Wed, Dec 12 2012Part of our interest in the #OpenCurating
research we are currently carrying out is to look at how museums and
curatorial departments are engaging in new ways with their audiences and the means through which "open" initiatives are being promoted and implemented in exhibition-making and via other types of programming.
The Indianapolis Museum of Art has created two really dynamic initiatives which promote transparency throughout the museum's operations: a real-time statistics "Dashboard"
including data such as the museum's energy consumption, works
of art currently on display, the value of the museum's endowment, their
operating expenses, average time of visits to the website, etc.
The tool was implemented in 2008 and is the brainchild of museum director Maxwell L. Anderson, an active advocate of implementing new media technologies to advance public interest in art.
The data can be compared to previous years (stats for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011), filtered by museum departments (Buildings, Education, Conservation, Curatorial, Finance...) as well as by topics (Art, Greening the IMA, Attendance...).
Dashboard data of the curatorial.
However admirable this tool is, the curatorial dashboard falls rather short on the depth of information, only offering statistics for the "number of acquisitions" and the "number of works with gaps in WWII-Era Provenance". They do not reveal full data sets of their departmental operational budget, for instance. This might show there is still some resistance to really open up to show other kind of costs (shipping, insurance, exhibition display, fees paid to artists (or not?)...) or even interesting insights such as (air)miles travelled by the curatorial staff, or the amount of paper used for their publications, just to mention a few.
Some of these topics (how to articulate institutions and organisations complex needs in seeming transparent, responsible and benevolent) were addressed in Latitudes' 2008 exhibition "Greenwashing. Environment: Perils, Promises and Perplexities" (Archive Books, 2008) and in its catalogue essay "Shades of Green: a conversation between the curators", as well as in the essay by Stephanie Smith "'Alas for the dreams of a Dreamer!': Art Museums and Sustainability" included in the Latitudes-edited publication "Land, Art: A Cultural Ecology Handbook' (RSA, 2006).
A second initiative we find quite relevant is the "Deaccessioning database", which classifies pieces that have been deaccessioned at the museum since 2007 (following IMA's policy, see pdf here),
explaining provenance, the reasons for its deaccession, listing the
recipient and the day of sale, etc.
Take for instance "Houses in the Snow", a 1929 canvas by Maurice de Vlaminck sold via Sotheby's in 2009 for $173700; or the 1889 suite of prints "Les Misères Humaines" by Gaugin, which were transferred to the Musée de Pont-Aven in 2009. Fascinating and revealing, isn't it?
Deaccessioned file for Maurice de Vlaminck's 1929 canvas.
#OpenCurating, 2.0, 2012, Greenwashing, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Land Art, museums, statistics, technology, transparency
Wed, Dec 5 2012
Daniel G. Andújar, Democraticemos la democracia, “A vuelo de pájaro, Barcelona–Badalona”, 22 de mayo 2012.
Cortesía de Daniel G. Andújar estudio / TTTP.
La práctica del artista visual, activista en la red y teórico del arte Daniel G. Andújar cuestiona, mediante la ironía y la utilización de estrategias de presentación de las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación, las promesas democráticas e igualitarias de estos medios y critica la voluntad de control que esconden detrás de su aparente transparencia. En 1996 Andújar funda la empresa virtual Technologies To The People (TTTP) “dedicada a acercar los avances de la tecnología a los más desfavorecidos, una especie de imprecisa corporación que reproducía el lenguaje disuasorio, los tics de identidad y los arquetipos visuales asociados a las compañías comerciales del ámbito digital”.
"Democratizando la sociedad informacional" es la cuarta entrevista en la investigación #OpenCurating – leer la primera con el equipo del Walker Art Center aquí (inglés), la segunda con Ethel Baraona Pohl (español e inglés); y"Itinerarios transversales" con Sònia López y Anna Ramos del Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA).
El documento se puede visualizar en ISSUU, y también se puede descargar como pdf desde la web del proyecto y por de ahí leerlo en vuestro iPad (visualización optimizada para la pantalla Retina).
Partiendo de las preocupaciones exploradas por Latitudes durante el proyecto editorial realizado durante 'The Last Newspaper' (New Museum, Nueva York, 2010), y basándose en las prácticas del denominado 'periodismo abierto'
(Open Journalism) – que trata de mejorar la colaboración y utilizar la
habilidad de cualquier persona para publicar y compartir – #OpenCurating
es un proyecto de investigación que indaga en
las nuevas formas de interacción
entre los públicos – sean seguidores en red o visitantes físicos – con
obras de arte, su producción, exhibición y su contexto discursivo.
El proyecto se estructura a partir de tres elementos: una serie de diez entrevistas a comisarios, artistas, escritores y expertos web publicada en una edición digital gratuita (véase aquí), una discusión en Twitter moderada por el hashtag #OpenCurating y por último, un evento (fecha por determinar).
