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'The Dutch Assembly' programme details for ARCOmadrid 2012

Within the context of this year's ARCOmadrid programme FOCUS: The Netherlands, Latitudes was invited to curate and convene "The Dutch Assembly" by invitation of the Mondriaan Fund and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Madrid. Taking place throughout the five days of the fair within a specially-commissioned structure designed by Jasper Niens and Thijs Ewalts, the programme of "The Dutch Assembly" comprises thirty talks, book presentations, performances and screenings involving institutions and organizations from the Netherlands. (+ info...)

Rendering of the 'Superstructure', 2011. Courtesy Jasper Niens and Thijs Ewalts.

13–14h: Jeremiah Day, artist, Amsterdam/Berlin;
14–15h: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Delegate: Leontine Coelewij, Curator;
15–16h: Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam. Delegate: Jelle Bouwhuis, Curator; 
16–17h: Nathaniel Mellors, artist, Amsterdam/London;
17–18h: Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven. Delegate: Steven ten Thije, research curator;
18–19h: Marres, Maastricht. Delegate: Lisette Smits, independent curator;
19–20h: [*] Lara Almarcegui, artist, Rotterdam.
13.30–15h: Official opening of "FOCUS: The Netherlands" in the presence of the Ambassador of The Netherlands, Mr. Peter P. Wulfften Palthe and Madeleine van Lennep, Deputy Director Mondriaan Fund. "FOCUS: The Netherlands is made possible with the support of the Mondriaan Fund and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Madrid. 
15–16h: [*] Javier Hontoria, critic and independent curator, Madrid;
16–17h: De Appel arts centre, Amsterdam. Delegates: Ann Demeester, Director and Nathalie Hartjes, coordinator of the Curatorial Programme and the Gallerist Programme; 
17–18h: Manifesta – The European Biennial of Contemporary Art, Amsterdam. Delegate: Cuauhtémoc Medina, Curator Manifesta 9, Limburg, Belgium; 
18–19h: Wendelien van Oldenborgh, artist, Rotterdam; 
19–20h: If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution, Amsterdam. Delegate: Frédérique Bergholtz, co-founder and director.


13–14h: Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam. Delegate: Anke Bangma, Curator Contemporary Art; 

14–15h: De Vleeshal, Middelburg. Delegate: Lorenzo Benedetti, Director; 
15–16h: Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory, Utrecht. Delegate: Yolande van de Heide, Project Coordinator; 
16–17h: Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam. Delegate: Zoë Gray, Curator 2006–11; 
17–19h: Kunstverein, Amsterdam/New York/Milan. Delegates: Krist Gruijthuijsen and Maxine Kopsa, Directors, and Gabriel Lester, artist, Amsterdam.


13–14h: TENT, Rotterdam. Delegate: Mariette Dölle, Artistic director and Eva González-Sancho, independent curator and former director FRAC Bourgogne, Dijon; 

14–15h: Stroom Den Haag, The Hague. Delegate: Arno van Roosmalen, Director; 
15–16h: [*] Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht. Delegate: Adrià Julià, artist and 2011 Researcher Fine Art; 
16–17h: Museum De Paviljoens, Almere. Delegates: Macha Roesink, Director and Annick Kleizen, Curator; 
17–18h: SKOR | Foundation for Art and Public Domain, Amsterdam. Delegate: Theo Tegelaers, Chief Curator; 
18–19h: De Hallen, Haarlem. Delegate: Xander Karskens, Curator, De Hallen and 'Focus: The Netherlands' at ARCOmadrid.


13–14h: Fucking Good Art. Delegates: Rob Hamelijnck and Nienke Terpsma, artists/editors; 

14–15h: [*] Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam. Delegates: Philippe Pirotte, curator and art critic, Antwerp, and senior advisor at the Rijksakademie and Rubén Grilo, artist and current resident;
15–16h: BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht. Delegates: Maria Hlavajova, artistic director and Rabih Mroué, artist, Beirut; 
16–17h: Expodium, Utrecht. Delegate: Bart Witte, Director; 
17–18h: W139, Amsterdam. Delegate: Tim Voss, Director and Sam de Groot, graphic designer;  
18–19h: [*] De Ateliers, Amsterdam. Delegate: Paloma Polo, artist and 2007–9 participant. 

All the events will be in English, except those marked with an asterisk (*), which will be in Spanish. Programme may be subject to change.

