Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Gallery Climate Coalition en ARCOmadrid, campaña #TrainToARCOmadrid y artículo en la revista Exibart

Paredes en los pabellones 7 y 9 de IFEMA con información sobre GCC en ARCOmadrid 2024. Fotos: Latitudes.

Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC) es una coalición internacional de organizaciones artísticas que trabajan para reducir el impacto medioambiental del sector de las artes visuales. El objetivo principal de GCC es facilitar la reducción de las emisiones de CO2e del sector en un mínimo del 50% para 2030, así como promover prácticas de cero residuos.

GCC desarrolla y comparte recursos prácticos sobre sostenibilidad y proporciona liderazgo en cuestiones medioambientales específicas del sector, aprovechando el poder colectivo de sus +1100 miembros provenientes de 42 países motivados a lograr cambios sistémicos.

A pesar de la influencia única de las artes en el discurso público, las emisiones de carbono y los residuos generados por este sector son desproporcionadamente elevados en comparación con su tamaño económico. Un informe de 2021 (pdf) estimó que las emisiones globales del sector de las artes ascendieron a 70 millones de toneladas de CO2e al año [*], cifra equivalente a las emisiones anuales producidas por todo el país de Marruecos.

Dicho informe, revela que la mayor parte (74%) de la huella del sector se atribuye a las emisiones por viajes de agentes del sector y visitantes (~52 millones de tCO2e). Es por ello que desde GCC se ha iniciado la campaña Climate Conscious Travel para promover la movilidad a eventos culturales con consciencia climática.

Durante la feria ARCOmadrid, y en colaboración con
GCC y GCC Spain, se ha lanzado la campaña en redes #TrainToARCOmadrid instando a sus visitantes a optar por el tren a Madrid en lugar del avión, y a compartir su experiencia de viaje a través de las redes. Para respaldar esta iniciativa, y gracias a la cesión del espacio por parte de ARCOmadrid, se han presentado dos gráficas en los pabellones 7 y 9 de IFEMA,
presentando el trabajo que desarrolla GCC y compartiendo gráficos comparativos que ilustran las emisiones y costos asociados con viajar en avión o en tren desde Barcelona, València, Londres y París a Madrid.

Complementando la presencia física y en línea durante la feria, la revista Exibart ha publicado una entrevista con la comisaria Carolina Grau, miembra fundadora del Comité de GCC Spain, sobre sus proyectos curatoriales y planteamientos entorno a la sostenibilidad, y un artículo donde se profundiza sobre la labor que realiza Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC) y destaca algunas de sus Acciones Efectivas, uno de los varios recursos prácticos que ofrece la organización.

En julio 2023, un informe de Greenpeace Vienna comparando precios de billetes de tren vs. avión en Europa, rezaba que “la ruta Madrid-Barcelona es una de las pocas en las que el tren es rápido, circula con frecuencia y siempre es más barato que el avión. (...) A pesar del perfecto servicio de tren, en 2019 casi 2,6 millones de personas volaron en esta ruta convirtiéndola en el 5º vuelo de corta distancia más utilizado de la UE que cuenta con una alternativa de tren. Prohibir este vuelo completamente inútil ahorraría 176.000 toneladas de gases nocivos de efecto invernadero.” (...) y concluía que “de todos los países analizados, España tiene la mayor densidad de aerolíneas de bajo coste”.

Según un estudio sobre vuelos cortos presentado por Ecologistas en Acción en octubre 2023, un total de 11 rutas aéreas serían potencialmente sustituibles en España [al contar con alternativa ferroviaria], eliminando más de 50.000 operaciones anuales que podrían proporcionar un ahorro de más de 300.000 toneladas de CO2, equivalentes a casi el 10% de todas las emisiones producidas por la aviación doméstica en España. O, dicho de otra manera, eliminar unos 200.000 coches de nuestras calles y carreteras al año.”

El sector del arte por sí solo no puede resolver la crisis a la que nos enfrentamos. Pero sí puede predicar dando ejemplo, sentando precedentes y cambiando hábitos de movilidad, adoptando acciones efectivas contra el cambio climático y utilizando su influencia cultural para introducir reflexiones cruciales sobre nuestros recursos materiales y económicos, entre otros.

