Benoit Pailley / Joel Stillman / Latitudes
Organización asociada

The Last Newspaper

New Museum, Nueva York, Estados Unidos, 6 octubre 2010–9 enero 2011

  • Leer los 10 periódicos
    The Last Post
    5 October 2010
    Cover: ‘Ink vs Link’. Press Room of The Richmond Planet, c. 1899 / Editorial: ‘Welcome to The Last Post, The Last Gazette, The Last Register...’ by Latitudes / Picture Agent (Our singular picture agency): Kirstine Roepstorff / Media Habits: Dara Birnbaum / Exclusive Interview: ‘Double Trouble’, Lorena Muñoz-Alonso interviews TLN artist Pierre Bismuth / Feature: ‘Lights, Camera...Banality’, Kolja Reichert on Marie Voignier’s Hearing the Shape of a Drum (2010) / ‘Working with Utopians’ by Richard Flood and Benjamin Godsill / The Next Newspaper (Profiling the organizations, projects, initiatives and individuals redefining ink-and-paper news): ProPublica / Fit to Print: ‘The (L.A.) Times it is A-Changin’ by Adam Chadwick / 100 Years Ago…: The Salt Lake Herald-Republican / Cartoon: ‘The Woods: Teen Balls’ by Francesc Ruiz / Advertising: Ester Partegàs with Rob McKenzie
    The Last Gazette
    13 October 2010

