Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Latitudes' redesigned portfolio – projects since 2005

After weeks and long hours facing the screen and mining hard disks, we've uploaded Latitudes' redesigned portfolio, at last! Go to download page and choose format:

For desktop/laptop/tablet view (83pp, 30.9 MB)
For mobile (164pp, 15.8 MB)
For print (164pp, 155.3 MB)

The pdf gathers a selection of projects produced since 2005 and includes a refreshed version of our biographies – which have also been updated on our website.

We have also included short individual biographies available for download as pdf – see below highlighted in yellow.

PDF designed and edited by Latitudes.

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Cover Story – June 2017: "Moth light—Absent Forms"

The June 2017 Monthly Cover Story ""Moth light—Absent Forms"" is now up on www.lttds.org after June it will be archived here

"The Latitudes-curated Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes & des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne opened at Meessen De Clercq, Brussels, in February 2011. More a series of five interlinked solo presentations than a conventional thematic group exhibition, it featured the work of Kasper Akhøj, Martí Anson, Maria Loboda, Charlotte Moth and Sarah Ortmeyer." Continue reading

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage and feature past, present or forthcoming projects, research, writing, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects or field trips related to our curatorial activities. 

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Last chance to read the August 2016 Monthly Cover Story "Fermínlandia"

Last chance to read the August 2016 Monthly Cover Story "Fermínlandia" on www.lttds.org (after August 2016 it will be archived here)

Five years ago, in August 2011, Fermín Jiménez Landa initiated the surrender, conquest and defence of a small nameless island using the power of music. With the help of local fishermen he had taken a portable generator, two tripod-mounted loudspeakers, and an mp3 player out into the Aegean Sea and planted the equipment on this uninhabited Greek island. Its new national anthem played again and again until the batteries ran out. You can just make out the two loudspeakers sitting atop the grassy rock in this photograph by Fermín." Continue reading...

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage to highlight past, present or forthcoming projects, research, exhibitions or field trips related to our activities. 

Related content:
  • Archive of Cover Stories.
  • Cover Story, July 2016: Through the grapevine – Rasmus Nilausen’s Soups & Symptoms 3 July 2016
  • Last days! Cover Story and exhibition of José Antonio Hernández-Díez: techno-pop, death and resurrection (20 June 2016)
  • Cover Story, May 2016: Material histories – spilling the beans at the CAPC musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux (10 May 2016)
  • Cover Story, March 2016: José Antonio Hernández-Díez: The sacred heart of the matter (3 March 2016
  • Cover Story, February 2016: Sarah Ortmeyer, Towering allusions (9 Febrero 2016)
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Latitudes' "out of office" photo album 2011–2012

This is the fourth year (see 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 posts) we say goodbye to the 2011–12 season with an 'out of office' post with some unseen and 'behind the scenes' moments lived in the past 11 months. 

Happy holidays/felices vacaciones readers! More Latitudes' via Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LTTDS) and Twitter (@LTTDS). 

– Latitudes | www.lttds.org

22 September 2011: Back to the future. transferring the mp3 file of the new anthem commissioned by Fermín Jiménez Landa onto a cassette. Images of their show here.

21 September 2011: Lee Welch and Fermín Jiménez Landa talk about their show to MUSAC's staff.

21 September 2011: Newly framed works by Lee Welch (top left) and photos by Fermín Jiménez Landa (right).

22 September 2011: Watching concrete dry (Lee Welch and Fermín Jiménez Landa's exhibition plinths/border marks).

23 September 2011: Final rehearsal of La Cena band in the Laboratorio 987 space. Opening performance of 'Himno Nacional' here.

 Permission to parade through the streets and squares of León's centre on the 24th September.

  24 September 2011: Fermín Jiménez Landa (camera) Lee Welch (video recording) the "Himno Nacional" 'pasacalles' parade around the streets of León.

 12 October 2011: Finding 'The Last Newspaper' displayed at Walter König's bookstore while browsing for nice books during Frieze Art Fair, London.

13 November 2011: Jorge Satorre fixing one of the posters of the show, before we take off to discuss his and Erick Beltráns' project 'Modelling Standard', an interview that was published in the February issue of Atlántica magazine.

January 2012: Testing, testing... 'The Dutch Assembly' programme is available for smartphones.

 18 January: "Café con...Latitudes". Informal talk with Hangar artists-in-residence. Photo: Hangar. Latitudes have been part of Hangar's Programming Committee between 2010–13.

