Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

15 septiembre 2020, 19.30h: Charla entre Rosa Maria Subirana Torrent y Lola Lasurt

Foto: Ralph Herrmanns. MNAC, 1972. Archivo personal de Rosa Maria Subirana Torrent.

Actividad: Del Año Miró (1968) al inventario de la donación. Charla entre Rosa Maria Subirana Torrent y Lola Lasurt
ModeraÁngel Calvo Ulloa
Fecha: 15 de septiembre de 2020, de 19 a 21 h. Incluye una visita guiada a la exposición de 19 a 19.30h
Reserva: Aforo limitado. Imprescindible inscripción previa en [email protected]
Lugar: La Capella (c. Hospital 56, Barcelona)
Streaming en directo a partir de las 19.30h en el canal YouTube de Barcelona Cultura (duración: 1h 16min).

En el marco de la exposición Juego de niños, Lola Lasurt conversa con Rosa Maria Subirana Torrent, conservadora de los Museos de la Ciudad de Barcelona durante los últimos años de dictadura y testigo de primera mano del inicio de la gestión institucional del arte contemporáneo en Cataluña.

Bajo las órdenes del consistorio barcelonés, Subirana inventarió meticulosamente los fondos de las primeras colecciones de arte contemporáneo cedidas a la ciudad y coordinó el Año Miró, en el que se inscribió la organización de la exposición retrospectiva en el recinto del antiguo Hospital de la Santa Creu en 1968, así como otras actividades, entre ellas la colocación de una placa en el pasaje del Crèdit (donde nació Miró en 1893) y el Premio Miró para niños.

Miró donó a la ciudad parte de las obras presentadas en la exposición, que fueron trasladadas al Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC) para ser inventariadas y constituir el futuro fondo del CEAC (Centro de Estudios de Arte Contemporáneo), el edificio ideado por Josep Lluís Sert que se inauguró en 1975 en Montjuïc.

Esta actividad es parte del programa de mediación εξέδρα (exedra) dirigido por Jordi Ferreiro para la temporada Barcelona Producció 2019–20 de La CapellaJuego de niños de Lola Lasurt ha sido tutorizado por Latitudes.

(📷 ↑↓) Vistas de la exposición ‘Juego de niños’ de Lola Lasurt en La Capella. Fotos: Pep Herrero.


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Cover Story—September 2020: States of emergency—Lola Lasurt’s ‘Children’s Game’

Latitudes' homepage www.lttds.org

The September 2020 monthly Cover Story ‘States of emergency—Lola Lasurt’s ‘Children’s Game’’ is now up on our homepage: www.lttds.org

“Lola Lasurt’s exhibition ‘Joc d'infants’ (Children’s Game) looks back more than fifty years to the first contemporary art event hosted in the same venue where it is now taking place—until 27 September.”

Continue reading
→ After September 2020 this story will be archived here.

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage featuring past, present or forthcoming projects, research, texts, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects or field trips related to our curatorial projects and activities.


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Latitudes’ “Out of office”: wrap up of the 2019–20 season

Seen in l'Hospitalet de Llobregat. Photo: @marianacanepaluna

In what has now become something of a Latitudes’ tradition we wrap up the season with a retrospective glance behind the scenes of some of our projects and activities of the previous twelve months (see the 2008-92009-102010-112011-122012–132013–142014–152015–16, 2016–172017–18 and 2018–19 posts). This last year has of course been unprecedented in so many ways. From mid-March, the Covid-19 pandemic meant that everything that had been in place was suddenly thrown into permanent doubt, delayed, or simply cancelled. As a healthcare crisis now precipitates an economic crisis, and with things we once took for granted (among them international travel, and visiting physical art exhibitions) completely changed for the foreseeable future, it is with more than a little trepidation that we even dare to look back at what once seemed normal. 

Keep well, keep safe.

September 1, 2019: New season, new month, new cover story. ‘Polperro to Detroit’ tracked the improbable connection between Polperro, a small town Latitudes passed through on its summer sojourn, and an American Rust Belt metropolis we would be visiting later this September as participants of the Red Bull Arts Global Curatorial Initiative: Detroit.

September monthly Cover Story on https://www.lttds.org/coverstory

September 9–15, 2019: Beginning of the 2019–2020 season. This was our first trip to Helsinki where we were participating in two events. Firstly Latitudes was a partner organisation in the arts festival ‘Today Is Our Tomorrow’, a three-day event (12, 13 and 14 September) initiated by PUBLICS that presented a collaboratively curated program of temporary public art commissions, live performance, music, dance, theatre, literature and symposia. Latitudes invited Mercedes Azpilicueta to present her performance ‘Yegua-yeta-yuta’ (2015) at Club Kaiku, an underground music venue renowned for hosting an innovative lineup of DJs. 

We were also guests of Frame Contemporary Art Finland’s Gathering for Rehearsing Hospitalities’, a week composed of talks, performative dialogues, interventions and screenings developed in collaboration with a number of local partners.

‘Gathering for Rehearsing Hospitalities’ organised by Frame Contemporary Art Finland, hosted at the Museum of Impossible Forms.

September 12, 5:30h: Mercedes Azpilicueta during her talk in Helsinki.