    Cover: ‘Sorry for the Metaphor’. Special cover by Amalia Pica (and page 3) / Editorial: ‘34 People Like This’ by Latitudes / Focus: ‘A system is not imagined, it is real’, Julienne Lorz on TLN artist Hans Haacke’s News (1969/2008) / Dirt Sheet: Janine Armin on the newspaper-as-catalogue / Picture Agent: Ilana Halperin / The Next Newspaper: Clay Shirky / Photo essay: ‘Picture Mining’ by Ines Schaber / Obituary: ‘Sorry we’re dead’, Andrew Losowsky on TLN artist Adam McEwen’s Untitled (Caster) (2010) / Fit to Print: Adam Chadwick on hyperlocal citizen journalism / 100 Years Ago…: Daily Public Ledger / In Brief: ‘Sac Bee Cuts’ / Media Habits: Luis Camnitzer / Infographic: ‘U.S. Gazettes: Average Circulation’ by Irina Chernyakova / Cartoon: ‘The Woods: Money’ by Francesc Ruiz / Advertising: Ester Partegàs
    The Last Register
    20 October 2010
    Cover: ‘Exhibit: Exposed!’. Installing TLN wall text / Report: ‘Reaction Distraction’: Gwen Schwartz on the TLN talk with participating artists Nate Lowman, Aleksandra Mir and Sarah Charlesworth / Focus: Doryun Chong on TLN artist Adrian Piper’s Vanilla Nightmares (1986) / Media Habits: Dora García / Dirt Sheet: Janine Armin on truth and fiction / Picture Agent: Sergio Vega / The Next Newspaper: Paul Schmelzer on the American Independent News Network / Feature: ‘Broadcasting’, Joe Salzman on the representation of the journalists on TV / Exclusive interview: Latitudes with TLN cartoonist Francesc Ruiz / ‘Patricia Esquivias on...The French Revolution’ / 100 Years Ago…: New York Tribune / Feature: ‘Hyphen-ated’ by Stephen Spretnjak / Photo essay: ‘Behind the Scenes’, Installing ‘The Last Newspaper’ / Cartoon: ‘The Woods: Scratch Lottery’ by Francesc Ruiz / Advertising: Ester Partegàs with Adam Shecter
    The Last Star-Ledger
    27 October 2010
    Cover & Picture Agent: Special cover by Haegue Yang / Exclusive interview: ‘Rank and File’, Latitudes interviews Ignasi Aballí / Focus: ‘A Newspaper is Never Complete, Because News is Never Complete’, Interview with Ed Pierce from the archive of TLN partner organization StoryCorps + ‘StoryCorps Key Facts’ / Focus: ‘Execution, Ejaculation, Exhibition’, Collin Munn on TLN artist Dash Snow’s Untitled (2006) / The Next Newspaper: Latitudes interviews Nick Mrozowsky about i / Dirt Sheet: Janine Armin on TLN artist François Bucher / ‘Patricia Esquivias on... Communism’ / 100 Years Ago…: The Tacoma Times / Media Habits: Nicoline van Harskamp / Cartoon: ‘The Woods: Specialization’ by Francesc Ruiz / Advertising: Ester Partegàs with Rob McKenzie
    The Last Monitor
    3 November 2010
    Cover: ‘Today & Yesterday’. Gustav Metzger, Eichmann and the Angel, 2005 / interview: Janine Armin on 'Eating the Wall Street Journal' by William Pope L. / Cover Story: Sophie O’Brien on Gustav Metzger / ‘Picture Agent: Jordan Wolfson, artist / The Next Newspaper: ‘The San Francisco Panorama’; Fit to Print: Adam Chadwick on the digital divide / 100 Years Ago…: ‘The Bisbee Daily Review’, 1901–1971, November 3, 1910 / Media Habits: Mark von Schlegell / Focus: Sarah Charlesworth / ‘Readers’ Lives’: 'Paper-Weight Champion' by Harley Spiller / Feature: ‘Heralding the Gizmo’ / ‘Readers’ Lives’ by Marc D’Andre / Infographic: Facebook poll: where does the New Museum's audience get their information? / Cartoon: ‘The Woods: Tools’ by Francesc Ruiz / ‘Advertising Department’: Ester Partegàs with Holly Coulis and Ridley Howard
    The Last Observer
    10 November 2010
    Cover: ‘Truth Study?’. Installation view of Wolfgang Tillmans Truth Study Center (NY) (2010) / Exclusive interview: ‘Is this True or Not?’, Lorena Muñoz-Alonso with TLN artist Wolfgang Tillmans / Focus: ‘There’s not Enough Rage These Days’, Greg Barton & / Collin Munn on TLN artist Judith Bernstein / Picture Agent: Renzo Martens / Media Habits: City-as-School Students / Feature: ‘Relationship Status’ by Manuel Segade / Focus: ‘‘Old News’ to me’ by Lars Bang Larsen + ‘Nothing New About Old News’ / Feature: ‘Editorial Curatorial’ by Marcel Janco / The Next Newspaper: Patch. Andrew Losowsky interviews Warren Webster, company president / Report: Irina Chernyakova on the ‘Perpetual Peace Project’ of TLN partner the Slought Foundation / Fit to Print: Adam Chadwick on The Huffington Post / 100 years Ago…: The News-Herald / Cartoon: ‘The Woods: Backcover’ by Francesc Ruiz / Advertising: Ester Partegàs
    The Last Evening Sun
    17 November 2010
    Cover: 'Without Rain Partial Nights Aerial Days'. Special cover by Julia Rometti & Victor Costales / Feature: ‘Translating Rubble’, Kathleen Ritter on Mark Manders / Focus: ‘Floor Tautology’, Simone Menegoi on TLN artist Luciano Fabro + ‘Fabricating Fabro’ by Shannon Bowser / Special pull-out poster: Installation + checklist of TLN + ‘Your week in Headlines’ by New Museum FB and Twitter followers / Feature: 'Thomas Hirschhorn Queens', Charity Scribner / Feature: 'Red and black all over, again' Irina Chernyakova interviews TLN designers / Focus: TLN project Jeffrey Inaba/C-Lab’s Cloudy with a chance of Certainty (2010) + ‘C-What?’ by Greg Barton / Media Habits: Michael Rakowitz / The Next Newspaper: WikiLeaks / Dirt Sheet: Janine Armin at the Taipei and the Gwangju Biennials / Picture Agent: Maria Loboda / Cartoon: ‘The Woods: Flavor of the month’ by Francesc Ruiz / 100 Years Ago…: Palestine Daily Herald / Advertising: Ester Partegàs