31 January 2012: Premis GAC 2012 award ceremony at MACBA's atrium. Mariana Cánepa of Latitudes' was part of this year's jury.

2 February 2012: "...y desde el 'backstage'" (leer aquí) de Vanessa Graell en el suplemento 'Tendències', El Mundo.

6 February 2012: Demonstration to pressure politicians to change their minds about stopping the plan for the Canòdrom to be the future Centre of Contemporary Art in Barcelona. The windows were whitewashed as it is done with unused facilities.

Artists whitewashing the Canòdrom windows. 

 12 February 2012: "Mataró Chauffeur Service" mangled at Matadero, Madrid.

13 February 2012, ARCOmadrid: Installed vinyls and posters for each of the The Dutch Assembly hourly talks, readings, artists' presentations, performances, book launches, in conversations and screenings throughout the five days of the fair. See the list here (and some audio recordings). Download full programme details here.

'The Dutch Assembly' was well connected.

13 February 2012: The Dutch Assembly 'Superstructure' space by Jasper Niens and Thijs Ewalts. In the picture, choir performance 'Care' by Rory Pilgrim, presented by De Hallen, Haarlem.

16 February 2012: Latitudes introducing Ann Demeester, Director De Appel, and Nathalie Hartjes, coordinator of the Gallerist Programme at De Appel, presented a round table discussion with (left to right): Jeanine Hofland (Jeanine Hofland Contemporary Art, Amsterdam), Rebeca Blanchard (NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona) and Helga de Alvear (Helga de Alvear, Madrid) around the profession of the gallerist. Photo: Haco de Ridder.

Álvaro Calleja profiles The Dutch Assembly: "Un Puente entre dos naciones'/'a bridge between two nations" en el  ABCDArco, 16 February 2012.

February: At last...Lara Almarcegui's monograph is here! Edited by Latitudes. 

 16 March: Good morning Sharjah! Part one of the March Meeting report here.

Sharjah lunch with curator and 'El Cultural' critic, Javier Hontoria.

17 March: Latitudes' presentation on residencies (for artists and curators) during Sharjah's fifth March Meeting, which focused on 'Working with Artists and Audiences on Commissions and Residencies'. Latitudes' panel titled "Minding the Gap: the Critical Role of Smaller Organisations" had presentations by Hu Fang (Vitamin Creative Space, China) and Daniella Rose King (MASS Alexandria, Egypt), and was chaired by Samar Martha (ArtSchool Palestine, Palestine). More photos here. Photo: Posted during the conference on the Twitter account of @lamyaalsuwaidi

Glitzy souvenirs from Dubai, anyone? See more images of Dubai's trip.

 23 March 2012: Last day in the Emirates. Visiting Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, one of the world's largest mosques. Read more on our trip to the Emirates on the blog (part 1, part 2 and part 3). 

 29 March (29M): General Strike in Spain. Many more demonstrations to come...

22 April: One of this year's exhibitions highlights: Xavier Le Roy's "Retrospective" at Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona. On the finissage, children almost stole the show joining performers.

Here, father (performer) and son, perform together at the finissage.

10 April 2012: The happy moment of receiving copies of Amikejo, a book we have been working on most of last winter. See images of the book here.

31 May: Manifesta 9 curator Cuauhtémoc Medina with artist Jeremy Deller. See Latitudes' photo report of Manifesta 9.

31 May: With Lara Almarcegui while she explains her work included in Manifesta 9, Genk. (see more pictures of Manifesta 9, here).

2 June: Visit the drielandenpunt for a remote book launch. This is the apex of the triangle-shaped borders of what was Amikejo.

2 June: Friends that come to a booklaunch in a remote place, the drielandenpunt ("Three-Country Point") in Dutch, or Dreiländereck ("Three-Country Corner") in German, or Trois Frontières ("Three Borders") in French." More images here. Photo: Klaas van Gorkum

 6 June 2012: Welcome to Germany! Brussels–Kassel train journey. A little German snack at Köln's Hauptbahnhof.

 6 June: A German, a Dane and an English man meet and greet in a square. (gallerist Johann König, artist Tue Greenfort and Max Andrews' of Latitudes in Friedrichtplatz, Kassel). See Latitudes' documenta (13) photo report here.

7 June: Launch of Maria Loboda's book at Karlsaue Park with music, smoke, and a pyramid of ice with 750 litres of champagne. See Latitudes' documenta (13) photo report here.

9 June: "Spain is dead" sign posted opposite Kassel's Fridericianum the day Spanish Ministry of Economy De Guindos, announced the financial "bailout".

