante los días de bloqueo europeo por las cenizas del volcán islandés, había compañías de taxi que ofrecían el Barcelona-Londres por 4.700 euros." 

– Emili J. Blasco, ABC blog

"Latitudes viene realizando un trabajo que ha logrado concitar el interés de la comunidad artística y el público a partir de proyectos que se instalan más allá de las fronteras de lo artístico … Una vez en Londres, el taxi y unas mesitas y sillas a modo de camping harán de stand en el que se podrán ver los proyectos que ha realizado la oficina así como proyecciones de video de artistas jóvenes" 

 – Javier Hontoria, El Cultural

Photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org (except when noted otherwise)
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Publication release: 'Mataró Chauffeur Service', a project by Martí Anson and Latitudes for 'No Soul for Sale: A Festival of Independents'


Photo Gallery | Press coverage | Short Video | web 'No Soul for Sale'

Edited by:
Martí Anson and Latitudes
Published by
: Save As... Publications
Texts by: Martí Anson and Latitudes
Graphic Design: ferranElOtro Studio
Format: 210 x 150 mm softcover with folded poster jacket / 59pp / offset, black-and-gold
Language: English, Spanish & Catalan
: 500 copies
Printer: Cevagraf SCCL; Gràfiques Macià
Date of Publication
: January 2011
Price: €16 via La Central
ISBN: 978-84-936956-9-9

The publication 'Mataró Chauffeur Service' gathers documentation of the collaboration with artist Martí Anson realised on the occasion of Latitudes' participation in the London edition of 'No Soul for Sale', for which the artist set up his own chauffeur company and drove the curatorial duo from Barcelona to Tate Modern and back.  

(+ info... )

Project kindly supported by:

Sponsorship-in-kind by:


Galería de fotos | Covertura prensa | Video | web 'No Soul for Sale'

Editado por: Latitudes
Publicado por: Save As... Publications
Textos: Martí Anson y Latitudes
Diseño gráfico: ferranElOtro Studio
Formato: 210 x 150 mm tapa rústica y poster semicubierta / 59pp / offset, negro y dorado
Idiomas: Edición trilingue Inglés, Español y Catalán
: 500
Imprenta: Cevagraf SCCL; Gràfiques Macià
Fecha publicación
: enero 2011
Precio: €16 a través de La Central
ISBN: 978-84-936956-9-9

La publicación 'Mataró Chauffeur Service', documenta la colaboración entre Latitudes y Martí Ansonel pasado Mayo en ocasión de la participación en la edición londinense de 'No Soul for Sale'. Para la ocasión, Anson inició su propia empresa de chófer ‘Mataró Chauffeur Service’ y condujo al dúo curatorial de Barcelona a Tate Modern y de regreso. 

(+ info...) 

Proyecto cuenta con el apoyo de:

Con el patrocinio de:

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Latitudes 'out of office' photo album 2009–10 season

Following a tradition started last year with an 'out of office' summer post, below is a selection of the 2009-10 season's unseen and 'behind the scenes' moments.
Happy holidays/felices vacaciones!

– Latitudes | www.lttds.org

'Closed for holidays' sign, Passatge Mercader, Barcelona

Performance 'The Museum of Incest' by Simon Fujiwara, 19 September 2009, Hangar, Barcelona, programmed as part of Vena (por la).

Conference 'Producir, Exponer, Interpretar (Estrategias y conflictos en la práctica curatorial hoy)', Matadero Madrid, 25–27 September: Conference break with some of the speakers: in the back (left to right) Tania Pardo, Sergio Rubira, Iván López Munuera.

October 2009: Site visit to Meessen de Clercq gallery, Brussels, a forthcoming Latitudes-curated exhibition will open there in February 2011

Frieze At Fair, London, October 2009: T293 stand by artists Pennacchio/Argentato, about who you'll hear more from us soon...

On 18th October 2009 and as part of Frieze Projects, Max Andrews of Latitudes participated in Fia Backström's project 'Studies in Leadership - The Review' at invitation of Filipa Oliveira and Miguel Amado. Four art critics and writers – Amado, Michele Robecchi, J. J. Charlesworth (not in this image) and Andrews – worked with a professional voice coach to publicly read one of their recent exhibition reviews, and together consider the implications of performance and the author's 'voice'.