GCC Spain es uno de los siete capítulos internacionales de GCC y representa a la coalición a nivel nacional. Contacte con el grupo escribiendo a [email protected] o siga a @gcc_spain en Instagram.


[*] La mayor parte (74%) de la huella del sector se debe a las emisiones de los viajes de los visitantes (~52 millones de tCO2e). Se calcula que el 26% (18 millones de toneladas de CO2e) se debe a la construcción, el envío de obras de arte y los viajes de negocios. El impacto digital, aunque sigue siendo una pequeña proporción de la huella, está creciendo. Esta huella anual equivale a la electricidad generada por 8.692 aerogeneradores de 10 MW.


  • Cover Story, February 2024: Climate Conscious Travel to ARCOmadrid, 1 Feb 2024
  • Montse Badia sobre GCC Spain en la revista Bonart #198, 25 Oct 2023
  • Latitudes qualify as an Active Member of the Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC), 10 May 2023
  • Latitudes’ (Full) Environmental Policy Statement, 17 April 2023
  • Cover Story, March 2023: Art, Climate, and New Coalitions, 1 Mar 2023
  • Cover Story, February 2023: Soil for Future Art Histories, 2 Feb 2023
  • Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC) en el Estado español, 25 Jan 2023
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Cover Story, February 2024: Climate Conscious Travel to ARCOmadrid

   February 2024 cover story on www.lttds.org

The February 2024 monthly Cover Story “Climate Conscious Travel to ARCOmadrid” is now up Latitudes’ homepage: www.lttds.org

“As part of its wider Climate Conscious Travel campaign, Gallery Climate Coalition and its International Volunteer Team, GCC Spain, are collaborating with ARCOmadrid on the initiative #TrainToARCOmadrid to encourage more climate-conscious travel choices when traveling to the art fair, which this year runs from 6–10 March 2024. ” 

→ Continue reading (after February this story will be archived here).

Cover Stories are published monthly on Latitudes’ homepage featuring past, present, or forthcoming projects, research, texts, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects, or field trips related to our curatorial projects and activities.


  • Archive of Monthly Cover Stories 
  • Cover Story, January 2024: Curating Lab 2014–Curatorial Intensive, 2 Jan 2024 
  • Cover Story, December 2023: Ibon Aranberri, Partial View, 2 Dec 2023 
  • Cover Story, November 2023: Surucuá, Teque-teque, Arara: Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, 2 Nov 2023
  • Cover Story, October 2023: A tree felled, a tree cut in 7, 2 October 2023
  • Cover Story, September 2023: The Pilgrim in Ireland, 6 September 2023
  • Cover Story, July–August 2023: Honeymoon in Valencia, 1 July 2023
  • Cover Story, June 2023: Crystal Bennes futures, 1 Jun 2023
  • Cover Story, May 2023: Ruth Clinton & Niamh Moriarty in Barcelona, 1 May 2023
  • Cover Story, April 2023: Jerónimo Hagerman (1967–2023), 1 Apr 2023
  • Cover Story, March 2023: Art, Climate and New Coalitions, 1 March 2023
  • Cover Story, February 2023: Soil for Future Art Histories, 2 Feb 2023
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Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC) en el Estado español

El 22 de febrero de 2023 a las 16h tendrá lugar una sesión informativa sobre la Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC) en el Exhibitors’ Lounge de ARCOmadrid

El encuentro lanza un nuevo grupo semiautónomo y voluntario afincado en el Estado español, GCC Spain – que se suma a los grupos de trabajo alineados con los objetivos de GCC existentes en Berlín, Italia, Los Ángeles, Londres y Taiwán – e inicia su andadura con el fin de desarrollar y compartir buenas prácticas y recursos medioambientales específicos para profesionales del sector artístico español.

Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC) es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que agrupa a distintos agentes del sector artístico en Europa que ofrece directrices de sostenibilidad medioambiental para el sector de las artes visuales. La membresía es totalmente gratuita (actualmente cuenta con +800 miembros de 40 países), tan sólo exige un compromiso sincero y firme con la misión y los fines de la asociación.