8 June 2012: Chance meeting with Mr Weiner and Mr Weiner's tote bag in Kassel, good memories of our 2008 'The Crest of a Wave'.

15 June: Visiting lecturers, Máster en Arte, Museología y Crítica Contemporáneas, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. The session was preceded by an evening conference at CGAC on "The Curatorial Contract: Analogies and Case Studies". Photo: Pedro de Llano.

 16 June: Almejas, berberechos and cold beer in Santiago de Compostela. Galicia calidade! 

 19 July: iPad-photo-documenting Haegue Yang's piece produced for "Sense and Sustainability", Urdabai Arte 2012.

  A tangle of 2012 press and work passes.

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org (except when noted otherwise in the caption of the photo). 

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Launch of the monograph 'Lara Almarcegui. Projects 1995–2010', edited by Latitudes at 'The Dutch Assembly', ARCOmadrid, 15 February, 19-20h

Cover of the monograph edited by Latitudes. Photo: Latitudes.

Title: 'Lara Almarcegui. Projects 1995–2010'
Editor: Latitudes
Publisher & Design: Archive Books, Berlin
Texts: Cuauhtémoc Medina, Lars Bang Larsen and Latitudes
Format: 224 pages, colour, 21 x 27.5 cm. Black-and-white and colour illustrations. Flexicover, English.
ISBN: 978-88-95702-05-6

Published by Berlin-based Archive Books, 'Lara Almarcegui. Projects 1995–2010' is the first monograph presenting an overview of the last fifteen years of Almarcegui's artistic practice. The main part of the publication is formed by detailed documentation of the artist’s works and publications companioned by new descriptive texts written by the editors and the artist. These are presented in the following sections: ‘Demolition’, ‘Excavation’, ‘Construction materials’, ‘Ruins’, ‘Wastelands’ (survey, access, and preservation). (+ info...)

Lara Almarcegui (1972, Zaragoza. Lives and works in Rotterdam, the Netherlands) has had solo shows at Künstlerhaus Bremen, Bremen (2011); Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Sevilla (2011); TENT, Rotterdam (2011); Secession, Vienna (2010); Ludlow 38, New York (2010); the Centro Arte Contemporaneo, Málaga (2007), FRAC Bourgogne, Dijon (2004) and at INDEX, Stockholm (2003). She participated in group exhibitions such as Radical Nature – Art & Architecture for a Changing Planet 1969-2009, Barbican, London (2009); Taipei Art Biennial, Taiwan (2008); Estratos, Murcia (2008); Sharjah Art Biennial 8, Sharjah (2007); 27th São Paulo Bienal, São Paulo (2006); Frieze Art Fair Projects, London (2006) and the Liverpool Biennial (2004). In 2008 she presented the guidebook 'Ruins in the Netherlands XIX-XXI' published by Episode. Almarcegui studied Fine Arts in Cuenca (1991–95) and at the Ateliers 63, Amsterdam (1996–98). She has recently been awarded the Dolf Henkes Prize, Rotterdam (2011). In 2012 Almarcegui will have solo shows at the Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles and the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC).

Spreads of the publication:


The publication has been possible thanks to the support of the former Fonds BKVB (Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture), currently Mondriaan Fund. 

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org (except when noted otherwise in the photo caption)

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Resolución Convocatoria 2012 de Artes visuales y Tutorial de la Sala d'Art Jove

Con fecha 24 de noviembre de 2011, reunidos en la Dirección general de Juventud (C. Calàbria 147, Barcelona) el jurado formado por Daniel G. Andújar, artista visual y teórico del arte, vicepresidente primero de la Asociación de Artistas Visual de Cataluña; Dora García, artista visual, Max Andrews y Mariana Cánepa, miembros de Latitudes, oficina de comisariado; Frederic Montornés, crítico de arte y comisario independiente, Javier Rodrigo, investigador y educador de Arte; Oriol Fontdevila, miembro del equipo gestor de la Sala de Arte Joven y Toni Reig, Director general de Juventud que actúa como presidente del jurado; resuelven la siguiente selección de proyectos en relación a las convocatorias de Artes visuales y Tutorial de la Sala d'Art Jove:

