Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Conferencia sobre “A Knot Which is Not” de Eulàlia Rovira en Palma, Mallorca

Fotos de @laia_ventayol.

El pasado 11 de noviembre 2023, la artista Laia Ventayol presentó en Palma, Mallorca, una conferencia sobre el video “A knot which is not” de Eulàlia Rovira en el marco del LXVIII Anglo-Catalan Society Conference en la Universitat de les Illes Balears. 

A knot which is not” [Un nudo que no lo es] (2020–21) fue fruto de una investigación que se inició con la inauguración de la exposición “Cosas que las cosas dicen” (17 de octubre 2020–17 de enero 2021, véase el trailer) comisariada por Latitudes en Fabra i Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, y que se proyectó en línea una vez clausuró la exposición. 

Concebimos la participación de Rovira en la exposición como meta narradora de la misma. Su voz acompañó a los visitantes al inicio de la exposición – Eulàlia fue la voz de la audioguía – y a su cierre – con la presentación del video A knot which is not”, filmado en la sala expositiva una vez volvía a estar vacía.

“Si bien la línea recta es cómplice del abaratamiento y el estandarización de muchos productos, ¿a dónde nos lleva la curva, o todavía mejor, el nudo? Dando giros a las historias de la propia fábrica textil de la Fabra i Coats y a los objetos que de allí salían, la lengua que nos habla ejercita palabras que las manos parecen haber dejado de reconocer.” – Eulàlia Rovira

(Abajo y arriba) Fragmentos del video “A knot which is not” [Un nudo que no lo es] (2020–21) de Eulàlia Rovira. Cortesía de la artista.

En la conferencia, Ventayol ha compartido imágenes del proceso de investigación que realizó Rovira para la elaboración de la narración de “A Knot Which is Not” (2021), así como sobre la colaboración que Stuart Whipps, otro artista de la exposición que exhibió The Kipper and the Corpse” (2004–en curso), entabló con Keith Woodfield, quien trabajó en la empresa motora British Leyland en Longbridge (Birmingham) durante +30 años.

Foto cortesía de Laia Ventayol.


  • Catálogo de la exposición diseñado por Bendita Gloria
  • Guía de la exposición (descargar pdf)
  • Videos de la exposición (tráiler disponible en catalán, castellano e inglés)
  • Audioguía (disponible en catalán, castellano e inglés)
  • The Pilgrim from Askeaton, 12 September 2023
  • Cover Story, May 2022: Things Things Say in print, 2 May 2022
  • New publication: “Things Things Say” now available, 28 Feb 2022
  • Premiere del vídeo “A knot which is not” [Un nus que no ho és] (2020–21) de Eulàlia Rovira, 15 febrero 2021
  • Reseñas: Exposición ‘Cosas que las cosas dicen’ en Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 11 January 2021 
  • Cover Story–January 2021: ‘Things Things Say’: ‘VIP's Union’, 1 January 2021
  • Performance “One motif says to the other: I can’t take my eyes off you” by Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler in the exhibition ‘Cream cheese and pretty ribbons!’, 17 September 2018

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Cover Story, May 2022: Things Things Say in print

May 2022 cover story on www.lttds.org

The May 2022 monthly Cover Story “Things Things Say in print” is up on our homepage: www.lttds.org

“Do you trust things to write human history? To speak on behalf of natural history? Did you ever own a pair of dungarees? When do trivial details become vital? Can a pebble destroy an empire if the emperor chokes at dinner? Would the pebble stand accused? Do you ever feel that the thing we call theory and the thing we call art are moving in different directions?”

 Continue reading

→ After May 2022 this story will be archived here.

Cover Stories are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes homepage featuring past, present or forthcoming projects, research, texts, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects or field trips related to our curatorial projects and activities.


