Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Installing 'Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes & des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne' at Meessen De Clercq

Opening: Thursday 24 February 2011, 6–9pm.
With works by Kasper Akhøj (1976, Copenhagen, Denmark. Lives in New York, US); Martí Anson (1967, Mataró, Spain. Lives there); Maria Loboda (1979, Kraków, Poland. Lives in London, UK); Charlotte Moth (1975, Carshalton, UK. Lives in Paris, France) and Sarah Ortmeyer (1980, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Lives there).

The Exposition International des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes & des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts & Art and Technology in Modern Life) presents projects by five contemporary visual artists which engage with specific instances of modernity as represented through industrial or domestic design. A world-famous tower, a street, a range of furniture, a modular display system, and textile patterns, have been metaphorically taken apart before being reconstituted, sometimes literally, through artistic practices and personal affiliations which incorporate historical research, travel, tribute and scenography, for example. (+ info...)

Meessen De Clerq
Abdijstraat 2a Rue de l'Abbaye
1000 Brussels, BELGIUM
Tuesday to Saturday 11am – 6pm
T: +32 (0) 2 644 34 54
E: [email protected]
W: www.meessendeclercq.be

Installation pictures: Latitudes | www.lttds.org
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Installation views of 'Ibon Aranberri. Organogramme' exhibition at Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, until 15 May

Schema of the exhibition display in the exhibition guide.

(From the website) 'Organogramme is an exhibition by Ibon Aranberri that aims to sediment and confront various series of works made by the artist during the last decades together with others produced specifically for the occasion, and presented here as a unified whole.

(...) His oeuvre features aspects such as the relationship between nature and culture, the ideological projection upon the landscape, the configuration of the social, historicity, the local context and its economic and territorial dimensions, the peripheral condition as well as language and the modern project. The artist holds an interest in power structures and the mechanisms to build society. (...) The concept of the landscape as a setting of ideological projection, as a point of intersection between the natural object and the cultural subject, is an underlying issue in his work.' (+ info...)

Ibon Aranberri (Itziar, Guipuzkoa, in 1969) obtained a degree in Fine Arts from the Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, in 1994. In the mid-1990s he participated in the Arteleku workshops in San Sebastian and continued his studies at CCA-Kitakyushu, Japan. He was involved with the early stages of the consonni project in Bilbao in 2000. He took part in Manifesta 4 in Frankfurt in 2002. Recent notable exhibitions include On working with (Ir.T.no. 513), Iaspis project room, Stockholm, 2006; Documenta 12, Kassel, 2007; Integration, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, 2007; Disorder, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, 2008; 16th Sydney Biennial, Sidney, 2008; and Ibon Aranberri. Meseta Grammar, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Abbey of Santo Domingo de Silos, 2010.

Curated by: Nuria Enguita Mayo
Organised by:
Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona
Dates and times:
From 28 January to 15 May 2011. Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Closed Mondays.

All photos (except when noted otherwise): Latitudes | www.lttds.org
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Newsletter #30 - February 2011

Professional Encounters, 'Curating Emerging Artists', ARCOMadrid 2011, 18 February.

'Exposition Internationale des Art Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes & des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne' showing works by Kasper Akhøj; Martí Anson; Maria Loboda; Charlotte Moth and Sarah Ortmeyer. Meessen De Clercq, Brussels, Belgium, 25 February–16 April 2011. Opening: 24 February, 18-21h.

'Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller: United Alternative Energies', Aarhus Art Building, Århus, Denmark, on view until 3 April 2011
– see installation views here.

Curators of the Laboratorio 987 2011 season,
MUSAC, León: inaugural exhibition 'Amikejo: Pennacchio Argentato', on view until 27 March 2011 – see installation views here.