More info: http://www.lttds.org/projects/dutchassembly 

Mobile-friendly version: http://www.lttds.org/mobile/dutchassembly/ 
Browse and download 'The Dutch Assembly' programme on Issuu:

ARCOMadrid (Ifema)
Feria de Madrid
28042 Madrid, España
MAP + Getting there

Professional preview: Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16, 12 noon–9pm
General public: Friday 17, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19, 12 noon–8pm  

Follow 'The Dutch Assembly' on Twitter: #NLassembly 
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Newsletter #39 – December / diciembre 2011

Newsletter en Español  |  Newsletter in English

'The Dutch Assembly / Asamblea de los Países Bajos', ARCOmadrid, 15–19 February 2012, Madrid (+ info...)
Follow us on Twitter: #NLAssembly

Three juries: for the 2012 Open Call at the Sala d'Art Jove; the GAC Awards given by the Catalan Gallery Association (Award ceremony: 31 January 2012 at MACBA); and the Curatorial Open Call 2012, which invites individuals or collectives to submit a proposal for curating an exhibition between June and July of 2012 at NoguerasBlanchard. 

UNTIL 15 JANUARY 2012...
'Amikejo: Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch', fourth and final exhibition of the cycle 'Amikejo' at the Laboratorio 987, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, León,
24 September 2011–15 January 2012.    
Follow us on Twitter: #amikejo


For more info go to:

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Latitudes invited to curate the presentation of Dutch institutions in ARCOmadrid 2012

The Netherlands is the guest 'Focus' country of ARCOmadrid 2012, 15–19 February 2012. Within this context, Latitudes has been invited to curate the representation of Dutch art institutions. Hosted within a specially-commissioned structure in Hall 10, 'The Dutch Assembly'/ 'Asamblea de los Países Bajos' will consist of the accumulation of hourly talks, readings, statements, performances and screenings from approximately thirty art spaces, research initiatives and individuals which will form a series of documented 'depositions' and analyses of cultural practice and policy from the Dutch perspective, as well as reflections of the artistic links between Spain and the Netherlands.

Follow #NLAssembly on Twitter for updates!

ARCOmadrid 2012
15–19 February 2012
Halls 8 and 10 Feria de Madrid 

Photo: Latitudes, 2010 | www.lttds.org
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24 Septiembre, 19h: Inauguración última exposición del ciclo anual 'Amikejo' con Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch, Laboratorio 987, MUSAC, León. 19.30h: Performance 'Himno Nacional' de Jiménez Landa.

El sábado 24 de Septiembre a las 19h inaugurará la última exposición del ciclo anual 'Amikejo' comisariada por Latitudes. La exposición presentará el trabajo de Fermín Jiménez Landa (1979, Pamplona) y Lee Welch (1975, Louiseville, EEUU) quienes no se conocían antes de que se les invitara a participar en el ciclo. Como si fuera una cuestión de diplomacia internacional, los artistas han tenido que entenderse mutuamente tanto en lo personal como en lo artístico antes de emitir una declaración conjunta, según lo acordado y negociado. Jiménez Landa y Welch han escogido establecer su colaboración en torno a la noción de “micro-nación” y los recursos que definen la soberanía: fronteras, sellos o himnos nacionales

En MUSAC presentan un conjunto de elementos algunos de los cuales se advierten directamente en el Laboratorio 987, mientras que otros documentan fenómenos en lugares remotos, o existen únicamente en la imaginación. Una estructura similar a una plataforma, junto con esculturas que adoptan la forma de portales o hitos fronterizos, crea espacios y herramientas para el encuentro y el debate, además de albergar otras obras bidimensionales y de vídeo. + info...

Eventos inauguración:

Sábado 24 de septiembre, 13:30 h.
'Himno nacional', 2011
Duración aproximada: 60'

A menudo se dice que lo más relevante de un trabajo es el proceso. 'Himno Nacional' (2011) se incorpora y se desdobla en varios elementos, historias y anécdotas. Enmarcado en 'Amikejo', un proyecto expositivo entorno a micro-naciones, anomalías históricas, empresas en común y optimismo, se ha invitado a una popular banda de música de León a que componga un nuevo himno nacional realizado a la más arcaica de las maneras: con un sabor marcadamente romántico, militar y patriótico. El himno se presenta con un objetivo paródico y fútil: la conquista de una pequeña isla situada en el mar Egeo mediante la imposición sonora del himno.