Seminar on Art & Ecology, The Wanås Foundation, Knislinge, Sweden, 21 October 2009: Coffee break + socialising in the Swedish sunshine
Seminar on Art & Ecology, The Wanås Foundation, Knislinge, Sweden, 21 October 2009: Going around the Wanås state and recognising some (perhaps edible?) fungi with artist Tue Greenfort
Opening of Lawrence Weiner's Under the Sun at Espai d'Art Contemporani Castelló
, 23 October 2009
'Portscapes' series, Port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, throughout 2009: Lara Almarcegui being interviewed for the 'Behind the scenes' video produced for Portscapes. The interview took place after touring 4 wasteland sites included in Almarcegui's guide 'Wastelands of the Port of Rotterdam', 9 November 2009

'Portscapes' series, Port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, throughout 2009: Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller filming the performing choir under the heavy rain nearby the Maritime Museum, Rotterdam, 8 November 2009'Portscapes' exhibition, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 30 January–25 April 2010: Hans Schabus and Roman Keller on Hemauer/Keller's stage (which travelled from Basel to Rotterdam by boat).
'Portscapes' exhibition, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 30 January–25 April 2010: Opening party with Lara Almarcegui, Ilana Halperin and Hans Schabus, 5 February 2010
'Portscapes' exhibition, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 30 January – 25 April 2010: Private view dinner at the museum's cafe to celebrate the openings of 'Portscapes' and Carsten Höller, 5 February 2010.

ARCO, Madrid, 17 February 2010: With artist Fermín Jiménez Landa (left) and curator David Armengol (right)
ARCO, Madrid, 17 February 2010: Artists Marc Vives & David Bestué posing with their piece shown at the stand of Estrany de la Mota, Barcelona.
2010 curatorial award Premi GAC: A colleague took a picture on the TV monitor while Latitudes received the award, 25 February 2010.
Easter visit to the old-time classic Barcelona's Wax Museum: grateful smiles by gallerists, curators and artists posing next to writer and philosopher Ramon Llull, whose Institut Ramon Llull has partly supported some of our projects.

Flyby visit by The Bruce High Quality Foundation on their way to Murcia to open the third installment of 'Dominó Caníbal', May 2010

'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Customising the BMW car with designer ferranElOtro at Can Xalant, 8 May 2010
'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: A tired chauffeur...

'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Lunch break with the artist-chauffeur on the way to Santander, 10 May
'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Deciding which petrol to put in the car...10 May
'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Installation finished ('chiringuito' settled). Checking Google maps for route of how to see as many galleries as possible in one afternoon, 13 May.

'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Cleaner brooming the feathers thrown by a group of protesters against BP's Tate sponsorship, 15 May

'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: 'A Mariana summit': with Mariana Castillo Deball.
'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: 'No Soul for Sale' curator Cecilia Alemani being interviewed by Tate watched by 'No Soul for Sale' creator & artist Maurizio Cattelan.
'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Danish artist John Kørner discussing with Martí Anson about Anson's factory project in New Mexico.

'No Soul for Sale', Turbine Hall Tate Modern, London, 14-16 May 2010: Waiting to board at Portsmouth to sail back to Santander.

Falmouth Convention (
20–23 May, Cornwall, UK) – Waiting for the train back to London after the convention with curators Michaela Crimmin (former director of the Arts & Ecology programme at the RSA) and curator Emma Ridgway.
Visiting designer and publisher Chiara Figone from Archive Kabinett during the Berlin Biennial, June 2010
Visiting Maribel López Gallery (with Maribel López) during the Berlin Biennial, June 2010

Devouring 'The Exhibitionist' journal while drinking a cold German beer on the Berlin-Basel train, 13 June 2010

Browsing through pictures on Art Basel's website we found us portrayed while visiting Simon Fujiwara's space, Neue Alte Brücke, Frankfurt am Main, Art Statements – Art Basel 2010. Photo: Art Basel
Checking the designs for the forthcoming 'Mataró Chauffeur Service' publication with Martí Anson at the ferranElOtro Studio, July 2010. Photo: Latitudes
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'Mataró Chauffeur Service' – Return journey London-Portsmouth-(ferry)-Santander-Barcelona-Mataró

Return journey: London to Portsmouth, 24h ferry sailings to Santander, and the last 700km from Santander–Barcelona–Mataró.

Leaving London...
The GPS tells us that after 140km we are nearby Portsmouth...
Waiting to check in with Brittany Ferries, to get our car ID and our cabin keys...

Cap Finistere ferry...
24h later...sunshine in Santander

making our way towards Bilbao...


Paying at the toll point...

Nearing Zaragoza...

700km later...nearing Barcelona (were Latitudes got dropped off).

All images: Latitudes | www.lttds.org
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'Mataró Chauffeur Service' - Day 6 & 7 – Festival opened

More views of Latitudes' space at Tate Modern Turbine Hall bridge during the 3-day festival No Soul for Sale. The organisers estimated 50,000 visitors would come during that weekend, but in the end 93,000 people came through Tate.
Customised number plate: MCS 2010 (Mataró Chauffeur Service 2010)
below: Martí Anson - 'Mataró Chauffeur Service' - Latitudes - No Soul for Sale - Tate Modern - 14–16 May 2010

Installation view of Latitudes' space at Tate Modern Turbine Hall.

Screening space inside the car: showing films by artists Bik Van der Pol, Marjolijn Dijkman, Jan Dibbets and Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller, as well as a series of ‘making of’ featurettes produced as part of ‘Portscapes’ the Latitudes-curated commissions series commissioned by the Port of Rotterdam with support from SKOR throughout 2009.