Inga Lace’s Instagram Stories documenting the conversation between Mercedes and Latitudes on September 13, 2019.

Mercedes during her rehearsal at Club Kaiku. 

Mercedes and Max in the ferry to Suomenlinna Island to visit HIAP and a film installation by Marjolijn Dijkman and & Toril Johannessen. 


With Jussi Koitela (Head of Programme, Frame Contemporary Art Finland) and curators Anne-Sophie Springer and Sofia Lemos in HIAP's office space in Suomenlinna island. 

Listening to Wet Code, a sound piece by Myriagon at Suomenlinna Island. Photo by Ida Enegren / Frame Contemporary Art Finland.

On top of the Temppeliaukion Kirkko (A church built into rock) with Anne-Sophie Springer and Sofia Lemos.

Our October 2019 cover story featured Azpilicueta's performance programmed during TODAY IS OUR TOMORROW. 

PUBLICS' Library in Helsinki incorporated Latitudes-edited publications to their beautiful shelves in Vallila, Helsinki.

September 18–23, 2019: Joined the 2019 EXPO CHICAGO/Red Bull Arts Global Curatorial Initiative participating in a range of events and visits in Chicago (18–21 September) and Detroit (21–23 September).

→ Read the photo report here.

Caught purchasing books during our visit to ExpoChicago's section Index Art Book Fair. Photo: Casa Bosques. 

Morning session with the participating curators in the EXPO CHICAGO/Red Bull Arts Global Curatorial Initiative together with the Art Institute curatorial staff at the Art Institute Chicago. Photo: Expo Chicago.

The first stop in Detroit was visiting Dabls’ African Bead Gallery where we met its creator, Olayami Dabls led by our fantastic host Scott Campbell, Artist Liaison at Red Bull Arts Detroit, accompanied also by curator Maria Inés Rodríguez. 

Laura Mott (Senior Curator of Contemporary Art and Design) leading a tour of her curated exhibition ‘Landlord Colors: On Art, Economy, and Materiality’ at the Cranbrook Art Museum. Painting by Yoan Capote.

September 20, 2019: Meanwhile in Copenhagen, Rasmus Nilausen's solo exhibition ‘Bluetooth’ opened at Overgaden. Institut for Samtidskunst, Copenhagen, for which Max contributed an essay.

→ Exhibition views and text (pdf).

(↑↓) Views from Nilausen's exhibition at Overgarden, Copenhagen. Photos: Anders Sune Berg. 

October 7, 2019: artfridge.de published the interview Helene Romakin conducted with us over the summer.

→ Read the interview.


October 9, 2019: The artist Céline Mathieu (and former BAR TOOL #2 participant) published an article in the Belgian magazine HART on the Barcelona art scene mentioning Latitudes and our three closed-door sessions ‘Barcelona / Such a beautiful horizon: Critical social infrastructure to promote art scene health resilience’ Latitudes led with BAR Tool's 2018–19 participants.

October 17-19, 2019: Lecture ‘4.543 billion and abstract social nature’, Jornadas Eremuak, AzkunaZentroa, Bilbao. Taking as a reference point one of the ten galleries hosting the 2017 group exhibition ‘4,543 billion. The matter of matter’ at the CAPC musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, we expanded on the notion of ‘abstract social nature’ coined by environmental historian and geographer Jason W. Moore through the work of four exhibiting artists: Lara Almarcegui, Pep Vidal, Lucas Ihlein and Amy Balkin.

→ Video presentation here (Spanish, 24'45'')
→ Q&A session here (Spanish, 19'52'').

Photo: Eremuak.

October 23, 2019: First meeting with Joan Morey to discuss the adaptation of his retrospective exhibition COLLAPSE for Casal Solleric in Palma de Mallorca, opening at the end of January. Time is of the essence.

November 1, 2019: Max Andrews’s feature-length article ‘The Rise, Fall and Reinvention of Spain’s First Modern Art Museum’ on Valencia’s IVAM was published in the November–December 2019 (issue 207) of frieze magazine. The article focuses on the city’s trailblazing Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM) through the cultural and (often notorious) political agents that have forged its institutional history since it opened in 1989.

→ Featured as our November 2019 Cover Story.

November 2019 Cover Story www.lttds.org/coverstory

November 7, 2019: Latitudes presents the lecture ‘Curating in the Web of Life’ as part of the public programme for the group exhibition ‘The Coming World: Ecology as the New Politics 2030–2100’, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, 7 November 2019. This was our first trip to Russia.

→ Video of the lecture (1h 28min including Q&A).

(↑↓) Latitudes during the lecture ‘Curating in the Web of Life’. Photo: Anton Donikov. © Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. 
Hello from Moscow's Red Square. 

The lobby of the heartbreaking zoological Museum in Moscow, the second largest zoological museum in Russia in Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street
(↑↓) The most beautiful, cleanest and ad-free metro network we've ever seen. 

November 20-25, 2019: Trip to Amsterdam Art Weekend (AAW). Mariana was writing a Roundup review on the event for art-agenda (published on December 13). Since we’ve already published a post in December 2020 about what we saw during the week, we’re now remembering on the always beautiful flower arrangements the Rijksakademie displays in their welcoming areas!

→ Earlier iterations of the AAW 2014, 2016 and 2018.