Con un viaje de ida y vuelta, de León a la isla y de la isla a León, la representación musical se convierte en una celebración en sí misma. Durante la inauguración, 65 músicos de la banda desfilarán por las calles de León en lo que podría parecer ser una acción lúdica, conmemorativa o militar, tocando un himno que resulta reconocible en su lenguaje musical y, sin embargo, es totalmente irreconocible.Fermín Jiménez Landa

La banda Agrupación Musical La Cena interpretará el nuevo himno nacional en cinco puntos del casco antiguo de León, entre los cuales se desplazará acompañándose únicamente con la sección de percusión. La banda iniciará su recorrido en la Plaza San Marcelo (13:30 h) prosiguiendo a la Plaza Don Gutierre; Plaza San Martín; Plaza de Regla (frente a la catedral) y finalizará en la Plaza San Marcelo (frente al Palacio de Botines).

A las 19.30h volverán a interpretar el himno en el hall del MUSAC.

Stills video 'Himno Nacional. Conquista de una isla mediante la colocación de un equipo de sonido con un generador de energía limitada emitiendo un himno nacional compuesto por una banda musical de León. (2011) de Fermín Jiménez Landa. Cortesía del artista.

| UK |

The final exhibition of the year-long cycle 'Amikejo' will open on Saturday 24th, 19h, at the Laboratorio 987 space in MUSAC. The exhibition will show new works produced collaboratively by Fermín Jiménez Landa (Pamplona, Spain, 1979) & Lee Welch (Louisville, USA, 1975). Jiménez Landa and Welch did not know each other before the invitation to participate in Amikejo. As if engaged in international diplomacy, the artists have had to understand each other personally and artistically before issuing what might be regarded as a joint statement based on what they have agreed and negotiated, in the form of an exhibition. Jiménez Landa and Welch have chosen to establish their collaboration in relation to the notion of the micronation and devices which delineate sovereignty – borders, stamps, anthems, and so on.

Their works in MUSAC comprise a constellation of diverse performative, discursive, interactive and displayed elements, some of which are directly apparent in the Laboratorio 987 , while others document occurrances at remote locations, or exist only in the imagination. A platform-like structure and sculptures that take the form of portals or border markers constitute spaces and tools for assembly and discussion as well as hosting further two-dimensional and video works. + info...


Saturday 24 September, 13:30 h
'Himno Nacional' (National Anthem, 2011) by Fermín Jiménez Landa
Duration: approx. 1h

It is often said that the best thing about a work of art is the process leading up to it. In the case of 'National Anthem' (2011) the work incorporates and unfolds many other elements, histories and anecdotes. In the context of 'Amikejo' – an exhibition project on micro-nations, historical anomalies, common endeavours and optimism – a León marching band has been invited to compose a new national anthem. In the most archaic tradition, markedly romantic, military and patriotic, the anthem enacts a parodic attempt to reach a futile objective: the conquering of a small island in the Aegean Sea through invasion-by-sound.

Forming a journey loop from León to the island and back again, the musical representation of nationhood becomes an end in itself. During the exhibition opening, 65 musicians will parade through the streets of León in what could be seen as a playful, ceremonial or military action, and will perform an anthem that is familiar in its musical idiom and yet is completely unidentifiable.Fermín Jiménez Landa

13.30h: The band Agrupación Musical La Cena will parade through five points of the old town of León playing the new anthem starting at Plaza San Marcelo (13:30 h) and thereafter proceed to the Plaza Don Gutierre; Plaza San Martín; Plaza de Regla (in front of the cathedral); and finalise at the Plaza San Marcelo (in front of the Palacio de Botines).

19.30 h: Parade of the anthem at MUSAC's atrium.

Stills video 'Himno Nacional. Conquista de una isla mediante la colocación de un equipo de sonido con un generador de energía limitada emitiendo un himno nacional compuesto por una banda musical de León. (2011) de Fermín Jiménez Landa. Cortesía del artista.

Síguenos / Follow us: #amikejo y aquí / and here.

Exhibition made possible by the contribution of the Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdam.


Avenida de los Reyes Leoneses, 24
24008 León
T: +34 987 09 00 00; F: +34 987 09 11 11

Martes–Viernes / Tue–Fri: 10–15 / 17–20h
Sábado y Domingo / Sat–Sun: 11–15/ 17–21h
Lunes: cerrado / Monday: closed
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18–22 July, Mondriaan Foundation visitor programme guest. Photo tour of visits in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht

(Above) Poster campaign spread around Dutch art spaces by 'Disgruntled Dutch Artists. This one placed at the entrance to the Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam. Read more about the funding cuts.

(1 Above) Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam show: 'Mounira Al Solh & Bassam Ramlawi. And drawings by Rene' Daniels'.

(3 below) Prix de Rome 2011 exhibition at SMART Project Space, Amsterdam.

(Above) Vincent Vulma's presentation.

(Above) Edward Clydesdale Thomson's work.

Above: work by Gwenneth Boelens.