Visitor looking at publications and the slideshow with images of the journey from
Barcelona to London (via ferry Santander-Portsmouth).

Martin Creed and his band playing in the Turbine Hall.

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org
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'Mataró Chauffeur Service' - Day 5 – Opening of 'No Soul for Sale-A Festival of Independents', 14–16 May, Turbine Hall, Tate Modern

Website 'No Soul for Sale' – www.nosoulforsale.com

NO SOUL FOR SALE’ is an initiative of the artist Maurizio Cattelan and curators Cecilia Alemani and Massimiliano Gioni. The first edition took place in New York [40° 30’N, 45° 1’N], between 24–28 June 2009 in the former Dia Center for the Arts. Then it gathered over 30 not-for-profit organisations, artists’ collectives and independent enterprises from Reykjavík, Berlin, Milan, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Trinidad amongst others.

Latitudes' space during the New York edition of 'No Soul for Sale', 24–28 June 2009

For the New York edition Latitudes invited the Brooklyn-based artist group The Bruce High Quality Foundation to conceive its office-scenario, which incorporated the ‘ruins’ of an abandoned 1983 Burger King facility on Governors Island. www.nosoulforsale.com

Map of the 70 participating organisations

View of the Turbine Hall, 14 May 2010

The London edition coincides with Tate Modern's 10th Anniversary celebrations. Latitudes, the only Spanish organisation, has invited Catalan artist Martí Anson (1967) to set up their temporary office. In response to the need to travel to London, Anson proposed to set up his own company, ‘Mataró Chauffeur Service’ (in honour of his home city) and drive the curatorial duo from Barcelona to London and back.

View of Latitudes' space in the 'bridge' area in Turbine Hall

Registering his employment as a driver, designing the livery of the single vehicle fleet and his uniform, and the journey to and from Tate Modern (including the ferry sailings from Santander to Portsmouth and back) all form a part of the project. The car is parked up for the weekend alongside a ‘typically Spanish’ picnic scenario of camping chairs, table and parasol.

View of Latitudes' space

Organisations taking part in No Soul For Sale include: Alternative Space LOOP (Seoul), Arrow Factory (Beijing), Arthub Asia (Shanghai/Bangkok/Beijing), Artis - Contemporary Israeli Art Fund (New York / Tel Aviv), Artspeak (Vancouver), Artists Space (New York), Auto Italia (London), Ballroom (Marfa), Black Dogs (Leeds), Barbur (Jerusalem), Capacete Entertainment (Rio de Janeiro), casa tres patios (Medellín), cneai= (Paris-Chatou), Collective Parasol (Kyoto), Dispatch (New York), e-flux (Berlin), 220 jours (Paris), Embassy (Edinburgh), Filipa Oliveira + Miguel Amado (Lisbon), FLUXspace (Philadelphia), FormContent (London), Galerie im Regierungsviertel/Forgotten Bar Project (Berlin), Green Papaya Art Projects (Manila), Hell Gallery (Melbourne), Hermes und der Pfau (Stuttgart), i-cabin (London), Intoart (London), K48 Kontinuum (New York), Kling & Bang (Reykjavík), L'appartement 22 (Rabat), Latitudes (Barcelona), Le Commissariat (Paris), Le Dictateur (Milan), Light Industry (New York), Lucie Fontaine (Milan), lugar a dudas (Cali), Mousse (Milan), Museum of Everything (London), Next Visit (Berlin), New Jerseyy (Basel), Not An Alternative (New York), no.w.here (London), Oregon Painting Society (Portland), Or Gallery (Vancouver), Post-Museum (Singapore), Para/Site Art Space (Hong Kong), Peep-Hole (Milan), PiST/// (Istanbul), PSL [Project Space Leeds] (Leeds), Rhizome (New York), Sala-Manca & Mamuta (Jerusalem), San Art (Ho Chi Minh City), Scrawl Collective (London), Studio 1.1 (London), Suburban (Chicago), Swiss Institute (New York), The Mountain School of Arts (Los Angeles), The Royal Standard (Liverpool), Thisisnotashop (Dublin), Torpedo - supported by the Office for Contemporary Art Norway (Oslo), Tranzit (Prague), Viafarini DOCVA (Milan), Vox Populi (Philadelphia), Western Bridge (Seattle), Western Front Society (Vancouver), White Columns (New York), Y3K (Melbourne), 2nd Cannons Publications (Los Angeles), and 98 Weeks (Beirut).

'Mataró Chauffeur Service' has been generously supported by:

Sponsorship-in-kind by:
Tate Modern, Turbine Hall – Admission Free
14 and 15 May 2010, 10:00 – Midnight
16 May 2010 10:00 – 18:00
For information number please print +44 (0)20 7887 8888
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'Mataró Chauffeur Service' – Day 4 – Installation at Tate Modern Turbine Hall

Installation of the BMW at Tate Modern Turbine Hall bridge by the great technical team that came to help + info...

Tomorrow Thursday 10am opening of 'No Soul for Sale'!
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