  • Archive of Monthly Cover Stories
  • Cover Story, April 2022: Mix and Match. Laia Estruch at PUBLICS, 1 April 2022
  • Cover Story, March 2022: The passion of Gabriel Ventura, 1 March 2022
  • Cover Story, February 2022: Rosa Tharrats’ Textile Alchemy, 1 Feb 2022
  • Cover Story, January 2022: “Rasmus’ Doubts”, 2 Jan 2022
  • Cover Story, December 2021: Between Meier and Meller: Toni and Pau at the Teatre Arnau, 1 Dec 2021
  • Cover Story, November 2021: Notes for an Eye Fire, 2 Nov 2021
  • Cover Story, October 2021: Fear and Loathing in Lebanon, 1 Oct 2021
  • Cover Story, September 2021: Erratic behaviour—Latitudes in conversation with Jorge Satorre, 31 August 2021
  • Cover Story–July-August 2021: Panorama: a wide view from a fixed point, 2 July 2021
  • Cover Story–June 2021: ‘Fitness food: Salim Bayri’s Amsterdam’, 1 June 2021
  • Cover Story–May 2021: RAF goes viral, 2 May 2021
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New publication: “Things Things Say” (2021) now available

Photos: Latitudes

Texts by: Joana Hurtado Matheu, Latitudes and Eulàlia Rovira

Edited and coordinated by: Latitudes and Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani

Publisher: Ajuntament de Barcelona. Institut de Cultura de Barcelona / Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani

Graphic design: Bendita Gloria

Format: 16 x 11cm, hardcover, 180 pages

Language: Catalan with Spanish & English translations

ISBN: 978-84-9156-386-0 

Date of Publication: December 2021

Price: 10 Euros

AvailabilityLlibreria LaieFabra i Coats: Centre d'Art ContemporaniSala Ciutat of the Ajuntament de Barcelona and Diputació de Barcelona bookstore.

The publication of the exhibition ‘Things Things Say’ is finally out! The show was curated by Latitudes at Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani between October 2020 and January 2021.

Designed by Bendita Gloria, the volume includes a preface by art centre director Joana Hurtado Matheu, new texts by exhibition curators, a text-based intervention by participating artist Eulàlia Rovira, and texts on each exhibited work.

Latitudes text “And Another Thing...” comprises a series of responses to the 33 questions that confronted visitors and took the place of the conventional introductory wall text. The responses variously take the form of quotations, historical references, anecdotes, and theoretical snippets that often do not provide direct answers but instead further expand on the research and imaginary of the exhibition. 

(Above and two below) Stills from A Knot Which is Not’ (2020–21) by Eulàlia Rovira. Video, 12'21''. Courtesy of the artist.

Eulàlia Rovira's contribution to the exhibition was threefold: it began before the exhibition opened by means of her voice reciting the wall texts and captions written by the curators about each work included in the show. This audio became the audioguide available from the exhibition in Catalan, Spanish and English, and has remained as an online companion. 

Rovira was also invited to produce new work in response to the exhibition. Resulting in the performance for the camera “A Knot Which is Not” (2020–21), the work summarises her research around the narratives and stories emerging from the industrial complex where the show took place, once dedicated to the manufacturing of cotton thread. “A Knot Which is Not” premiered online once the exhibition concluded and the exhibition galleries were empty. And finally, she contributed a text to the publication based on her research leading to the making of the film weaving its spoken words into the printed lines of the physical page.

(Above and below) View of the exhibition “Things Things Say” at Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, October 2020–January 2021. Photos: Eva Carasol.

“Coses que les coses diuen” [Things Things Say] accompanies the homonymous exhibition curated by Latitudes that took place at Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani between October 2020 and January 2021, presenting works by Adrià Julià, Annette Kelm, James N. Kienitz Wilkins, Sarah Ortmeyer, Eulàlia Rovira, Francesc Serra i Dimas, Stuart Whipps, Haegue Yang, as well as meaningful things from the Friends of Fabra i Coats archive.


  • ‘Things Things Say’ in social networks;
  • Premiere del vídeo “A knot which is not” [Un nus que no ho és] (2020–21) de Eulàlia Rovira, 15 febrero 2021
  • Reseñas: Exposición ‘Cosas que las cosas dicen’ en Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 11 January 2021 
  • Trailer and photo documentation of the exhibition ‘Things Things Say’, 4 Nov 2020
  • 6 de noviembre, 17:45h: Proyección ‘Popcorn’ [Palomita] (90', 2012) de Adrià Julià en el Zumzeig Cinema, 29 Oct 2020
  • e-flux – Fall 2020 exhibitions and programs at Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona, 17 October 2020
  • Exhibition ‘Things Things Say’, Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Center of Barcelona, 17 October 2020–17 January 2021, 9 Oct 2020