    The Last Journal
    24 November 2010
    Cover: ‘Le Petit Journal’. Fernando Bryce / Feature: Yasmil Raymond on Fernando Bryce / Report: 'Independent Gazette', Lorena Muñoz-Alonso on Damián Ortega and Can Altay + Damián Ortega talks with Alona Pardo / Media Habits: Ester Partegàs / Brazil Focus: 'The Imaginery Newspaper', Chris Dercon on Luciano Figueiredo + Ana Paula Cohen on 28b / Focus: 'Boetti e His Double', Christian Rattemeyer on TLN artist Alighiero e Boetti / The Next Newspaper: Crowd Sourcing – /, by Irina Chernyakova / Exclusive interview: Desiree B. Ramos interviews TLN artist Rirkrit Tiravanija / Focus: 'Paper view' Gwen Schwartz with New Museum visitors / Focus: 'What's CUP?', on TLN partner organization CUP, by Gwen Schwartz & Max Andrews / Picture Agent: Adrià Julià / Focus: '29 Days Later', Sarah Wang on Larry Johnson + ‘2009 California Fires’ by Collin Munn / Cartoon: 'The Woods: Creation' by Francesc Ruiz / 100 Years Ago...: The Marion Daily Mirror / Advertising: Ester Partegàs
    The Last Times
    1 December 2010
    Cover: Peter Piller, Pfeile (Arrows) / Exclusive interview: ‘Bedeutungsflächen, In Löcher blicken, Ortsbesichtigungen...’, Julienne Lorz talks to Peter Piller / Focus: ‘Press Victim’, Collin Munn on TLN artist Mike Kelley + ‘Mike on Mike’, Mike Santistevan on Mike Kelley / Picture Agent: Pablo Vargas Lugo / 100 Years Ago…: The Seattle Star / The Next Newspaper: Web aggregation, by Irina Chernyakova / Focus: ‘Sarah’s Sex Sport-Trait’, Lorena Muñoz-Alonso on TLN artist Sarah Lucas / Media Habits: Carey Young / Dirt Sheet: Janine Armin on Allen Ruppersberg / Focus: 'Dutiful Scrivener', Angel Nevarez & Valerie Tevere on their work for TLN + Mark Twain’s ‘Amended Obituaries’ (1902) / Focus and exclusive interview: ‘Graphite Testimony’, Greg Barton on Andrea Bowers / Exclusive interview: ‘Having It All’, Latitudes talks with TLN co-curator Richard Flood about TLN artist Robert Gober / Cartoon: 'The Woods: Fahrenheit 451' by Francesc Ruiz / Advertising: Ester Partegàs
    The Last Express
    8 December 2010
    Cover: Hans Haacke, News / Exclusive interview: Rodrigo Moura interviews Mauro Restiffe / Dirt Sheet: Janine Armin on TLN participant Dexter Sinister / Report: 'Fit to Print?: The newsroom reinvented', on the New Museum talk between Adam Chadwick and Jason Fry / 100 Years Ago...: Los Angeles Herald / Focus: ‘Blu Dot: What?’, Gwen Schwartz and Mariana Cánepa Luna on TLN partner organization Blu Dot / The Next Newspaper: The Daily, by Irina Chernyakova / Focus: Greg Barton on TLN artist Emily Jacir’s Sexy Semite (2000-2) / Picture Agent: Simon Fujiwara / Media Habits: Michalis Pichler / Feature: TLN co-curators Richard Flood and Benjamin Godsill reflect on the exhibition / Focus: Greg Barton and Irina Chernyakova on TLN partner organisation NetLab’s the New City Reader / Exclusive interview: Janine Armin interviews TLN artist Hans Haacke / Cartoon: 'The Woods: The End' by Francesc Ruiz / Advertising: Ester Partegàs
    Final Supplement
    Edited by the Barcelona-based curatorial office Latitudes, designed by Chad Kloepfer and Joel Stillman, and freely distributed from a micro-newsroom at the New Museum, New York, from October – December 2010, 'The Last Post', 'The Last Gazette', 'The Last Register', etc., were hybrid weekly tabloids that built incrementally into a surrogate catalogue for 'The Last Newspaper' exhibition. The newspapers comprise a parallel programming and exhibition space (including, for example, a cartoon strip and an artist-run 'advertising department', alongside interviews and feature articles). They were an archive in formation companioning 'The Last Newspaper''s artworks, organizations, and events, as well as a platform for critical reflection on the agency of art and artists, the information industry and its public with respect to the news and the newsworthy.
Fotos Vídeo
The Last Newspaper’ fue una exposición que exploró el modo en que los artistas responden a las noticias, las imágenes y los titulares y cómo se genera, gestiona, registra, ordena y distribuye la información. Comisariada por Richard Flood (Director de proyectos especiales y Comisario at Large) y Benjamin Godsill (Comisario Asociado) del New Museum, un número de organizaciones, incluida Latitudes, fueron invitadas a desplazar sus espacios de trabajo al museo para continuar su actividad y participar en el programa público, convirtiendo las galerías del museo en espacios de exhibición, producción y discurso.