Preocupados por reducir y compensar el impacto medioambiental que nuestro sector genera, los principales objetivos de la coalición son facilitar una reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del sector de las artes visuales en un mínimo del 50% para 2030 (en línea con el objetivo del Acuerdo de París de mantener el calentamiento global por debajo de 1.5 °C) y promover prácticas de deshechos cero. 

Contacto → [email protected]


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Cover Story – February 2017: The Dutch Assembly, five years on

The February 2017 Monthly Cover Story "The Dutch Assembly, five years on" is now up on www.lttds.org after February it will be archived here.  

"Five years ago this month ‘The Dutch Assembly’ took place. In 2012, the Netherlands was the guest country of ARCOmadrid and with the collaboration of the Mondriaan Fonds and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Spain, Latitudes convened this representation of Dutch art organisations. (...) ‘The Dutch Assembly’ transpired in the teeth of a storm surrounding the slashing of the Dutch cultural budget by a State Secretary of Culture (Halbe Zijlstra) who openly flaunted his disdain for the arts. (...) How have the participating organisations faired in the last five years?" Continue reading...

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage and highlight past, present or forthcoming projects, research, writing, artworks, exhibitions or field trips related to our activities, and are archived here.

Related content:
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Latitudes "Out of office", 2013–2014 season

This is the sixth consecutive year [see 2008-9, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012–13] that we wave goodbye to the season as many of us say 'hello, holidays' by sharing what has become something of a Latitudes' tradition. Our yearly 'out of office' includes some unseen and 'behind the scenes' moments from the last season. This casual yearly report has always been a welcome opportunity to revise the many photographs that have been buried on hard drives, to reflect on the past year, the fantastic people we met, enriching things we have seen, and to recharge for future challenges. 

This post heralds a short period of deceleration of our online activity (that is tending to our inbox, as well as this blog, Facebook and Twitter). We'll take a short break during August, but will be back in September with renewed energy. Until then, have a great summer break/Feliz verano dear readers!   

11–16 October 2013: 'Agora', Athens Biennial 4, Greece. Read the full report here
Beautiful Acropolis floor.
Afternoon light over the façade of the National Archaeological Museum.

An astonishing exhibition presenting severely-eroded antiquities recovered from the legendary shipwreck off the islet of Antikythera, south of the Peloponnese. (Hello, Matthew Monahan and Thomas Houseago!)

21–28 October 2013: As part of the Young Curators Invitational programme (YCI) coinciding with FIAC, we were invited to visit several institutions, gallery spaces and studios in Paris – Click here to read the full report of that week, or here for the archive of our tweets

Group photo of the Young Curators Invitational programme (YCI) 2013 participants nearby one of the massive and over-the-top fountains at Versailles. Some 1980s (or maybe 1880s?) dance moves going on for some reason.

We were looking forward to visiting this particular 18th-Century cabinet of curiosities, but only managed to take this one photo before we were told off. It's the Cabinet de Curiosités de Joseph Bonnier de La Mosson, at the Médiathèque of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle at the Jardin des Plantes. Quite a lot of fluff has been written about Cabinets de Curosités and exhibition-making, and some terrible art made in its name, but this slice of history is quite extraordinary, beautiful and shocking and 'very much of its time' to put it mildly. See some better photos here

16 November 2013: Seminar for "Curating the present. Theory and practice of the contemporary art exhibition", organised by Tania Pardo, Sergio Rubira and Alberto Sánchez Balmisawith  La Casa Encendida, Madrid.

About to begin our lecture... 

During our Madrid visit, we visited Roman Ondák's intervention at Palacio de Cristal (above) which got a short mention in our Roman Ondák lecture in Glasgow a few days after.

20 November 2013: At the kind invitation of the wonderful The Common Guild in Glasgow, on 21 November we gave a lecture about the work of Roman Ondák – read the text here. We also took the opportunity to do some studio visits – see full Report from Glasgow (posted on 4 December) – including Lucy Skaer's exhibition at Tramway; see Max's Frieze review.

27 November 2013: Mariana Cánepa Luna gave an afternoon seminar on a range of Latitudes' projects for the course 'On Mediation – Theory and Curatorial Practice in Global Art’ at the Universitat de Barcelona.