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Cover Story–March 2021: Eulàlia Rovira's ‘A Knot Which is Not’ (2020–21)

Latitudes' homepage www.lttds.org

The March 2021 monthly Cover Story ‘Eulàlia Rovira. A Knot which is Not’ is now up on our homepage: www.lttds.org

“This video was developed during and departing from the exhibition Things Things Say, and was inspired by the history of the space which hosted it. It comprises a live reading in Catalan by Eulàlia Rovira that was filmed, without the presence of an audience, in the galleries of Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona immediately following the end of the exhibition and the de-installation of the works of art.

→ After March 2021 this story will be archived here.

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage featuring past, present or forthcoming projects, research, texts, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects or field trips related to our curatorial projects and activities.

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Estreno del vídeo “A knot which is not” [Un nus que no ho és] (2020–21) de Eulàlia Rovira

(📷 ↑↓) Eulàlia Rovira, “A knot which is not” [Un nudo que no lo es], 2020–21. Vídeo, 12:21min. Audio en catalán. Cortesía de la artista.


Avui a les 18h (CET) s'estrena el nou vídeo d'Eulàlia Rovira “A knot which is not” [Un nus que no ho és] (2020-21), al canal Youtube de Fabra i Coats

El vídeo és fruit d’una recerca que l'artista va iniciar amb la inauguració de l’exposició “Coses que les coses diuen” (17 d’octubre de 2020 – 17 de gener de 2021), comissariada per Latitudes a Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona, i que es fa pública un cop s’ha clausurat i les sales del centre d'art són novament buides. El vídeo podrà veure's en qualsevol moment després de l'emissió en directe.

“Si bé la línia recta és còmplice de l’abaratiment i l’estandardització de molts productes, a on ens du la corba, o encara millor, el nus? Donant girs a les històries de la mateixa fàbrica tèxtil de la Fabra i Coats i als objectes que en sortien, la llengua que ens parla exercita paraules que les mans semblen haver deixat de reconèixer.” –  Eulàlia Rovira


Hoy a las 18h (CET) se estrena el nuevo vídeo de Eulàlia Rovira “A knot which is not” [Un nudo que no lo es] (2020-21), en el canal Youtube de Fabra i Coats.

El vídeo es fruto de una investigación que la artista inició con la inauguración de “Cosas que las cosas dicen” (17 de octubre de 2020–17 de enero de 2021), la exposición comisariada por Latitudes en Fabra i Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, y que se hace pública una vez ha finalizado y las salas expositivas están nuevamente vacías. El vídeo podrá verse en cualquier momento después de la emisión en directo. 

“Si bien la línea recta es cómplice del abaratamiento y la estandaritzación de muchos productos, ¿adónde nos lleva la curva, o aún mejor, el nudo? Dando giros a las historias de la propia fábrica textil de la Fabra i Coats y a los objetos que de ella salían, la lengua que nos habla ejercita palabras que las manos parecen haber dejado de reconocer.” – Eulàlia Rovira


Today at 6pm (CET) Eulàlia Rovira's new video “A Knot which is Not” [Un nudo que no lo es] (2020-21) is premiered on the YouTube channel of Fabra i Coats.

“A Knot which is Not” is the result of Rovira's research that began with the opening of “Things Things Say” (17 October 2020–17 January 2021), curated by Latitudes at Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona, and made public once the exhibition finished and the art centre galleries are empty once again. The video will be available for viewing at any time after the live broadcast. 

“Whilst the straight line is complicit in the price decrease and standardisation of many products, where does the curve, or better still, the knot, lead us? Putting a new spin on the stories of the Fabra i Coats textile factory and the objects found there, the language they speak to us uses words that our hands seem to have stopped recognising.” – Eulàlia Rovira

  • ‘Things Things Say’ en las redes sociales
  • Reseñas: Exposición ‘Cosas que las cosas dicen’ en Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 11 January 2021 
  • Trailer and photo documentation of the exhibition ‘Things Things Say’, 4 Nov 2020
  • 6 de noviembre, 17:45h: Proyección ‘Popcorn’ [Palomita] (90', 2012) de Adrià Julià en el Zumzeig Cinema, 29 Oct 2020
  • Exhibition ‘Things Things Say’, Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Center of Barcelona, 17 October 2020–17 January 2021, 9 Oct 2020

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Reseñas: Exposición ‘Cosas que las cosas dicen’ en Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona

Anuncio en e-flux de la nueva temporada de exposiciones en Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 17 octubre 2020.
Clàudia Rius, “4 novetats de la Fabra i Coats”, Núvol.com, 19 octubre 2020.
Teresa Sesé, ‘Los objetos hablan: ¡escúchalos!’, La Vanguardia, 20 octubre 2020.