November 28, 2019: Inaugural screening of DART Festival of Contemporary Art Documentaries (28 November–1 December). Latitudes was a jury member this year together with film critic Quim Casas and visual artist Núria Güell, and awarded the film ‘Barbara Rubin & the Exploding NY Underground’ (USA, 2018, 78 min) by Chuck Smith as the best international documentary and ‘Elliott Erwitt – Silence Sounds Good’ (Spain-France, 2019, 61 min) by Adriana López Sanfeliu as the best national documentary.

The inaugural session of the 3rd edition of the festival took place at cinema Phenomena with the 1974 film ‘A bigger splash’ by Jack Hazan, and a welcome intro by TV host Laura Sangrà and DART Festival co-directors Enrichetta Cardinale and Marc Gomariz. Below one of the sessions at the always busy Cinemes Girona. Photo: DART Festival.

December 1, 2019: December gloom was compensated on our homepage by a feature on Edward Steichen’s 1936 exhibition ‘Delphiniums’, at The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
September monthly Cover Story https://www.lttds.org/coverstory/

December 3, 2019: Press presentation of the 2019-20 season of Barcelona Producció coinciding with the opening of Martin Llavaneras’s solo show. 

(Left to right) Alexandra Laudo (Barcelona Producció 2019-20 jury member and tutor of Martin Llavaneras’ project), Oriol Gual (Capella director), David Armengol (Tutor coordination), and Jordi Ferreiro (artist in charge of the newly created mediation grant).

We-fie with the three artists Latitudes tutored this season (left to right): Lola Lasurt, Consol Llupià, Agustín Ortiz (and Lola's baby Margot).

December 13, 2019: art-agenda publishes Mariana's Amsterdam Roundup, expanded with more photos on this Longitudes' post.

Read the review.

December 20, 2019: Mariana attends the last (official) meeting as secretary and board member of the Fundació Privada AAVC, the organisation governing HANGAR Centre de Producció i Recerca d'Arts Visuals. The board has met on a regular basis between December 2015 and December 2019 in order to discuss all aspects regarding its daily running—overseeing expenditure, approving financial forecasts or more philosophical yet pressing issues over its daily governance. A new board begins the next four-year term 2020–24.

Christmas 2019: Slow inbox days dedicated to writing and editing artwork captions, finalising an essay and the press release for the new iteration of Joan Morey's retrospective adapted to Casal Solleric in Palma de Mallorca.

Max editing Joan Morey's texts for its new iteration at Casal Solleric

January 2, 2020: New Year, New Decade, New Month, New Cover Story. Featuring Adrián Villar Rojas’s ‘Poems for Earthlings’ transformative installation at Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, and featured in Mariana’s recent art-agenda Roundup.

January 2020 Monthly Cover Story on www.lttds.org, archived here

January 21, 2020: Publish a refreshed Reduce Art Flights website (first published in 2008!) now including an exhibition history and a transcript of the interview with RAF’s instigator, the late Gustav Metzger.


January 22, 2020: First meeting with Clara Renau, Miriam Soms and Joana Hurtado, the team of the Fabra i Coats: Centre of Contemporary Art of Barcelona to begin work on a group exhibition for the Autumn 2020...

January 28, 2020: Launch of the 10th dispatch of ‘Incidents (of Travel)’ with contributions from Catalina Lozano and Daniel Steegmann Mangrané from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


January 31, 2020: Opening of the solo exhibition by Joan Morey ‘COLLAPSE. Bachelor Machine’ at Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca. The exhibition is an adaptation of the first two parts of the project COLLAPSE presented in three concurrent venues in Barcelona between September 2018 and January 2019.

Bringing one of the seven vitrine-coffins exhibiting materials related to Morey's performances. Photo: @joanmorey via Instagram. 

Exhibition vinyl placed at the entrance of the exhibition. 

Installing ‘COS SOCIAL’ (2017) film. Photo: Joan Morey. 

Joan Morey guided tour on the opening night.

Celebratory coques i espinagades with Joan at the unbeatable Fornet de la Soca. 

February 21, 2020: Max joins Agustín Ortiz Herrera (whose research ‘Naming, Possessing. Critique of Taxonomic Practice’ is mentored by Latitudes as part of the Barcelona Producció 2019–20 season) the Cabinet of Curiosities of Francesc Bolós in Olot.

→ Featured in Latitudes' March cover story.

Agustín browsing through one of the copies of Linnaeus' "Species plantarum".

February 24, 2020: Ahead of ARCOmadrid art fair, Max (Contributor Editor, frieze magazine) selected some institutional and gallery shows to see in Madrid this week.

Frieze magazine organised evening drinks during ARCOmadrid at the legendary Bar Cock near Gran Via.

March 10, 2020: Attended the opening of Pere Llobera's solo show at La Capella, the second of the Barcelona Producció 2019-20 season. This became the last opening before the state of alarm was declared in Spain (eventually extended until June 21) triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we had to remain at home until June.

View of Pere Llobera's exhibition ‘Faula Rodona. Sols i embogits. Entre la precisió total i una cancó de Sau’ (Circular Fable. Alone and Maddened; Between Total Accuracy and a Song by Sau). Photo: Pep Herrero / La Capella. 

