Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Cover Story–June 2020: Mataró Chauffeur Service, since 2010

Latitudes' homepage www.lttds.org

The June 2020 monthly Cover Story ‘Mataró Chauffeur Service, since 2010’ is now up, check our website www.lttds.org

“The premise was simple. Latitudes needed to get to Tate Modern and so Martí Anson was going to drive us to London and back. He would form a one-man one-car taxi company in his home town of Mataró, pick us up early in the morning in Barcelona and we’d head for the ferry. Mataró, Barcelona, Santander, Portsmouth, London, ‘No Soul for Sale’ festival, happy 10th birthday Tate Modern. Pim pam. His great-grandfather had been a taxi driver in Montevideo and his father-in-law a driver for the boss of Schweppes.”

→ Continue reading
→ After June 2020, this story will be archived here.

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage featuring past, present or forthcoming projects, research, texts, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects or field trips related to our curatorial activities.


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Barcelona inaugurates the 2013–14 season with a new art map

Asociación de Galerías
de Arte Contemporáneo
Art Barcelona - See more at: http://www.artbarcelona.es/es/directorios.html#sthash.iopEshqs.dpuf
Asociación de Galerías
de Arte Contemporáneo
Art Barcelona - See more at: http://www.artbarcelona.es/es/directorios.html#sthash.iopEshqs.dpu
Map with suggested route available on the Circuit de l'Art Contemporani website 

Habemus gallery listings!

Barcelona inaugurates the 2013–14 season with new signage and gallery map. The itinerary, presented yesterday to the media, suggests a route from west to east of the city, from Montjuïc's Fundació Miró to Sant Andreu's Fabra & Coats - Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, via most of the contemporary art galleries that concentrate in the city centre. Besides the online and physical map, visitors will find two-metre high poles crowned with a pill (galleries marked in pink; museums, foundations and art centres in blue) placed at the entrances of each venue offering additional information (via QR codes and contactless device) about the adjunct venue (exact address, opening hours, website). 

Promoted by Art Barcelona (Gallery Association of Contemporary Art) the 240,000 Euro initiative maps out 26 galleries and 11 art centre locations as well as a calendar of events and openings, both in English (30,000 copies have been printed) and Catalan (20,000 copies) updated quarterly. On a second phase there will be a mobile app with additional information on the artists and programming.

 Detail of the information given in one of the poles marking a gallery location.

Although the map is quite comprehensive, it is a shame that after years of waiting for an initiative of this kind that matches that of cities such London, Berlin, New York, Amsterdam or Glasgow, to only mention a few, other Barcelona galleries such as etHALL, production and studio facilities like Hangar, artist-run and independent spaces such as Halfhouse, Homesession or A*Desk amongst others, are not represented in the listings. Neither are city or government-funded spaces such as Sala d'Art Jove, Can Felipa or Sant Andreu Contemporani. Adding them to the 'official' map (which is part-funded by the city and the Catalan regional government) would not only help in offering a more textured panorama of the city locating private and public spaces but would also instigate a much-needed generosity from top-down and show the city willingness to share its promotional tools.

On a final note, it is perhaps curious that Arts Santa Mònica [formerly the Centre d'Art Santa Mònica (CASM)] is missing. Yet as the new General Director of Creativity and Cultural Companies Jordi Sellas, recently announced the reorientation of its programming to become "a centre of activity more than an exhibition space" (...) "a radar for new cultural tendencies", it is perhaps a final confirmation that what used to be Barcelona's kunstverein is no longer recognisable as a venue of contemporary art (see this blog post). 

Downloadable map with suggested routes here.

Programming here. Includes addresses, listings and forthcoming openings and events.

This is the blog of the independent curatorial office Latitudes. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter
All photos: Latitudes (except when noted otherwise in the photo caption)
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Latitudes partner platform for the 2010 Future Generation Art Prize

PinchukArtCentre has invited Latitudes as one of a number of international non-profit arts organisations acting as platform partners, who will support the Prize by communicating with artists and arts professionals in their regions.

The Future Generation Art Prize 2010 is a world-wide art prize of 100,000 USD. It is open to all artists up to the age of 35. The prize is established to discover and provide long-term support for a generation of emerging artists, wherever they may live and work.

The biennial Prize is distinguished by its global dimension; its focus on a young generation of artists; its open and democratic online application process; the long-term commitment of leading artists of our time; a distinguished Board, Jury and Selection Committee; an exhibition of shortlisted artists at the PinchukArtCentre in Kiev, one of the largest and most active new contemporary art institutions in Europe; and an award of 100,000 USD, to be conferred by a respected international jury.

The jurors are: Daniel Birnbaum (Sweden) — Director of the Städelschule Art Academy, Frankfurt am Main; Director of the Venice Biennale 2009 Okwui Enwezor (Nigeria) — Director of Documenta XI; Former Dean of Academic Affairs and Senior Vice President at San Francisco Art Institute Yuko Hasegawa (Japan) — Chief Curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT); former Chief Curator of the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa Ivo Mesquita (Brazil) — Chief Curator at the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo; Curator of the 2008 São Paolo Biennial, Eckhard Schneider (Germany) — General Director of the PinchukArtCentre Robert Storr (USA) — Dean of the Yale University School of Art; Director of the Venice Biennale 2007 Ai Weiwei (China) — artist.

The application procedure opened on January 18 and will last until April 18, 2010. Twenty shortlisted artists will show their work in an exhibition at the PinchukArtCentre. The jury will select one main Prize winner who will receive a total of 100,000 USD (60,000 USD as a cash award, and 40,000 USD toward the production of new work). An additional 20,000 USD will be allotted to fund artist-in-residency programs for up to five other special prize winners. Images of works by all the shortlisted artists will be posted on the PAC website, and the public will be invited to vote via the Internet for People's Choice Prize.

Partner platforms (evolving list):

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