Durante una residencia editorial de 10 semanas, Latitudes editó un tabloide semanal “en directo” desde su oficina instalada en la tercera planta del New Museum. El proyecto fue por un lado, una plataforma de reflexión entorno a la producción, organización, transmisión y distribución de información y por otro, se enfocó en los artistas y organizaciones participantes de la exposición, ofreciendo entrevistas y artículos sobre sus proyectos.

Cada miércoles se presentó un nuevo número con un nuevo nombre y color (#1 The Last Post: 6 Octubre; #2 The Last Gazette: 13 Octubre; #3 The Last Register: 20 Octubre; #4 The Last Star-Ledger: 27 Octubre; #5 The Last Monitor: 3 Noviembre; #6 The Last Observer: 10 Noviembre; #7 The Last Evening Sun: 17 Noviembre; #8 The Last Journal: 24 Noviembre; #9 The Last Times: 1 Diciembre; #10 The Last Express: 8 Diciembre). Disponible de forma gratuita y únicamente en formato impreso, semanalmente se compartía en exclusiva un artículo en línea a través de el blog de Latitudes y Facebook.

Los tabloides, diseñados por Chad Kloepfer y Joel Stillman, constituyeron el archivo de la exposición y de su programa de actividades en continua formación. Con un 95% de nuevos contenidos, la compilación final de los periódicos se convirtió en el catálogo de la exposición The Last Newspaper incluyendo más de 100 artículos, textos, páginas de artistas y entrevistas.

Participantes: Ignasi Aballí; Lars Bang Larsen; Judith Bernstein; Dara Birnbaum; Pierre Bismuth; Andrea Bowers; Shannon Bowser; Fernando Bryce; Luis Camnitzer; Adam Chadwick; Sarah Charlesworth; Emily Cheeger; Doryun Chong; City-As-School class; Ana Paula Cohen; Scott Cole; Christine Cooper; Holly Coulis; Marc d'Andre; Chris Dercon; Joshua Edwards; Patricia Esquivias; Jacob Fabricius; Luciano Figueiredo; Richard Flood; Angela Freiberger; Jason Fry; Simon Fujiwara; Dora García; Benjamin Godsill; Martin Gran; Hans Haacke; Ilana Halperin; Rick Herron; Ridley Howard; Marcel Janco; Adrià Julià; Chad Kloepfer; Maria Loboda; Julienne Lorz; Andrew Losowsky; Nate Lowman; Renzo Martens; Rob McKenzie; Simone Menegoi; Aleksandra Mir; Rodrigo Moura; Nick Mrozowski; Lorena Muñoz-Alonso; Angel Nevarez & Valerie Tevere; Sophie O'Brien; Damián Ortega; Alona Pardo; Amalia Pica; Michalis Pichler; Ed Pierce; Peter Piller; William Pope L.; Michael Rakowitz; Desiree B. Ramos; Christian Rattemeyer; Yasmil Raymond; Kolja Reichert; Mauro Restiffe; Kathleen Ritter; Kirstine Roepstroff; Julia Rometti & Victor Costales; David Salle; Mike Santisteven; Joe Saltzman; Ines Schaber; Paul Schmeltzer; Charity Scribner; Manuel Segade; Adam Shecter; Harley Spiller; Stephen Spretnjak; Joel Stillman; Alexandra Tarver; Mi Tijo; Wolfgang Tillmans; Rirkrit Tiravanija; Nicoline van Harskamp; Pablo Vargas Lugo; Sergio Vega; Marie Voignier; Mark von Schlegell; Haegue Yang; Carey Young; Sarah Wang; Warren Webster; y Jordan Wolfson. Gracias tambien a la red del Facebook y Twitter del New Museum: aodt; Kristi Collom; Michele Corriel; djnron; Isadora Ficovic; A.J. Fries; Rachel Elise Greiner; Sioux Jordan; Eleanor Martineau; Acht Millimeter; Sofia Pontén; Jenny Pruden; Bonnie Severien; Kate Shafer; Liz Shores; Goso Tominaga y Anne Wölk. Thank you, gracias!

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