March 13, 2020: Confinement. Projects on hold, conversations postponed. One of them was the three-day seminar Agustín Ortiz Herrera was preparing in the context of his ongoing research project ‘To name, to own. Critique of taxonomic practice’. Agustín’s research is one of the three projects mentored by Latitudes as part of the Barcelona Producció 2019–20 production grant. More on this and other ‘frozen’ projects, hopefully soon.

Photo: Agustín Ortiz Herrera, 2019.

April 2020: This month marks Latitudes’ 15 anniversary, celebrated during a strict lockdown.

April 9, 2020: . Launch of the 11th dispatch of ‘Incidents (of Travel)’ with an itinerary by the artist duo Donna Conlon and Jonathan Harker and report and photos by curator Sandino Scheidegger (Random Institute) from Panamá City, Panama. 


May 2, 2020: After more hours than we'd like to know or admit (and one of the few good side effects confinement allowed) we finally launched our rebuilt and redesigned website.


May 22, 2020: Consol Llupià, one of the three artists we have been tutoring this year as part of the visual arts grant scheme Barcelona Producció, launched her online initiative ‘Vibraera’, part of her long-term ongoing project ‘La Balena de El Prat a El Prat’ [The El Prat Whale to El Prat]. On this day, during the migratory season of Whales around the Mediterranean coast and coinciding with a new moon, Llupià invited collaborators to join her in “an energetic rebellion, a call for collective immaterial action”, as she described it. This unfolding chapter was conceived as a symbolic communicative dialogue between humans and whales and consisted of an energetic global gathering intended to activate the vibrational capacity of humans to generate interspecies connections.

June 1, 2020: Jitsi catching up with the tutors of Barcelona Producció (Antònia Folguera missing) to discuss the results of the co-signed Open Letter (in Catalan) requesting the Barcelona Institute of Culture to immediately launch the 2021 Open Call, a petition that thankfully became effective a week later.

Photo: David Armengol. 

June 24, 2020: The of our contributions to Questions and Appearances, an initiative by Kadist, is Fermín Jiménez Landa’s response to our question “What is your advice, or warning, to the government?”, followed on the 8th by a second one (“What is importantly non-essential?”) which we posed to Arash Fayez.



June 29, 2020: Technical meeting in preparation of Lola Lasurt’s forthcoming show at La Capella. David Armengol (Barcelona Producció 2019-20 coordinator, affectionally known as the ‘Tutor of tutors’) picked up an old-fashioned drawing table from Massana art school.

July 1, 2020: New cover story and a new episode of Incidents (of Travel) from Tbilisi, Georgia. A spring itinerary through the city’s former silk industry and the heart of Nino Kvrivishvili’s practice, the tour took place via a screen in Australia as Georgia emerged from the Spring lockdown.

→ incidents.kadist.org

Latitudes’ July 2020 homepage. 

July 21, 2020: After a month's of postponement, Lola Lasurt’s exhibition ‘Children’s Game’ opens at La Capella. It’s been a long process since it was announced as one of the three selected shows to be produced and presented at La Capella.

Lasurt’s exhibition looks back at the 1968 retrospective exhibition ‘Miró. Barcelona 1968-69’ with which La Capella was inaugurated as a venue dedicated to contemporary art. Through a new series of paintings, photos, videos, and ceramics, Lasurt addresses the socio-political turmoil at the end of the 1960s. She depicts imagery related to childhood published in the national press during the two-month state of exception declared in Spain just a few days after the Miró exhibition had ended.

Exhibition sheet (pdf)
Exhibition publication (pdf)

August 2019 meeting discussing layout and production calendar. 

(↑↓) During the Spring lockdown, we continued to check on each other and share the work-in-process. Lola was working on her ceramics and paintings in a garage-turned-studio nearby her house in Manresa and we were writing the text for the exhibition sheet. 

(↑↓) 14–16 July 2020: Lotema team during the installation. 

Due to the pandemic health measures, there was no opening event and visitors RSVPd in groups of 10. Photo: Pep Herrero/La Capella.

Lola Lasurt during one of the guided visits. Photo: Pep Herrero/La Capella.

Publication designed by Carles Murillo. 

July 23, 2020: Joan Morey presented the performance “COLLAPSE. Possible Machine” at the house museum Can Balaguer as part of his retrospective exhibition ‘COLLAPSE. Bachelor Machine’ at Casal Solleric (now extended until 6 September 2020). The performance took his 2017 performance ‘TOUR DE FORCE’ as a departing point but situated it in the present SARS-CoV-2 global pandemic.

(↑↓) July 9, 2020: Rehearsals with the actresses Anna Sabaté and Candela Capitán, protagonists in ‘COLAPSO. Máquina posible’ alongside Nadal Roig. Photo: @joanmorey 

(↑↓) Poster produced for the performance with an essay by Latitudes. Photos: Joan Morey. 

Latitudes’ August 2020 Cover Story.

Looking forward to (hopefully) attending some Autumn activities for Lasurt’s recently opened exhibition at La Capella, to publicly present Agustín Ortiz’s ongoing research and publication in October, as well as Consol Llupià’s publication. And, most importantly, to open on October 17, the group show ‘Things Things Say’ we have been working on since January, to be presented at Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Center of Barcelona’s ground floor. Things will be revealed in due course.

