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Christodoulos Panayiotou production in Barcelona

Today was the last day of Christodoulos Panayiotou's (1978 Limassol, Cyprus) temporary event in Estudios Gala, a film studio in Barcelona that has remained opened this past week while Panayiotou's production for the forthcoming show at Fundació Miró, 'You are not alone', was taking place.

Panayiotou proposed to produce a theatre backdrop of a sky which has been painted by professional scenographers over this past week. As with pieces such as The End (2009) or a series of works with existing historical theatre backdrops, the piece will be shown lying on the floor and folded, presenting 'the absence by its negative presence'. It is accompanied by a silkscreened poster that reads 'N O W H E R E' and below the dates and the place of production (11–16 June, Estudios Gala).

(From the press release) "In 'You are not alone', 14 artists help to fight stigmatisation by reappraising the causes, consequences and current context of Aids as well as the ways of fighting it." The exhibition is produced by the ArtAids Foundation, founded and presided by Dutch-born Barcelona-based philanthropist Han Nefkens who, besides this new work by Panayiotou has facilitated the production of the work of eight more artists whose work does not generally address the subject of Aids: Deimantas Narkevicius (Lithuanis), Latifa Echakhck (Morocco), Danh Vo (Denmark/Vietnam), Lorena Zilleruelo (Chile), Lucy & Jorge Orta (UK and Argentina), Antoni Miralda (Spain) and Elmgreen & Dragset (Denmark and Norway).

The exhibibition will travel to
the Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo (MARCO) from October 21. 'You are not alone' is curated by Hilde Teerlinck, director of FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais/Dunkerque with Irene Aristizábal as assistant curator.

Photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org
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