Proyectos de Creación:
  1. Petia Cervera, Sublevación de Abril
  2. Lúa Coderch, Eco, The girl With no Door on the Mouth
  3. Juan Crespo, Estudios históricos
  4. Eloi Dalmau, Recitales para interfono
  5. Jordi Ferreiro, El traje nuevo del emperador
  6. Paula Giménez, Verano 
  7. Mercedes Mangrané, Piedras
  8. Anna Moreno, Select the Right Location
  9. Quim Packard, L’última institució
  10. David Proto, Memetro
  11. Barbara Sánchez, Bibliografía
  12. Adrianna Wallis, Rare et Magnifique
Proyectos de Investigación:
  1. Alba Aguirre, Marta Bonhora, Belen Genereco, Anna Margo, Mar Montobbio, “/”
  2. Laura Benítez, Alicia Escobio, Lola Lasurt, Primer intent
Proyectos de educación:
  1. Aurelio Castro Varela, Proyecciones urbanas. El 15-M y el trabajo de la ficción
  2. Joanna Empain, Ricard Escudero, Simonetta Gorga, Encuentros y desencuentros entorno a la práctica artística y educativa en un proyecto expositivo con estudiantes...
Proyectos de edición:
  1. Enric Farrés, Quim Packard, Grau d'Assistent d'Artista Professional
  2. Ignasi Prat, El mundo de los vencedores. Las casas de los poderosos del franquismo
  1. José Antonio Delgado, Fito Conesa, Judit Vidiella
  2. Francisco Peinado, Rachel Fendler (Cultural Nodes)
  3. Andrea Rodríguez, Verónica Valentini
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Newsletter #39 – December / diciembre 2011

Newsletter en Español  |  Newsletter in English

'The Dutch Assembly / Asamblea de los Países Bajos', ARCOmadrid, 15–19 February 2012, Madrid (+ info...)
Follow us on Twitter: #NLAssembly

Three juries: for the 2012 Open Call at the Sala d'Art Jove; the GAC Awards given by the Catalan Gallery Association (Award ceremony: 31 January 2012 at MACBA); and the Curatorial Open Call 2012, which invites individuals or collectives to submit a proposal for curating an exhibition between June and July of 2012 at NoguerasBlanchard. 

UNTIL 15 JANUARY 2012...
'Amikejo: Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch', fourth and final exhibition of the cycle 'Amikejo' at the Laboratorio 987, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, León,
24 September 2011–15 January 2012.    
Follow us on Twitter: #amikejo


For more info go to:

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'Nice to Meet You – Erick Beltrán. Some Fundamental Postulates' by Max Andrews on Mousse Magazine #31

In the current Mousse Magazine #31 (November 2011) you can read the interview 'Nice to Meet You – Erick Beltrán. Some Fundamental Postulates' where Max Andrews converses with the Mexican-born Barcelona-based artist, about the artist's attempt to create the terms of a dictionary of multiplicity. Their conversation ends:
"In 1997 I was asked to define my work in ten lines, and I realised that was impossible. So I said to myself, okay, let’s just make it one word! So that word was ‘edition’ and from there everything expanded and exploded as I realised my work was about the question of how you select things – what is a choice? And that is a really difficult question."
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Erick Beltrán and Jorge Satorre's 'Modelling Standard' evolving project and forthcoming interview with the artists for 'Atlántica' magazine

Invitation card to the exhibition at Galeria Joan Prats.

Opening: 17 November 2011, 19.30h (the artist will do a talk at 20h)

Exhibition organised by: Jorge Satorre and Erick Beltrán

With works by: Christoph Keller, Raphaël Zarka, Paloma Polo, Bernardo Ortiz,
Efrén Álvarez, Meris Angioletti, Jose Antonio Vega Macotela, Vilayanur Ramachandran,
Jorge Aviña and Florian Göttke.

The presentation at Galeria Joan Prats is the third iteration of the project which began in September 2010 at FormContent, London and continued in March 2011 at Casa Vecina, México DF. 

"Modelling Standard takes as a point of departure the radical historiographic turn introduced by Carlo Ginzburg in the 1970s who focused on localised, popular and disregarded micro-histories rather than universal, over-arching versions. The title Modelling Standard references the scientific concept of the Standard Model used in physics to explain the almost invisible interactions occurring between subatomic particles.

Erick Beltrán and Jorge Satorre use both micro-historical methods and the metaphor borrowed from physics to create connections between small, insignificant hints and traces. These are taken from their heterogeneous references to build seemingly unlikely connections between literary references, personal experiences, historical data, trivia and scientific facts through the construction of a diagram. The result is a series of caricatures and texts through which the artists will construct a detective plot where Sigmund Freud, Carlo Ginzburg, Giovanni Morelli, Aby Warburg, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Joe Orton are the protagonists." (taken from FormContent's press release)

In Casa Vecina, Modelling Standard expanded with the inclusion of a comic also with drawings by illustrator and project collaborator Jorge Aviña, which will also be presented in Galeria Joan Prats alongside, as the artists have stated, the "input from a number of artists, illustrators and guest researchers, whose personal research work adds new links to the chain that stretches and lengthens ... like the devil's drool".