Latitudes' web www.lttds.org
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Exhibition views of 'Amikejo: Pennacchio Argentato', Laboratorio 987, MUSAC, León, Spain 29 January – 27 March 2011

Amikejo (‘place of great friendship’ in Esperanto) is a series of four exhibitions taking place throughout 2011 at MUSAC’s Laboratorio 987 and structured around relational and spatial twinning. These artistic pairings involve various modes of binomial friendships – couples in life, dedicated duos, intermittent work partners, as well as new allies (+info...)

For the first of four exhibitions at the
Laboratorio 987 neapolitan duo Pennacchio Argentato present a new installation based on expectations about performativity and interactivity in exhibition spaces. By transforming the exhibition space into an interior akin to an abstract fitness gymnasium, the duo frame their own activity as young artists alongside that of Amikejo by addressing the ideas of leisure and overproduction, a continuation to their recent research on apparent fakery, alternative economies and geometric abstraction.

A series of rough concrete ‘muscular’ sculptures, of dimensions that immediately relate to the human form. These seemingly promise engagement through, as the artists describe, they offer ‘different postures and gestures’ without leading to any specific mode of exercise. The unresponsive and non-receptive sculptures attempt to represent a kind of pleasure in suspenseful endurance or ‘abstract fatigue’, as the artists have termed it, a style which is set apart from acting and from making.

Alongside this seemingly inactive machinery, a companion sculpture focusses more specifically on body building. Images of former professional bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger proudly revealing his muscles prompts us to consider, within the context of an art space, a self-made aesthetics based on pose and theatricality.

Marisa Argentato (born Naples, Italy, 1977) & Pasquale Pennacchio (born Caserta, Italy, 1979). Live and work in Berlin and Naples). Solo exhibitions include: 'Five o’clock shadows', T293, Rome (2010); 'The New Boring', Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis (2010); 'Landings 4', Landings, Vestfossen, Norway (2010); 'Do It Just', Galerie Opdahl, Berlin (2009); 'Estate', T293, Naples (2007) and 'Blind Date', Viafarini, Milan (2002). Group exhibitions include: 'SI - Sindrome Italiana', Magasin, Centre National d'Art Contemporain de Grenoble, Grenoble (2010); 'Dude, where's my Career?', MMK Zollamt / Portikus, Frankfurt (2009); 'A long time ago, last night', Gallery Kortil, Rijeka, Croatia (2008); 'Aspen Project' (Part III), Neue Alte Brücke, Frankfurt am Main (2007); 'Cinema infinito / Neverending Cinema', Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea, Trento (2006).

MUSAC - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León
Avenida de los Reyes Leoneses, 24 - 24008 León

Tuesday– Friday: 10–15 / 17–20h; Saturday and Sunday: 11–15/ 17–21h; Mondays closed

Photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org (unless credited otherwise)
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Publication release: 'Mataró Chauffeur Service', a project by Martí Anson and Latitudes for 'No Soul for Sale: A Festival of Independents'


Photo Gallery | Press coverage | Short Video | web 'No Soul for Sale'

Edited by:
Martí Anson and Latitudes
Published by
: Save As... Publications
Texts by: Martí Anson and Latitudes
Graphic Design: ferranElOtro Studio
Format: 210 x 150 mm softcover with folded poster jacket / 59pp / offset, black-and-gold
Language: English, Spanish & Catalan
: 500 copies
Printer: Cevagraf SCCL; Gràfiques Macià
Date of Publication
: January 2011
Price: €16 via La Central
ISBN: 978-84-936956-9-9

The publication 'Mataró Chauffeur Service' gathers documentation of the collaboration with artist Martí Anson realised on the occasion of Latitudes' participation in the London edition of 'No Soul for Sale', for which the artist set up his own chauffeur company and drove the curatorial duo from Barcelona to Tate Modern and back.  