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Exposición ‘Juego de niños’ de Lola Lasurt, Barcelona Producció 2019-2020, 21 julio–27 septiembre 2020

(↑↓) Vistas de la exposición ‘Joc d'infants’ (Juego de niños) de Lola Lasurt en La Capella, Barcelona, 21 julio–27 septiembre 2020. Fotos: Pep Herrero / La Capella.

El proyecto Juego de niños de Lola Lasurt parte de la retrospectiva Miró. Barcelona 1968-69, la primera muestra de arte contemporáneo presentada entre entre noviembre de 1968 y enero de 1969, en el espacio actualmente conocido como La Capella

A través de pinturas, fotografía, vídeos y cerámicas, el proyecto de Lasurt aborda la agitación sociopolítica de finales de los sesenta a través de la figura del artista catalán Joan Miró (1893-1983), quien durante el último periodo de la dictadura de Franco se convirtió en un “objeto transicional”, una suerte de puente artístico entre el régimen anterior y la nueva democracia. [1]

En su nueva serie de pinturas Lasurt alude a dos formas de transición: un periodo de excepción tanto desde el punto de vista político como del desarrollo personal. Lasurt se apropia de imágenes relacionadas con la infancia publicadas en la prensa nacional durante el estado de excepción de dos meses que se inició a finales de enero de 1969, un período de ausencias y silencios forzados.

→ PDF hoja de sala en castellano, catalàenglish.
→ PDF publicación (en cat/cast/eng).
→ Video (1'50'')
→ Video entrevista (14'44'')

[1] El término objeto transicional fue acuñado en 1951 por el pediatra y psicoanalista inglés D. W. Winnicott para describir objetos reconfortantes –como ositos de peluche, mantas o muñecas– que sustituyen el vínculo madre-hijo en el desarrollo del niño.

A partir de la exposición de Lasurt, el programa de mediación εξέδρα (Exedra) dirigido por Jordi Ferreiro ha generado una serie de deslocalizaciones a tres espacios públicos y privados del barrio del Raval con el fin que no se vean perjudicados por posibles protocolos de actuación ante COVID-19.

(↑↓) Vistas de las deslocalizaciones relacionadas con la exposición ‘Juego de niños’ de Lola Lasurt alrededor del barrio del Raval. Hasta el 27 de septiembre 2020. Fotos: Eva Carasol.

Pósters en los escaparates de la Escola Massana con material de archivo del estado de excepción que se decretó en el Estado Español entre enero y marzo de1969.

Consulta de publicaciones relacionadas con Joan Miró y el estado de excepción que se decretó en el Estado Español a inicios de 1969 disponibles en la Biblioteca Popular Sant Pau i Santa Creu.

(↑↓) Pintura animada proyectada en el escaparate del Estanc Carme 15 en Carrer del Carme, 15. ‘Copito de Nieve, ¿personaje de Marcel Proust?’ Tele/eXpres, 22 de enero de 1969. Una de las obras iniciales de Lola Lasurt fue ‘Expendeduría 193’ (2008), un videodocumental que, a través de sus protagonistas, narraba la vida diaria de un estanco vinculado a la familia de la artista. Así pues, ‘Juego de niños’ incorpora un pequeño tributo a esta obra mediante la deslocalización de una de sus pinturas animadas al estanco Carme 15 de la calle del Carme.

(24 septiembre) La tercera y última deslocalización coincide con la finalización de la exposición el 27 de septiembre 2020. Desde La Capella se hizo una llamada a los vecinos del distrito de Ciutat Vella ofreciendo la posibilidad de exponer en su balcón una obra de Lola Lasurt representando un objeto transicional de la infancia y presentarlo en formato banderola. 

Meritxell Mestre envió su historia relacionada con unos dibujos animados que solía mirar de pequeña en casa de sus abuelos y que gravaba en VHS, cuyo protagonista era una pequeña locomotora.  

(↑↓) Última de las deslocalizaciones de la exposición ‘Juego de niños’ de Lola Lasurt presenta una banderola en el balcón con la imagen de un objeto transicional de la infancia de su habitante. Fotos: Eva Carasol.

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Jurado y tutoría de Barcelona Producció 2019–2020: Proyectos ganadores

Nueva imagen gráfica realizada en ocasión del 25º aniversario de La Capella. Foto: Folch Studio.

Después de tres intensas semanas de proceso —una dedicada a la lectura de las 259 solicitudes recibidas, otra al debate con los cinco miembros del jurado (formado por Alexandra Laudo, Antònia Folguera, Joan Casellas, Mireia Sallarès y Latitudes, junto a Oriol Gual (director de La Capella) y David Armengol (coordinador de la comisión), ambos últimos con voz pero sin voto), y una tercera semana entrevistando a 32 finalistas— el jurado y equipo de tutores de Barcelona Producció ha decidido premiar a los siguientes 15 proyectos para su producción y presentación a lo largo de la temporada 2019-2020 (fechas por confirmar):


Sala Grande – Exposición individual
  • "Kyklos" de Martín Llavaneras (29 octubre 2019—16 febrero 2020)
  • "Faula rodona / Sols i embogits / Entre la precisió total i una cançó de Sau" de Pere Llobera (10 marzo 2020—31 mayo 2020)
  • "Joc d'infants" de Lola Lasurt (16 junio 2020—4 octubre 2020)
Sala Gran – Proyecto de comisariado
  • "Esdevenir inmortal i després morir" de Caterina Almirall (20 octubre 2020—31 enero 2021)