(3 photos above) Erik van Lieshout's studio in southern Rotterdam.
(Below): Erik took us to see the Kiefhook Housing estate, designed by De Stijl's architect J.J.P. Oud in the 1930s.

(Above) Lawrence Weiner piece at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.

Visiting Casco (2 above) and BAK in Utrecht (1 below).

(2 above): 'Two versions of the imaginary' exhibition at Annet Gelink Gallery curated by Maria Barnas. With works by Carlos Amorales, John Baldessari, Becky Beasley, Leidy Churchman, Dina Danish, Ryan Gander, Sharon Houkema, Emre Hüner, Martin Kippenberger, David Maljkovic and Amalia Pica.

(5 images below): Kunstverein's wonderful bookstore 'Openings & Closings – The Richard Kostelanetz Bookstore'.

(5 Below): De Appel's group show 'Genius without Talent'. Participating artists include: Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, Cobra, Constant Dullaart, Jakup Ferri, Robert Filliou, Beatrice Gibson, Laura Garbstiene, Ane Hjort Guttu, Annabel Howland, Alan Kane, Tomasz Kowalski, Suzy Lake, Pantelis Makkas, Cyprian Muresan, Sylvia Sleigh, Praneet Soi, John Smith, Helene Sommer, Leon Spilliaert, Rogier Taminiau, Piotr Uklanski, Adriaan de Villiers, Nina Yuen.

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Opening 25 June, 17h: 'Amikejo: uqbar (Irene Kopelman & Mariana Castillo Deball)', exhibition cycle 'Amikejo', Laboratorio 987, MUSAC, León

Calipso, 2011. Courtesy: uqbar.

Opening: Saturday 25 June, 17h.

Amikejo, uqbar (Irene Kopelman & Mariana Castillo Deball) will explore the idea of working together as a subject in itself. The “interchanges, mutations, transmutations, metamorphosis and contaminations that working together entails ... the hybrids we create together, not belonging to one or the other but rather creating an in between zone”, as the artists have described. 

The exhibition at the Laboratorio 987 will be based on the principal of chirality or ‘handedness’. Chirality is a property of an object that is not superimposable on its mirror image. Human hands are perhaps the most recognizable example of chirality: the left hand is a non-superimposable mirror image of the right hand. Cases of chirality can be found in many different organisms in nature, such as in the twisted petals of certain orchids, shells and fish scales. 

The exhibition will be composed of a spiral staircase, which will serve as a viewpoint for other artifacts and objects. Uqbar will create a psychedelic chiral ecosystem, featuring hanging papier-mâché epiphyte sculptures and enlarged stone microfossils, as well as “Banyan tree drawings, a video of a chemical reaction, fables among non-humans and drawings of hybrid creatures”.

Zeno Reminder, Cabinet Magazine Space / Performa 09, New York (2009). Courtesy the artists.


Uqbar is an occasional collaboration between artists Mariana Castillo Deball & Irene Kopelman initiated in 2005. Its practice has led to sculptural installations, seminars and publications, and frequently involves the cooperation of individuals outside the artistic field, including scientists and writers. Uqbar’s projects are often sparked by an oblique investigation into a particular repository of knowledge, and following Jorge Luis Borges (whose fictional place Uqbar lends its name to the foundation) they approach a world through an abundance of possible of meanings and possible histories. Fuga di Un Piano (2009) for Manifesta 7, Rovereto, Italy, for example, took the International Center for the study of Futurism as its point of departure, by presenting in part a future archive of some imagined sculptural creations of a speculative creative automaton.

Uqbar projects include Principle of Hope, Manifesta 7, Rovereto, Italy; Zeno Reminder, Cabinet Magazine Space / Performa 09, New York (2009); Principle of Hope, Manifesta 7, Rovereto, Italia (2008); Transacciones Filosóficas, Museo Astronómico de Córdoba, Argentina (2007); Blackmarket for Useful Knowledge and Non-Knowledge, 10th International Istanbul Biennial (2007); A for Alibi, Utrecht University Museum, Utrecht & De Appel, Amsterdam (2006–8).
Forthcoming and final 'Amikejo' exhibition: Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch (24 September 2011–15 January 2012).

'Amikejo' is an exhibition cycle of four exhibitions guest curated by Latitudes, taking place in January, April, June and September 2011 at the Laboratorio 987, MUSAC.

Exhibition supported by the Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdam.


Read press release from MUSAC or download press images.

For further information please contact Izaskun Sebastián at [email protected]
Avenida de los Reyes Leoneses, 24
24008 León, ES
Tue–Fri: 10–15 / 17–20h; Sat–Sun: 11–15/ 17–21h. Monday closed.
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