Installation process of the exhibition. Photo taken the day we began the interview for 'Atlántica' magazine.

In relation to 'Modelling Standard' Latitudes is currently working on an interview with Satorre and Beltrán for the Spanish magazine 'Atlántica' (to be published in February 2012), where there will be an opportunity to read more about their thread of ideas for this project as well as the process of their collaborative work – the latter being one of the focus of Latitudes' interests developed in exhibition projects such as 'Amikejo' (four exhibitions at MUSAC, León, 2011) or 'The Garden of Forking Paths' (Maisterravalbuena, Madrid, 2009). More news to follow...

Related posts:


Galeria Joan Prats
Rambla de Catalunya, 54
08007 Barcelona, Spain
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NoguerasBlanchard announces "Curatorial Open Call 2012" – deadline 31 December 2011

View of the gallery space. Courtesy NoguerasBlanchard.

NoguerasBlanchard is pleased to announce a Curatorial Open Call 2012, which invites individuals or collectives to submit a proposal for curating an exhibition at NoguerasBlanchard in Barcelona. The successful proposal will take place between June and July of 2012.

For four years now NoguerasBlanchard’s exhibition program has included in the month of June an exhibition proposal by a guest curator. In order to continue this line, to expand artistic horizons and provide a platform for curatorial practice and the making of group exhibitions, we launch our Curatorial Open Call 2012.

The selected curator/s will receive a maximum of €4.000 in concept of honorarium and exhibition production budget.
NoguerasBlanchard will provide administrative and production support, design and mailing of the press release/invitation card and an opening reception. The curator/curatorial collective must be in Barcelona for the setting up and the opening evening.

Application criteria

The proposal should:
- Be thought taking in consideration NoguerasBlanchard exhibition space (see floorplan below)
- Have an international interest
- Show financial feasibility
We encourage proposals to challenge curatorial and gallery practices.

Application procedures

The decision will be made public on
NoguerasBlanchard website and by mail, before February 1st, 2012
The jury will consist of 4 curators/curatorial group that have previously carried out group shows in the gallery:
Latitudes (Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna), independent curatorial practice. Extraordinary Rendition, exhibited in 2007;
Jacqueline Uhlmann, independent curator. Shining by Absence, exhibited in 2009;
Juan Canela, independent curator. Ref 08001, exhibited in 2010;
Direlia Lazo, independent curator. Somewhere Else, exhibited in 2011.

The submission should include:

- A short biography or curriculum vitae (1 page), and contact address of the curator/s.
- An exhibition/project outline explaining the purpose and concept (600 words maximum)
- Initial list of artists and a succinct description of their practice and recent exhibitions (100 words maximum)
- Images of the works to be included with suitable captions.
- Detailed production budget that must include:
  1. Proposed curatorial fee / expenses derived from curators attendance to requested events
  2. Return transports and insurance
  3. Eventual production of new works
  4. Eventual architectural adaptation of gallery space (see map below)
Application deadline: December 31, 2011
Please submit your applications exclusively in English, in a pdf file up to 3MB, to: [email protected]

Please write ‘NoguerasBlanchard Curatorial Open Call’ in the subject line. You will receive an email confirming the reception of your proposal. For more information please contact Zaida Trallero at [email protected]

Information about NoguerasBlanchard
NoguerasBlanchard opened in June 2004 and is located next to Las Ramblas in the historic, multi-ethnic, Raval neighbourhood, in Barcelona. In this context we are strongly committed to developing an exhibition programme with emerging international artists whose work shows strong conceptual concerns and participates in the dialogue between art and broader currents in contemporary society.

The gallery's main goal is to engage in a long-term commitment with the careers of its artists and to be highly involved in the production of works. We are assisting with proposals, raising funds to produce films, biennial projects or catalogues while working in close alliance with international galleries and institutions, generating from co-productions to traveling exhibitions.
NoguerasBlanchard's participation in international fairs is essential for the promotion of our artists world-wide, while enabling us locally to maintain a lively and stimulating environment for art production and exchange.

Map of NoguerasBlanchard
c/ Xuclà 7
08001 Barcelona · Spain
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