Montse Frisach, “Coses que les coses diuen”, catorze.cat, 21 octubre 2020.

Roberta Bosco, ‘La voz de los humanos y de las cosas’, Mirador de les Arts, 21 octubre 2020.
Ramon Casalé Soler, El Temps de les Arts, 27 octubre 2020. 

Cabe aclarar que, tal y como publicamos en Twitter el pasado 27 de octubre, ‘Cosas que las cosas dicen no se presentó anteriormente en el CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux como menciona el articulista, sino que la exposición ha sido un encargo y una producción de Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona

Eduardo de Vicente, ‘Historias explicadas por objetos’, el periódico, 16 diciembre 2020.

c/ Sant Adrià, 20
08030 Barcelona




🎧 Audioguía  
Narrada por la artista Eulàlia Rovira (click y escoge idioma)

  • ‘Things Things Say’ en las redes sociales
  • 6 de noviembre, 17:45h: Proyección ‘Popcorn’ [Palomita] (90', 2012) de Adrià Julià en el Zumzeig Cinema, 29 Oct 2020
  • Exhibition ‘Things Things Say’, Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Center of Barcelona, 17 October 2020–17 January 2021, 9 Oct 2020

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Cover Story–January 2021: ‘Things Things Say’: ‘VIP's Union’

 Latitudes' homepage www.lttds.org

The January 2021 monthly Cover Story ‘Things Things Say’: ‘VIP's Union’ is now up on our homepage: www.lttds.org

“People and things write mutual biographies. A folding chair from the studio of artist Ignasi Aballí and a wooden chair from the kitchen of PAAC President Montserrat Moliner sit around a table designed by teacher Lluís Vallvé Cordomí. How are things with you?” 

→ After January 2021 this story will be archived here.

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage featuring past, present or forthcoming projects, research, texts, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects or field trips related to our curatorial projects and activities.


  • Archive of Monthly Cover Stories
  • Cover Story—December 2020: ‘Things Things Say’: This Action Lies’, 1 Dec 2020
  • Cover Story—November 2020: ‘Things Things Say’: Stuart Whipps’, 1 Nov 2020
  • Cover Story—October 2020: Incidents (of Travel) Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, 2 Oct 2020
  • Cover Story—September 2020: States of emergency—Lola Lasurt’s ‘Children’s Game’, 1 Sept 2020
  • Cover Story—August 2020: ‘Màquina possible’: going viral at Can Balaguer, 1 Aug 2020
  • Cover Story—July 2020: Nino Kvrivishvili’s silk roads: Incidents (of Travel), Tbilisi, 1 Jul 2020
  • Cover Story—June 2020: Mataró Chauffeur Service, since 2010, 1 June 2020
  • Cover Story—May 2020: Panama, back through the lens, 4 May 2020
  • Cover Story—March-April 2020: The Bolós Cabinet, 3 March 2020
  • Cover Story—February 2020: Carioca Incidents, 3 February 2020
  • Cover Story—January 2020: Safeguarding Gestures, 2 January 2020

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Cover Story—December 2020: ‘Things Things Say’: ‘This Action Lies’

Latitudes' homepage www.lttds.org

The December 2020 monthly Cover Story ‘Things Things Say’: ‘This Action Lies’ is now up on our homepage: www.lttds.org 

One Taste and You’ll Understand. That was Dunkin’ Donuts slogan in 2001. A year earlier: Loosen Up a Little. Then a bit later: Just the Thing. 2002–2004. Bring Yourself Back. 2004–2006. Now it’s America Runs on Dunkin’, but you get the point.

→ Continue reading
→ After December 2020 this story will be archived here.