25 January 2014: Opening of "The Margins of the Factory" a solo show by Rotterdam-based Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum, at ADN Platform in Sant Cugat (Barcelona). Photos of the show here, reviews and exhibition leaflet here and all the social media posts archived here.
Photo via Facebook of Miguel Ángel Sánchez, posted with the caption: "Curators backing up the artist! The awesome outcome of this team effort at ADN Platform. On view from Saturday 25th".

 Klaas installing the series of photos that form part of Producing time in between other things (2011).

Exhibition guide designed and produced by Latitudes includes texts on each piece and an A3 sized fold-out poster. Download in English and in Spanish

Nathaniel Mann's opening performance included his singing the Basque popular song “Oi Peio Peio” – a dialogue between a woman worker and her cruel boss, who insists that she carries on working throughout the night. Watch video of the performance here. Photo: Joan Morey

 Photo published by Amanda Bernal in her exhibition preview at Tot Sant Cugat.

19–22 February 2013: Since November 2013, Latitudes had been guest Tweeting from @ARCOmeetings, advancing content and profiling the +70 participants of the seven Professional Meetings that took place during ARCOmadrid art fair. During the fair, we live-Tweeted each session as well as the 'III Meeting of Museums of European and Iberoamerica'. Our reportage and commentary spanned over 1200 Tweets – they're archived here.

Welcoming words by Joao Fernandes, Deputy Director of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, before kicking off the 'III Meeting of Museums of European and Iberoamerica'.

The "Biennials at the Periphery" session was masterfully moderated by the SITE Santa Fe team.

18 March 2014: Max in conversation with Dutch artist Remco Torenbosch at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, in the context of his exhibition at NoguerasBlanchard.
Photo by @priscilaclementti.

12 May–7 June: Visiting Curator Programme of Gertrude Contemporary in Melbourne, Australia, in partnership with MADA: Monash School of Art Design and Architecture. Our month-long residency is documented in this Storify thread.

Central Melbourne.

On May 14, we gave a lecture and an afternoon seminar with PhD candidates in Curatorial Practice at MADA | Monash University in Melbourne, focusing on 2012–13 research project #OpenCurating, and in particular the published interviews with the web team from the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis; with Badlands Unlimited in New York; with research curator Steven ten Thije of the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven and with Dia Art Foundation Curator, Yasmil Raymond.

Photo: Courtesy MADA.

During our Melbourne residency we made more than thirty studio visits, and also met curators, graphic designers, writers, editors and University professors. We also paid visits to galleries (Neon Parc, Sarah Scout, Sutton Gallery, Utopian Slumps, Tolarno Gallery, Anna Schwartz Gallery...), bookstores (the jewel-box that is World Food Books), non-profits, curator-led projects and artist-run-spaces (West Space, Slopes) and of course museums such MUMA at Monash, the Ian Potter Museum, the National Gallery Victoria, or the fantastic Heide Museum, which hosted a solo show of Emily Floyd (pictured below).

On May 23rd we shadowed a site visit to the fascinating Living Museum of the West (photo below) in Maribyrnong, a social history museum and former industrial site which will be the focus a forthcoming project by West Space with artists Susan Jacobs and Geoff Robinson, among others. Below their analogue archive over interviews, with plenty of cassettes, binders and filing cabinets.

We had one day to explore the stunning Great Ocean Road. We saw a couple of wild koalas as well as local-speciality birdlife including Rufous Bristlebird and Hooded Dotterel, plus many surfers waiting for the perfect wave, before driving back to the city.

26–31 May 2014: Visiting Sydney and the 19th Biennale of Sydney.

 A great welcome to Sydney sunset by the Opera House.

Bianca Hester's 'fashioning discontinuities', 2013–14, at Cockotoo Island was one of the (frankly very few) highlights of the 2014 edition of the Sydney Biennale.

One of the best things we saw in Sydney was a one-room show dedicated to 'Tehching Hsieh: One-year performance 1980–1981' at Carriageworks.

 Entrance to the artist-run space Alaska Projects, whose creative base camp is level 2 of Kings Cross Car Park.