Proyectos deslocalizados
  • "La balena del Prat al Prat / Retorn" de Consol Llupià,
  • "Serps d'aigua. Les rieres ocultes i la construcció simbòlica de Barcelona" de Sitesize (Joan Vila Puig y Elvira Pujol),
  • "Nomenar, posseir. Crítica de la pràctica taxonòmica" de Agustín Ortiz Herrera;
  • "Correspondències simbòliques entre folklore catòlic i música màkina al Casc Antic de Barcelona" de Marc O'Callaghan;
Acción en vivo (22, 23, 24 septiembre 2019)
Proyectos de creación transdisciplinar y medios digitales 
Proyecto educativo y de mediación
  • "εξέδρα (Exedra). L'Art com a eina d'equiparació social" de Jordi Ferreiro.
Latitudes tutorizará los proyectos de Lola LasurtConsol Llupià y Agustín Ortiz Herrera. Más información y calendario 2019–2021 se irá publicando y actualizando en nuestra web.

Exposición "El Misterio de Caviria" de Antoni Hervàs, parte de la programación de Barcelona Producció 2016 en La Capella. Su proyecto fue galardonado con el Premi Ciutat de Barcelona 2016 y el Premio ACCA al Proyecto Artístico 2016. Proyecto tutorizado por Latitudes. Fotos: Pep Herrero, Barcelona Producció/La Capella.

Si en la anterior convocatoria se habían doblado el número de categorías pasando de nueve a dieciocho y se sumaron tres nuevos tutores, en esta ocasión la sala pequeña ha sido eliminada aunque se ha introducido un proyecto de educación y mediación
destinado a la realización de acciones educativas dirigidas al público general sobre la base de las actividades programadasLos proyectos para "Entornos digitales" han pasado a denominarse "Proyectos de creación transdisciplinar y medios digitales" y serán tutorizados por Antònia Folguera.

Los proyectos deslocalizados, los de publicación, los proyectos de creación transdisciplinar y medios digitales, y los de investigación, se producirán y presentarán a lo largo de la temporada según el calendario de cada una de las propuestas. Los de acción en vivo tendrán lugar tres días consecutivos en Septiembre (fechas por confirmar) y Joan Casellas se encargará de tutorizarlos.

Publicación ‘The Drowned Giant’ realizada por Anna Moreno producido con el apoyo de Barcelona Producció 2017, La Capella, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona. Proyecto tutorizado por Latitudes. Foto: Anna Moreno.

Vista de la exposición ‘La disidencia nostálgica’ comisariada por Joana Hurtado Matheu, parte de la programación Barcelona Producció 2017, La Capella. Proyecto tutorizado por Latitudes. Foto: Pep Herrero, Barcelona Producció/La Capella.

Barcelona Producció es una convocatoria anual dirigida a la comunidad artística de Barcelona y su área de influencia. Es una iniciativa del Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB) del Ajuntament de Barcelona.


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'Compositions' a programme of five artists' interventions for the second Barcelona Gallery Weekend, 29 September–2 October 2016

Compositions presents five artistic interventions in unique sites across the neighbourhoods of the city of Barcelona. Each of the commissioned artists is represented by a gallery participating in the second edition of the Barcelona Gallery Weekend.

Curated by Latitudes for the second time (see 2015 edition), the project further explores Barcelona as a rich fabric of the historic and the contemporary, the unfamiliar and the conspicuous. Resisting an overall theme, and instead developing from the artists’ responses to the specificity of each context—people, as well as places—the five art projects form a temporary thread that links evocative locations and public space, running parallel to the Weekend’s exhibitions in galleries and museums. 

In its second edition, Composiciones will present interventions by Lúa Coderch (Club Billar Barcelona); Regina Giménez (Antigua Fábrica de Can Trinxet, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat); Lola Lasurt (Biblioteca Pública Arús); Robert Llimós (connecting all the participating galleries) and Wilfredo Prieto (Unitat Muntada de la Guàrdia Urbana de Barcelona). Their projects will offer moments of intermission, intimacy and bewilderment throughout the weekend, highlighting some lesser-known aspects of the city’s cultural heritage and municipal life.

Interior of the Club Billar Barcelona. Photo: Courtesy Club Billar Barcelona.
 Zoom in a map here.

Intervention by Lúa Coderch Club Billar Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 595-599
08007 Barcelona

Public transport:
Metro: Passeig de Gràcia (L2, L3, L4)
Bus: 7, 50, 54, 67, 68, H12

Opening hours:
Thursday 29 September: 5–9pm
Friday 30 September, Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October: 11am–7pm 

Lúa Coderch’s project for the Compositions programme brings a mysterious and improbable apparition to life in the home of the Club de Billar Barcelona. Beneath the Teatre Coliseum in Gran Vía there is a rainbow. Coderch guides sunlight and a spectrum of colours down into the underground gaming space with a series of precisely positioned mirrors and prisms as if evoking the mechanics, geometry and artistry involved in billiards. Accompanying the rainbow is a turntable and a transparent vinyl record that can be used to play an audio recording of a female voice. This voice narrates and interprets what can be seen in front of us, and the process that led to its appearance. The title of her intervention, The Rainbow Statement” (2016), refers to one of the verbal tricks used by fortune-tellers and clairvoyants in ‘cold reading’ an individual’s life or personality. Suggestively nebulous assertions maximize the chance of apparently specific and meaningful paranormal insights hitting the mark. The Rainbow Statement” is either an experiment of the imagination or a phenomenon of optical science with which Coderch seems to have invented a form of psychic meteorology, or spectral physics.

