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Pennacchio Argentato's show "Conversion" at Wilkinson Gallery, London

Below images of "Conversion" the recently opened solo show of Amikejo artists Pennacchio Argentato. The exhibition is on view in the Upper Gallery of Wilkinson gallery in London until 17 June 2012.

General view of the exhibition.

General view of the exhibition.
'Set in the Same Universe', 2012. Acrylic resin, print transfer (200 × 95 × 45 cm) 
'West End', 2012. Aluminium, cord (Dimensions variable)
(Wall) 'Shield#0 – #00001', 2012. Acrylic resin, iron, print transfer, bike hooks (130 × 92 × 40 cm), (Right, free standing) 'Set in the Same Universe', 2012. Acrylic resin, print transfer (200 × 95 × 45 cm) 
'FAQ', 2012. Plexiglas, digital projection (35×70 cm). All images: Courtesy the artists and Wilkinson Gallery, London

(Excerpts from the gallery press release):

"Conversion" presents sculptures as free standing agents, hanging off the wall and suspended from the ceiling. As if overcome by a crisis of aesthetic register, a stylistic battle takes place between the artworks’ broad formal references, ranging from minimalist tendencies and optical illusion, to gothic font text paired with “new age” video.

Cast in acrylic resin from the front glass of a car, the artists characterize the four shield-like sculptures Shield#0- #00001 as troops deployed in a row, prepared for battle. According to the artists’ selfdevised system, all matter, including the artists’ themselves, are convertible entities; this conversion is likewise reflected in our daily lives, whether it be in terms of converting file formats or currency.
FAQ operates as a sculpture illuminated by a video projection of mathematical fractals abstracted into an array of shifting lights, colors and forms. Acting as a visual anchor, it only but alludes to the presence of answers, instead manifesting as a form of light amusement or distraction. In formal contrast, sculptures such as Long Bones, placed at the entrance to the gallery, as well as West End, a ladder sculpture suspended from the ceiling, adopt a more tectonic composition.
The incandescent photographic flames that optically engulf the freestanding sculpture, Set in the same universe function as the fuel that formally unites the subsequent artworks in the exhibition. Taken from a larger image of civil riots found in recent news, the sculpture acts as a centripetal force within the exhibition by introducing an element of reality into the fictional discourse and diversit of styles that are otherwise present in the gallery.

50-58 Vyner Street
London E2 9DQ
Wednesday to Saturday: 11–18h
Sunday: 12–18h
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