1 June 2014: Short trip to Hobart in Tasmania to pay a visit to professional gambler and philanthropist David Walsh's extravaganza, the Museum of Old and New Art (MoNA). Despite the tech-geek owner and the 'O' device (iPod devices which function as extended audio guides, digital captions and location trackers), photography is not officially allowed inside the galleries, although you can, in fact, find plenty of shots on social media. Here instead are some views from the museum while waiting for the Bond-villain ferry to take us back to Hobart.

11–14 June 2014: Singapore Curating Lab 2014 begins! This 9-month programme began with a 3h morning lecture by Latitudes, followed by an afternoon workshop in which we asked participants to imagine an institution by defining a succinct "about us" paragraph for three imaginary institutions. Following the root of word "institution" (to establish, to set up), the task involved considering what practices were to be initiated, how programmes were to be established, and for what public. Read more here. Below the Tweets published, explaining each group's task.

14 June 2014: Symposium "When does an exhibition begin and end?", National Library of Singapore. With the participation of Shabbir Hussain Mustafa (Curator, National Gallery Singapore), Charles Lim (artist); Anca Rujoiu and Vera Mey (Curators, CCA — Centre for Contemporary Art, Singapore) and artist Shubigi Rao.

Curatorial Intensive participants live-tweeting, mapping concepts discussed during talks, photo-documenting and taking notes for future posts on Curating Lab blog. Photo: @nusmuseum.

Symposium moderators taking notes during the conference. Photo via @hemanchong

16–20 June 2014: Curating Lab 2004 Overseas Field Trip to Hong Kong, where participants were introduced to the programme and spaces of Spring Workshop, Asia Art Archive, Para/Site and M+. The many tweets published by ourselves and the participants are archived here.

Afternoon discussion at Spring Workshop.

Christodoulous Panayiotou and Philip Wiegard's exhibition at Spring Workshop. 

Curating Lab 2014 group photo in Hong Kong airport before boarding to Singapore.
31 July 2014: Master Class for the 2014 Open Set Summer School at Witte de With, Rotterdam. After a lecture on the tour as an artistic/curatorial format, participants work towards developing prototype guided tours for Rotterdam. More photos here.

Also great to finally be able to visit "The Part In The Story Where A Part Becomes A Part Of Something Else" exhibition curated by Heman Chong and Samuel Saelemakers at Witte de With, the epilogue to Moderation(s). Here interacting with Haegue Yang's 'Sonic Nickel Dance' (2013).

 Photo: @ymessen.

The night before the workshop, a great catch up a picnic with 'Portscapes' collaborators (Liesbeth Bik & Jos van der Pol, better known as Bik van der Pol, Lara Almarcegui, Nienke Terpsma and Rob Hamelijnck of Fucking Good Art and graphic designer Samira Ben Laloua). Ahhh, good memories!

During the past weeks we've been proofreading layouts with documentation of our 2013 residency and four "Incidents of Travel" tours we realised in Hong Kong, our contribution to the forthcoming publication "Terms & Conditions" published by Witte de With, Rotterdam as part of the Moderation(s) project steered by Heman Chong.

In the past months, Max Andrews has published the following texts in frieze magazine: Exhibition review of Pablo Helguera's ‘Librería Donceles’ (Donceles Bookshop, 2013) at Kent Fine Art, New York, issue 160, January–February 2014;
Review of Lucy Skaer's solo show at Glasgow's Tramway, issue 161, March 2014; Postcard "On a Shoestring. Institutions in Catalonia", issue 158, October 2013; and a Focus, Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum, Issue 157, September 2013. Max has also contributed to the publication that will accompany the forthcoming Frieze Art Fair, London (out in October 2014).

In January 2014, Mariana wrote a text on Time/Bank for the digital catalogue of the exhibition "" curated by Arlandis/Marroquí for the Espai d'art Contemporani Castelló (EACC).

17 July 2014: Jointly published an art-agenda review on Andrea Buttner's "Tische" show at NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona. 

View of Andrea Büttner, Tische, NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona, 2014. Courtesy of NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona. All photos by Roberto Ruiz.

One of the most widely-read blog posts of the year has been the analysis of the 2013 report that the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports dedicated to the state of culture in Spain (La cultura en España (2a parte): estadísticas, cifras y porcentajes del 2013, a follow up to the 2012 analysis), quite symptomatic of what has been another difficult year for the cultural sector.