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage featuring past, present or forthcoming projects, research, texts, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects or field trips related to our curatorial projects and activities.


  • Archive of Monthly Cover Stories
  • Cover Story—November 2020: ‘Things Things Say’: Stuart Whipps’, 1 Nov 2020
  • Cover Story—October 2020: Incidents (of Travel) Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, 2 Oct 2020
  • Cover Story—September 2020: States of emergency—Lola Lasurt’s ‘Children’s Game’, 1 Sept 2020
  • Cover Story—August 2020: ‘Màquina possible’: going viral at Can Balaguer, 1 Aug 2020
  • Cover Story—July 2020: Nino Kvrivishvili’s silk roads: Incidents (of Travel), Tbilisi, 1 Jul 2020
  • Cover Story—June 2020: Mataró Chauffeur Service, since 2010, 1 June 2020
  • Cover Story—May 2020: Panama, back through the lens, 4 May 2020
  • Cover Story—March-April 2020: The Bolós Cabinet, 3 March 2020
  • Cover Story—February 2020: Carioca Incidents, 3 February 2020
  • Cover Story—January 2020: Safeguarding Gestures, 2 January 2020

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Trailer and photo documentation of the exhibition ‘Things Things Say’

Things Things Say’ is an exhibition at Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona (17 October 2020–17 January 2021) presenting sculpture, photography, films, text and voice by Adrià Julià, Annette Kelm, James N. Kienitz Wilkins, Sarah Ortmeyer, Eulàlia Rovira, Francesc Serra i Dimas, Stuart Whipps, Haegue Yang, as well as meaningful things from the Friends of Fabra i Coats archive. 

The exhibition springs from the past of Fabra i Coats—an industrial complex once dedicated to the manufacturing of cotton thread. Taking on the genre of the ‘it-narrative’ in 18th century English literature—as well as the approaches of object journalism and microhistory—the exhibition tacks back-and-forth between “exceptionally normal” things and the extraordinary global narratives of labour, obsolescence, and the industrialisation of nature, that they trigger.

Curated by Latitudes


c/ Sant Adrià, 20
08030 Barcelona, Spain
⏰ Tuesday to Saturday 12–8pm, Sunday 11am–3pm

  • ‘Things Things Say’ in social networks 
  • 6 de noviembre, 17:45h: Proyección ‘Popcorn’ [Palomita] (90', 2012) de Adrià Julià en el Zumzeig Cinema, 29 Oct 2020
  • Exhibition ‘Things Things Say’, Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Center of Barcelona, 17 October 2020–17 January 2021, 9 Oct 2020

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Cover Story—November 2020: ‘Things Things Say’: Stuart Whipps’

Latitudes' homepage www.lttds.org

The November 2020 monthly Cover Story ‘Things Things Say’: Stuart Whipps’ Mini’ is now up on our homepage: www.lttds.org 

“Another car strike. Marvellous, isn’t it? The taxpayers pay ’em millions each year, they get the money, go on strike. It’s called socialism. If they don’t like making cars, why don’t they get themselves another bloody job—designing cathedrals or composing violin concertos. The British Leyland Concerto—in four movements, all of them slow, with a four-hour tea-break in between...”

→ Continue reading
→ After November 2020 this story will be archived here.

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage featuring past, present or forthcoming projects, research, texts, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects or field trips related to our curatorial projects and activities.


  • Archive of Monthly Cover Stories
  • Cover Story—October 2020: Incidents (of Travel) Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, 2 Oct 2020
  • Cover Story—September 2020: States of emergency—Lola Lasurt’s ‘Children’s Game’, 1 Sept 2020
  • Cover Story—August 2020: ‘Màquina possible’: going viral at Can Balaguer, 1 Aug 2020
  • Cover Story—July 2020: Nino Kvrivishvili’s silk roads: Incidents (of Travel), Tbilisi, 1 Jul 2020
  • Cover Story—June 2020: Mataró Chauffeur Service, since 2010, 1 June 2020
  • Cover Story—May 2020: Panama, back through the lens, 4 May 2020
  • Cover Story—March-April 2020: The Bolós Cabinet, 3 March 2020
  • Cover Story—February 2020: Carioca Incidents, 3 February 2020
  • Cover Story—January 2020: Safeguarding Gestures, 2 January 2020
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