Sunday 2 October, 12am: 
Free guided visit by the Lúa Coderch and Latitudes at the Club Billar Barcelona, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 595-599.

Interior of the Biblioteca Pública Arús.
Zoom in a map here.

Intervention by Lola Lasurt  –  Biblioteca Pública Arús
Passeig de Sant Joan, 26
08010 Barcelona

Opening hours:
Thursday 29 September: 5–9pm;
Friday 30 September: 11am–7pm;
Saturday 1 October: 11am–2pm;
Sunday 2
October: CLOSED;
Monday 3
October: 11am–6pm;
Tuesday 4
October: 11am–6pm.
Public transport:
Metro: Arc de Triomf (L1)
Rodalies: R1, R3, R4 Arc de Triomf
Bus: 19, 51, 55, B20, B25, N4, N11

For her intervention for the Compositions programme, Lola Lasurt has collaborated with the Biblioteca Pública Arús, a study centre founded in 1895 with an outstanding collection related to the labour movement, anarchism, Freemasonry and Sherlock Holmes. The project centres on a series of grisaille paintings that form a pictorial frieze that hangs from the balcony above a presentation of books in the Arús’s display cases. Under the title “Donació” (Donation), 2016, Lasurt departs from 135 publications that once formed the personal library of Assumpta Corbera Santanach that were gifted in 2010 to the Arús after her death. Corbera Santanach identified as a feminist and a Freemason; she was not a public figure. Yet the impulse of Lasurt’s project is not primarily biographic or historiographic, but bibliographic and pictorial. Accordingly, “Donació” attempts to narrate changes in social and cultural attitudes through the selection and redrafting of images that appear on the pages of the bibliographic bequest. Treating the publications as an intimate accumulation of ‘alternative’ knowledge and a representation of a self-education, Lasurt is interested in the portrayal of a private political imagination in the midst of what is now a public collection. – Latitudes

Thursday 29 September, 6pm: 

Free guided visit by Lola Lasurt and Latitudes at the Biblioteca Pública Arús, Passeig de Sant Joan, 26.

 Interior of Can Trinxet factory in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat.
 Zoom in a map here.
Intervention by Regina Giménez will take place at the Antigua fábrica textil Can Trinxet
c/ Santa Eulàlia 182–212
08902 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)

Opening hours:
Thursday 29 September: 5–8pm

Friday 30 September, Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October: 11am–7pm

Public transport:
Metro: Santa Eulàlia o Torrassa (L1)
Bus: L16, L52, L82, L85, LH1, N13

The manufacturing and printing of textiles formed the basis of the industrial revolution in Catalunya. Beyond the actual fabric, it is the machinery of its production and the people who operated it—especially women—that underpin Regina Giménez’s presentation of her graphic works as part of the Compositions programme. Taking place in one of the buildings that comprise Can Trinxet, a former textile factory complex that once employed the largest workforce in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Giménez’s intervention comprises painted compositions that are derived from schematic representations of machines and their components. Her abstractions have been applied on transparent panels that lean against a scarred factory wall, becoming devices that reanimate the marks and memories embedded in the building. An accompanying poster evokes the clamour that once would have filled the workshop in typographic form. Giménez has titled her project "La Constancia" (2016) in tribute to the labour union that called a general strike in 1913 to protest the conditions of the female and child workers who undertook the textile industry’s most monotonous and arduous tasks. – Latitudes

Friday 30 September, 12am:

Free guided visit by Regina Giménez and Latitudes at Can Trinxet, c/ Santa Eulàlia 182–212, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.

Zoom in map here.

Robert Llimós' intervention will connect all the participating galleries of the Barcelona Gallery Weekend. 

Thursday 29 September: 5–9pm
Friday 30 September, Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October: 11am–7pm

Robert Llimós presents a new version of an action that was originally created in the summer of 1972. One of the very few performative works of an artist primarily known for his paintings and sculptures, "Los Corredores" (The Runners) was first realized as part of the legendary avant-garde art festival known as Los Encuentros de Pamplona (The Pamplona Encounters). On that occasion, three people dressed in identical running gear speed-walked throughout the city, connecting the various venues of the festival. As his project for the Composiciones programme, Llimós’s Los Corredores is now restaged on the streets of Barcelona. Three athletes criss-cross the city, seemingly rushing to see every venue of the Gallery Weekend. As in Pamplona, the white sports kits have been adorned by Llimós with black diagonal brushstrokes that symbolize the idea of painting. At times the speed-walking trio carry flowers, or have their ankles joined with elastic ribbon—a painting-as-workout that has left the studio for the street with decoration, discipline, and a dynamic sense of urgency. – Latitudes 

Friday 30 September, 5pm:  
Free guided visit by Robert Llimós and Latitudes. Meeting point: BlueProject Foundation, c/Princesa 57.
Façade of the Unitat Muntada de la Guàrdia Urbana de Barcelona in Parc de la Ciutadella.
Location of the Unitat Muntada in the southeastern part of the Parc de la Ciutadella. Zoom in a map here.