Related posts:

Latitudes' "out of office" photo album 2008-9, 30 July 2009
Latitudes 'out of office' photo album 2009–10 season, 30 July 2010
Latitudes 'out of office' photo album 2010–11 season, 1 August 2011
Latitudes' "out of office" photo album 2011–2012, 31 July 2012
Latitudes' "out of office" photo album, 2012–2013 season, 31 July 2013

This is the blog of the independent curatorial office Latitudes. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
All photos:
Latitudes | www.lttds.org (except when noted otherwise in the photo caption)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Latitudes as guest tweeters of #ARCOmeetings during ARCOmadrid 2014

Photo: Latitudes
In the build-up and during ARCOmadrid, Latitudes will be reporting on and live-tweeting from the forthcoming Professional Meetings as well as the 3rd Meeting of European & Latin American Museums. 

Reserved exclusively for professionals, and with admission by invitation only, each of these closed-door meetings provides an opportunity for guests to share their thoughts, compare experiences and discuss new ideas.

Follow us on twitter: @ARCOmeetings and join us using #ARCOmeetings
We'll be gathering all the social media posts here: http://storify.com/ARCOmeetings/2014

Photo: ARCOmadrid.
Programme 19–22 February 2014

Wednesday 19 February, noon–2pm

Session co-organised with the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.
Moderated by:
João Fernandes, Deputy Director, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.
Jesús Carrillo, Head of Cultural Programmes,
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.
Rosario Peiró, Head of Collections,
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.

Zdenka Badovinac, Cristina Cámara, Cosmin Costinas, Ticio Escobar, Patrick Flores, Rafael García, Lola Hinojosa, Vasif Kortun, Pablo León de la Barra, Soledad Liaño, Ana Longoni, Natalia Majluf, Cuauhtémoc Medina, Joanna Mytkowska, Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, José Roca, Berta Sureda, Luiz Augusto Teixeira, Steven ten Thije.
Wednesday 19 February, 4–6pm

Moderated by:
Ruba Katrib, Curator, SculptureCenter, New York.


Max Andrews, Patrick Charpenel, Reem Fadda, Nav Haq, Geir Haraldseth, Candice Hopkins, Gabi Ngcobo, Paul O’Neill, Nicolaus Schafhausen. 

Thursday 20 February, noon–2pm
Moderated by: 
Martha Kirszenbaum, Independent Curator, Paris/Los Angeles.
Antonia Alampi, Karen Archey, Marc Bembekoff, Jarrett Gregory, Tobi Maier, Andrea Rodriguez, Jakob Schillinger, Aura Seikkula, Polly Staple. 

Thursday 20 February, 4–6pm

Moderated by: 
Paula Toppila, Executive Director of IHME Contemporary Art Festival in Helsinki, Finland.

Mônica Hoff, Alistair Hudson, Mary Jane Jacob, Kaija Kaitavuori, Aaron Levy, Raimundas Malasauskas, Ramon Parramon, Yasmil Raymond. 

Friday 21 February, noon–2pm 
Session organized by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E)
Moderated by:  
Juan de Nieves, Curator and Director of Rupert (Vilnius, Lithuania), a new centre for contemporary art based on a programme of independent studies, residencies and exhibitions. 
Carlota Álvarez Basso, Alessio Antoniolli, Tere Badía, Francisca Caporali, Amanda Cruz, Pablo Guardiola, Juha Huuskonen, Zineb Sedira, Agnieszka Sosnowska, Mathilde Villeneuve. 
(Note: "Biennials at the Periphery" is a two-part session) 
Friday 21 February, noon–2pm and 4–6pm
Moderated by:  
Irene Hofmann, Phillips Director and Chief Curator of SITE Santa Fe in New Mexico; and Lucía Sanromán, Independent curator and writer, and co-curator of the forthcoming SITElines 2014.  
Brooke Davis Anderson, Dan Cameron, Jota Castro, Janet Dees, Taru Elfving, Candice Hopkins, Bill Kelley jr., Sally Tallant. 