#OpenCurating es el proyecto ganador de la primera convocatoria BCN Producció 2012 en la categoría de investigación, otorgada por el Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.
Síguenos en Twitter: #OpenCurating

Content partners
: Walker Art Center

This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
License. #OpenCurating, 15M, 2012, AAVC, Barcelona, BCN Producció, crisis, cultura, Daniel G. Andújar, democracia, entrevista, participation, Sala d'Art Jove, tecnología, transparency
Wed, Nov 28 2012
El estudio radiofónico de Ràdio Web MACBA en el Auditorio del MACBA.
El Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) abrió sus puertas en el Raval de Barcelona en el 1995, aunque su fundación se remonta a 1987 cuando miembros representantes de la sociedad civil catalana y empresas privadas crean Fundación MACBA, una de las cuatro entidades que integran el Consorcio junto con la Generalitat de Catalunya, el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona y el Ministerio de Cultura. La nueva página web del museo (, se lanzó a principios del 2012 tras un periodo de rediseño y reconceptualización, e incluye novedades como los Recorridos (permite al visitante crear itinerarios transversales seleccionando entre las cinco mil obras que componen la Colección MACBA, además de vídeos, fichas de artista, podcasts, publicaciones, etc.) y la unificación de bases de datos de la colección y el Archivo del Centro de Estudios y Documentación, entre otras muchas. Ràdio Web MACBA, el proyecto radiofónico del museo iniciado en el 2006, cuenta con su propia web e incluye una selección de más de 250 podcasts sobre arte, filosofía, música experimental y material documental con la voluntad de fomentar una aproximación crítica a la producción sonora y el pensamiento contemporáneo.
Sònia López es la responsable de la web y las publicaciones digitales del MACBA desde el 2001. Ha participado en diversos proyectos artísticos y pedagógicos en el MACBA y otras instituciones culturales de Barcelona. Activista crafter a tiempo parcial.
Anna Ramos es la coordinadora del proyecto radiofónico online Ràdio Web MACBA, y co-responsable del sello ALKU, plataforma pluridisciplinar que opera desde 1997. Bajo ambos paraguas desarrolla publicaciones, proyectos, instalaciones y ciclos en torno a la música por ordenador, el audio generativo, la síntesis, el pensamiento contemporáneo y otras áreas relacionadas. Asimismo, acaba de co-editar el libro del artista danés Goodiepal, El camino del hardcore (ALKU, 2012).
El documento se puede visualizar en ISSUU, y también se puede descargar como pdf desde la web del proyecto y por de ahí leerlo en vuestro iPad (visualización optimizada para la pantalla Retina).
Foto: Latitudes.
Partiendo de las preocupaciones exploradas por Latitudes durante el proyecto editorial realizado durante 'The Last Newspaper' (New Museum, Nueva York, 2010), y basándose en las prácticas del denominado 'periodismo abierto'
(Open Journalism) – que trata de mejorar la colaboración y utilizar la
habilidad de cualquier persona para publicar y compartir – #OpenCurating
es un proyecto de investigación que indaga en
las nuevas formas de interacción
entre los públicos – sean seguidores en red o visitantes físicos – con
obras de arte, su producción, exhibición y su contexto discursivo.
El proyecto se estructura a partir de tres elementos: una serie de diez entrevistas a comisarios, artistas, escritores y expertos web publicada en una edición digital gratuita (véase aquí), una discusión en Twitter moderada por el hashtag #OpenCurating y por último, un evento que tendrá lugar en Barcelona (fecha por determinar).
#OpenCurating es el proyecto ganador de la primera convocatoria BCN Producció 2012 en la categoría de investigación, otorgada por el Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.
Síguenos en Twitter: #OpenCurating
Content partners
: Walker Art Center

This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
License. #OpenCurating, 2012, Barcelona, BCN Producció, conversations, entrevista, MACBA, museo, participation, publications, radio, website
Tue, Oct 30 2012Below Max Andrews' frieze review on the exhibition 'Utopia is possible. ICSID. Eivissa, 1971' currently on show (on view until 20 January 2013) at the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA). An interesting follow up is Ethel Baraona Pohl's review on Domus (published 15 October 2012) which is accompanied by a lot more photodocumentation presented in the exhibition.
Instant City, 1971. Col·lecció MACBA. Centre d'Estudis i Documentació. Fons Xavier Miserachs
‘This will be an ICSID Congress only 10 metres from the sea,’ read
the welcoming Bulletin of the Seventh Congress of the International
Council of Societies of Industrial Design in 1971. ‘The environment, the
climate and the sea bathing will act as a stimulant to the general
business of the Congress.’ As 1,500 delegates registered at the
ziggurat-like hotel venue in northern Ibiza, the more adventurous made
their way to
Instant City, an inflatable camp below on Sant
Miquel bay. Three days of meetings, debates, performances and partying
were to follow –a professional design conference that was also a
beach-side experiment in leisure and the creative potential of
industrial plastic. The exhibition ‘Utopia is Possible’ was not only
significant as an exercise in advocating the pioneering importance of an
interdisciplinary festival that predated the better-known Encuentros de
Pamplona’ (Pamplona Meetings) the following year – both all the more
astonishing as Spain remained under the grip of dictatorship until 1975 –
but also (and following a sprawling exhibition about the latter
at Madrid’s Museo Reina Sofía in 2009) as a corollary of the emergence
of curatorial and exhibition history as legitimate fields of
study, as exhibition.
