Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Max Andrews reviews Bruno Zhu’s exhibition “I am not afraid”, Cordova, Barcelona

frieze magazine has published Max Andrews’ review of Bruno Zhu’s exhibition “I am not afraid” presented at Cordova space in Barcelona until May 28, 2022. The frieze summer issue will include a printed version.

“An outsized satin wristwatch hangs in Cordova’s small office. Large blue gingham and orange vinyl stars span the walls, windows, doors, floor and ceiling of the adjacent gallery. Bruno Zhu’s exhibition, ‘I am not afraid’, can be consumed quickly and, as its title assures, apprehended without alarm. Yet, the digestion of its curiouser-and-curiouser blend of scalable and temporal enigmas, and autobiography with fiction, appropriately transpires more gradually.” Continue reading

View of Bruno Zhu’s exhibition “I am not afraid” at Cordova. Photos: Latitudes.

Detail of Bruno Zhu’s “Are you OK?” 2022. Satin, quartz clock movement, batteries, foam and plastic. Dimensions variable.

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