Saturday 22 February, noon–2pm
Moderated by: 
Miguel Amado, Independent Curator, Lisbon/Barcelona. Amado has been the Curator of the Portuguese Pavilion "Trafaria Praia" at the 2013 Venice Biennale.
Elise Atangana, Christa Clarke, Elvira Dyangani Ose, Caroline Hancock, Nadine Siegert, Bomi Odufunade, Gabi Ngcobo, Suzana Sousa. 

This is the blog of the independent curatorial office Latitudes. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org (except when noted otherwise in the photo caption)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Selected press coverage of 'The Dutch Assembly' at ARCOmadrid 2012

Rubén Grilo during his performance at 'The Dutch Assembly'. Space designed by Jasper Niens and Thijs Ewalts. Photo: Latitudes | www.lttds.org

(ES) Bea Espejo, "ARCO 2012, cifras y letras", El Cultural online, 23 November 2011

(UK) The Netherlands is the guest country at ARCOmadrid 2012, art-agenda.com, 13 February 2012

(ES) "ARCO 2012: Entrevista a Latitudes, comisarios de "The Dutch Assembly", Blog www.camilayelarte.blogspot.com, 15 Febrero 2012

(ES/UK) Álvaro Calleja, 'Un puente entre dos naciones/A bridge between two nations', ABCDArco, 16 Febrero 2012, p.7

(ES) Roland Groenenboom, "Holanda, reinventarse para sobrevivir", El Cultural, 17 Febrero 2012

(ES/UK) 'Kunstbeeld interviews Latitudes', special ARCOmadrid 2012 issue y en español aquí

(UK) Jolien Verlaek, "State of the arts: Spain - the Netherlands. Interview Mariana Cánepa Luna", Metropolis M, 18 February 2012

(ES) Entrevista con Mariana Cánepa, www.masdearte.com, 18 Febrero 2012

Videos ('The Dutch Assembly' related events/participants):

(ES) Entrevista a Lara Almarcegui, www.hoyesarte.tv, 15 Febrero 2012

(ES) Entrevista a Mariana Cánepa, www.hoyesarte.tv, 15 Febrero 2012

(ES) Entrevista a Adrià Julià, www.hoyesarte.tv, 18 Febrero 2012

'Care', performance by Rory Pilgrim at 'The Dutch Assembly' at ARCOmadrid, Metropolis M

+ info: 
The Dutch Assembly and programme details here.
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Mobile-friendly version of the 'The Dutch Assembly' ARCOmadrid programme

'The Dutch Assembly''s day-by-day programme is available here for mobile devices: http://www.lttds.org/mobile/dutchassembly

Follow the programme on Twitter: #NLassembly


ARCOMadrid (Ifema)

Feria de Madrid
28042 Madrid, Spain
MAP + Getting there

Professional preview: Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 February, 12 noon–9pm
General public: Friday 17, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19
February, 12 noon–8pm
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'The Dutch Assembly' programme details for ARCOmadrid 2012

Within the context of this year's ARCOmadrid programme FOCUS: The Netherlands, Latitudes was invited to curate and convene "The Dutch Assembly" by invitation of the Mondriaan Fund and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Madrid. Taking place throughout the five days of the fair within a specially-commissioned structure designed by Jasper Niens and Thijs Ewalts, the programme of "The Dutch Assembly" comprises thirty talks, book presentations, performances and screenings involving institutions and organizations from the Netherlands. (+ info...)

Rendering of the 'Superstructure', 2011. Courtesy Jasper Niens and Thijs Ewalts.

13–14h: Jeremiah Day, artist, Amsterdam/Berlin;
14–15h: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Delegate: Leontine Coelewij, Curator;
15–16h: Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam. Delegate: Jelle Bouwhuis, Curator; 
16–17h: Nathaniel Mellors, artist, Amsterdam/London;
17–18h: Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven. Delegate: Steven ten Thije, research curator;
18–19h: Marres, Maastricht. Delegate: Lisette Smits, independent curator;
19–20h: [*] Lara Almarcegui, artist, Rotterdam.
13.30–15h: Official opening of "FOCUS: The Netherlands" in the presence of the Ambassador of The Netherlands, Mr. Peter P. Wulfften Palthe and Madeleine van Lennep, Deputy Director Mondriaan Fund. "FOCUS: The Netherlands is made possible with the support of the Mondriaan Fund and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Madrid. 
15–16h: [*] Javier Hontoria, critic and independent curator, Madrid;
16–17h: De Appel arts centre, Amsterdam. Delegates: Ann Demeester, Director and Nathalie Hartjes, coordinator of the Curatorial Programme and the Gallerist Programme; 
17–18h: Manifesta – The European Biennial of Contemporary Art, Amsterdam. Delegate: Cuauhtémoc Medina, Curator Manifesta 9, Limburg, Belgium; 
18–19h: Wendelien van Oldenborgh, artist, Rotterdam; 
19–20h: If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution, Amsterdam. Delegate: Frédérique Bergholtz, co-founder and director.