‘Utopia is Possible’ remembered and celebrated an event that evoked a
meltdown of academia, inflatable architecture, cinema, Catalan artistic
vanguardism and countercultural ceremonies – part ‘Exploding Plastic
Inevitable’, part technology enthusiast craft convention. Through
teeming type and handwritten correspondence arranged in vitrines,
hundreds of photographs, technical notes and newspaper reports – as well
as four projections showing archival footage and a dozen monitors
presenting newsreels and newly-made interviews with those involved – it
revealed a project that clearly had a life-changing impact on those who
experienced it. ICSID 1971 championed liberal social innovation and
user-generated content. ‘This is an “open” congress’, declared its
introductory statement, ‘a new experience […] for the first time the
congress members will be able to participate to the utmost […] this is
YOUR congress.’ The proceedings in the hotel comprised ‘Speaking Rooms’
with themes proposed by delegates, 65 talks including ‘The House Style
of the Netherlands railway’,‘What We Are Doing in the Belgrade School of
Design’, and ‘Basic Design with Computers’ – the latter led by the
pioneering Centro de Cálculo (Computing Centre), a collaboration between
Madrid’s Complutense University and IBM.
Down by the beach, meanwhile, the participation was of a somewhat
different order – kinetic sculptural events with air, water, fire and
food. Josep Ponsatí collaborated with members of the Grup Obert de
Disseny Urquinaona (Urquinaona Open Design Group), who themselves
collaborated in the pop-style signage of the congress, which was
replicated in the show’s exhibition design. They tethered
together 12 pairs of huge air-filled white plastic pillows that floated
out over and on the bay like a giant flower. Vacuflex-3 (1971)
by Antoni Muntadas and Gonzalo Mezza is a portable sculpture in the
form of a 150-metre flexible plastic pipe which, with teamwork, can be
variously carried around, used to spell out words on the sand (‘LOVE’,
‘LAND’, ‘HERE’) or floated on the sea. The opening dinner took the form
of a multi-colour ritual orchestrated by Antoni Miralda, Jaume Xifra and
Dorothée Selz; masked performers and diners wore green, red, blue and
yellow cloaks, and feasted on similarly coloured paella and wine.
Yet Instant City took such multi-coloured experiences to
architectonic dimensions, and it remains the ideological and pictorial
emblem of the congress. Architecture students Carlos Ferrater and
Fernando Bendito had persuaded architecture professor José Miguel de
Prada Poole to transform their idea of inflatable student accommodation
into reality. What resulted was a global manifesto for a new way
of living intended to embrace the ‘nomadic and mobile’ values of
impermanence and flexibility. Following publicity in colleges and
magazines around the world, scores of volunteers came in the weeks
before the congress to collaborate in stapling together a pop-up plastic
community. Instant City was the backdrop to some of the exhibition’s
most striking images, of bemused locals in traditional dress watching
bearded design hippies building something between Hélio Oiticica’s
‘Penetrables’ and Maurice Agis’s ill-fated Dreamspace V (an
inflatable environment that killed two women when it broke free from
moorings in 2006). And although the taste of Utopian living was
evidently challenged by the whiff of residing in sweltering polytunnel
tentacles with too few toilets, it also inspired some soaring prog rock
poetry that, perhaps more succinctly than any other words in the
exhibition, gave a blast ofthe elaborate techno-paganism which must have
blown minds at this extraordinary Congress. ‘Green cornfields alongside
Instant City / Awaken to Ibizan sunrise’, read a typewritten sheet
alongside module construction diagrams. ‘We are children of the future /
Born into the paleo-cybernetic age / our minds extended electrically
through the video sphere.’
‘Utopia is Possible’ offered a timely pre-history of participatory
practice from a Spanish perspective and, against the backdrop of
contemporary funding cuts, an object lesson in artistic solidarity and
internationalism against the odds.
– Max Andrews
(Originally published in Frieze, October 2012, Issue 150)
Antoni Muntadas and Gonzalo Mezza Ceremonial and Vacuflex-3, 1971.
Related materials:
- Video where participants' discuss their experience here
- Tour of the exhibition by exhibition co-curator Teresa Grandas, here (both in Catalan)
- Latitudes' writing archive
2012, architecture, Barcelona, congress, design, event, knowledge exchange, MACBA, Max Andrews, modes of assembly, participation, performance, Reviews