The intervention by Wilfredo Prieto will take place at the Unitat Muntada de la Guàrdia Urbana de Barcelona (Barcelona City Police Stables)
c/ Wellington s/n 
08018 Barcelona

Public transport:
Metro: Vil·la Olímpica (L4)  
Tram: Ciutadella–Vil·la Olímpica (just opposite)
Bus: 36, 59, 92, N0, V21, V27

Opening hours:
Thursday 29 September: CLOSED
Friday 30
September, Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October: 11–12am*
[*] Doors open daily at 10:30am. Kindly note that a photo ID (DNI or passport) is required to enter.]
Conceived by Wilfredo Prieto as his project for the Composiciones programme, "Pantalones rotos" (Torn Jeans), 2012, is realised by the horses of the Guàrdia Urbana de Barcelona. The action-sculpture takes place at the Mounted Unit’s stables, a historic venue next to the city zoo that is not normally open to the public and whose exercise paddock is overlooked by the twin towers of the Torre Mapfre and Hotel Arts. In his work, Prieto makes reference to an image which appears on the tag of every pair of classic Levi’s denim jeans—two horses trying in vain to break a pair of reinforced trousers. Since their invention in 1873, Levi Strauss & Co.’s famous copper-riveted denim has become synonymous with the working people of the western United States—cowboys, lumberjacks, and railroad workers. Yet in "Pantalones rotos", this symbol of the American frontier myth has been already torn apart with bathos as two harnessed horses each drag one half of a torn pair of jeans. – Latitudes  

Saturday 1 October, 12am:
Free guided visit by Latitudes at the Unitat Muntada de la Guàrdia Urbana. Meeting point: c/ Wellington s/n. (Opposite the tram stop Ciutadella–Vil·la Olímpica)

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The Barcelona Gallery Weekend is an initiative of the de Art Barcelona and is supported by the Ajuntament de Barcelona (ICUB), the Generalitat de Catalunya (ICEC), the Ajuntament de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat and Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), as well as by private sponsors and individual patrons. http://www.barcelonagalleryweekend.com/

Related content:

  • Composiciones 2015 commissions;
  • 2015 social media archive;
  • Instagram of the Barcelona Gallery Weekend;
  • PRESS RELEASE: Latitudes curates "Composiciones", a series of five artists' commissions for the first Barcelona Gallery Weekend, 1–4 October 2015; 
  • NOTA DE PRENSA: Comisariado de "Composiciones", cinco intervenciones artísticas para el primer Barcelona Gallery Weekend, 1–4 Octubre 2015;
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Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2016 – Artists and locations of the programme "Composiciones" announced

A "Save The Date" press release (scroll down for different languages) has been sent out with information on the participating galleries and spaces and their exhibitions for the forthcoming Barcelona Gallery Weekend (29 September–2 October 2016)

Returning for its second edition in 2016, Latitudes will curate "Compositions" (Composiciones), a series of artistic interventions in unique sites across the neighbourhoods of the city. Each of the commissioned artists is represented by a gallery participating in the Barcelona Gallery Weekend. 

Resisting an overall theme, and instead developing from the artists’ responses to the specificity of each context—people as well as places—the five art projects form a temporary thread that links evocative locations and public space, running parallel to the Weekend’s exhibitions in galleries and museums.  

The invited artists are Lúa Coderch  (Iquitos, Perú, 1982), Regina Giménez (Barcelona, 1966), Lola Lasurt  (Barcelona, 1983), Robert Llimós  (Barcelona, 1943), and Wilfredo Prieto (Santi Spiritus, Cuba, 1978), and the spaces where their interventions will take place are: 
The full schedule of routes, guided tours and parallel programming will be announced in September.

'Composiciones', five new commissions for the Barcelona Gallery Weekend, 1–4 October 2015.

"Compositions" is a programme of artists’ interventions originally conceived and curated by Latitudes for the first Barcelona Gallery Weekend in 2015, when it produced five projects by David Bestué (in the former ceramics factory Cosme Toda, L'Hospitalet); Dora García (at the Biblioteca del Campo Freudiano de Barcelona); Jordi Mitjà (in the Museu Geològic del Seminari de Barcelona); Rasmus Nilausen in collaboration with Pere Llobera (at the house of the former priest, gardens of La Central del Raval) y Daniel Steegmann Mangrané (in the Umbracle – Shadehouse – at the Parc de la Ciutadella). 


Related content:

  • Composiciones 2015 commissions;
  • 2015 social media archive;
  • Instagram of the Barcelona Gallery Weekend;
  • PRESS RELEASE: Latitudes curates "Composiciones", a series of five artists' commissions for the first Barcelona Gallery Weekend, 1–4 October 2015; 
  • NOTA DE PRENSA: Comisariado de "Composiciones", cinco intervenciones artísticas para el primer Barcelona Gallery Weekend, 1–4 Octubre 2015
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