13–14h: Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam. Delegate: Anke Bangma, Curator Contemporary Art; 

14–15h: De Vleeshal, Middelburg. Delegate: Lorenzo Benedetti, Director; 
15–16h: Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory, Utrecht. Delegate: Yolande van de Heide, Project Coordinator; 
16–17h: Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam. Delegate: Zoë Gray, Curator 2006–11; 
17–19h: Kunstverein, Amsterdam/New York/Milan. Delegates: Krist Gruijthuijsen and Maxine Kopsa, Directors, and Gabriel Lester, artist, Amsterdam.


13–14h: TENT, Rotterdam. Delegate: Mariette Dölle, Artistic director and Eva González-Sancho, independent curator and former director FRAC Bourgogne, Dijon; 

14–15h: Stroom Den Haag, The Hague. Delegate: Arno van Roosmalen, Director; 
15–16h: [*] Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht. Delegate: Adrià Julià, artist and 2011 Researcher Fine Art; 
16–17h: Museum De Paviljoens, Almere. Delegates: Macha Roesink, Director and Annick Kleizen, Curator; 
17–18h: SKOR | Foundation for Art and Public Domain, Amsterdam. Delegate: Theo Tegelaers, Chief Curator; 
18–19h: De Hallen, Haarlem. Delegate: Xander Karskens, Curator, De Hallen and 'Focus: The Netherlands' at ARCOmadrid.


13–14h: Fucking Good Art. Delegates: Rob Hamelijnck and Nienke Terpsma, artists/editors; 

14–15h: [*] Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam. Delegates: Philippe Pirotte, curator and art critic, Antwerp, and senior advisor at the Rijksakademie and Rubén Grilo, artist and current resident;
15–16h: BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht. Delegates: Maria Hlavajova, artistic director and Rabih Mroué, artist, Beirut; 
16–17h: Expodium, Utrecht. Delegate: Bart Witte, Director; 
17–18h: W139, Amsterdam. Delegate: Tim Voss, Director and Sam de Groot, graphic designer;  
18–19h: [*] De Ateliers, Amsterdam. Delegate: Paloma Polo, artist and 2007–9 participant. 

All the events will be in English, except those marked with an asterisk (*), which will be in Spanish. Programme may be subject to change.

More info: http://www.lttds.org/projects/dutchassembly 

Mobile-friendly version: http://www.lttds.org/mobile/dutchassembly/ 
Browse and download 'The Dutch Assembly' programme on Issuu:

ARCOMadrid (Ifema)
Feria de Madrid
28042 Madrid, España
MAP + Getting there

Professional preview: Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16, 12 noon–9pm
General public: Friday 17, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19, 12 noon–8pm  

Follow 'The Dutch Assembly' on Twitter: #NLassembly 
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Newsletter #40 – January / enero 2012

Newsletter en Español  |  Newsletter in English

'The Dutch Assembly / Asamblea de los Países Bajos', ARCOmadrid, 15–19 February 2012, Madrid (+ info...)
Follow us on Twitter: #NLAssembly

'Amikejo: Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch', fourth and final exhibition of the cycle 'Amikejo' at the Laboratorio 987, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, León,
24 September 2011–15 January 2012.    
Follow us on Twitter: #amikejo

Further update: Contents of the forthcoming publication 'Amikejo' – Available in late January 2012 (21 December 2011); Resolución Convocatoria 2012 de Artes visuales y Tutorial de la Sala d'Art Jove (7 December 2011)...

For more info go to:

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