(+ info... )

Project kindly supported by:

Sponsorship-in-kind by:


Galería de fotos | Covertura prensa | Video | web 'No Soul for Sale'

Editado por: Latitudes
Publicado por: Save As... Publications
Textos: Martí Anson y Latitudes
Diseño gráfico: ferranElOtro Studio
Formato: 210 x 150 mm tapa rústica y poster semicubierta / 59pp / offset, negro y dorado
Idiomas: Edición trilingue Inglés, Español y Catalán
: 500
Imprenta: Cevagraf SCCL; Gràfiques Macià
Fecha publicación
: enero 2011
Precio: €16 a través de La Central
ISBN: 978-84-936956-9-9

La publicación 'Mataró Chauffeur Service', documenta la colaboración entre Latitudes y Martí Ansonel pasado Mayo en ocasión de la participación en la edición londinense de 'No Soul for Sale'. Para la ocasión, Anson inició su propia empresa de chófer ‘Mataró Chauffeur Service’ y condujo al dúo curatorial de Barcelona a Tate Modern y de regreso. 

(+ info...) 

Proyecto cuenta con el apoyo de:

Con el patrocinio de:

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Installation views of 'Christina Hemauer | Roman Keller: United Alternative Energies', Århus Art Building, Århus, Denmark, until 3 April 2011

Above and below: Installation view. Photo: Jens Møller Sørensen. Courtesy the artists.

—> Slideshow of the publication.
—> Slideshow of the exhibition.

The exhibition 'Christina Hemauer | Roman Keller: United Alternative Energies', is the most comprehensive exhibition of the Swiss duo's work to date, presenting ten works of which four are new productions.

Hemauer | Keller has investigated the concept of energy for several years. One of their main areas of interest is the history of oil and its competing alternatives, notably solar energy. Often involving historical research, remembrance, performance and film, their projects focus in particular on the politics of oil, energy crises, and the pursuit of new technology. (+ info...)

A 36 full-colour page booklet can be purchased from the Århus Art Building for 35 DKK (aprox. €4,70). Exhibition remains on view until 3 April 2011.

Photos and texts accompanying images: Latitudes | www.lttds.org
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Friday 21 January opening: 'Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller: United Alternative Energies', Aarhus Art Building, Århus, Denmark

The exhibition 'Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller: United Alternative Energies' will open on Friday 21 January from 5pm and remain on view until 3 April 2011.

Opening programme:

17.45h Performance 'Postpetrolism was heralded here on 21 January 2011' (2006–ongoing)
18.30h Performance 'Postpetrolistic Internationale'
Saturday 22 January, 11am: Panel discussion with
Hemauer | Keller and the other exhibiting artist Søren Dahlgaard.

The exhibition ‘Christina Hemauer and Roman Keller: United Alternative Energies’ is the most expansive presentation of the work of the Swiss duo to date, featuring ten works, four of which are new productions.

Hemauer | Keller investigate energy – as an allegorical concept, an invisible force, and a defining theme of geopolitics and modernity. One of the main focuses of their practice is the history of oil and the fate and future of its competing alternatives, notably solar power.

Hemauer | Keller make use of a range of strategies re-enactment and performance, as well as documentary video, sculpture and text. Their work often provides an opportunity to revitalize key historical moments. For example, the 66 minute documentary essay ‘A Road Not Taken’ (2010) examines former US President Jimmy Carter’s early and ultimately futile efforts to raise awareness about oil dependency, as symbolized by the installation, in 1979, of solar panels on the roof of the West Wing of the White House.

Also featured in this exhibition is No.1 Sun Engine (2008–9). In 1913, American inventor Frank Shuman inaugurated the first large-scale solar power generator near Cairo, Egypt. Although it was economically viable compared to coal power, the plant was only used for one year. In 2008 the artists reconstructed two segments of this pioneering facility and established an information kiosk where local residents and passers-by could discover and contribute to its story.

Globalising the Internationale (2006–ongoing) is a choral work which refers to the songs of socialism and the workers' movements – one of the most widespread social upheavals of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. With this project, the artists aim to use the collective force of the human voice to herald a new age of alternative energy beyond fossil fuels. (+ info...)


Christina Hemauer (1973) and Roman Keller (1969) live and work in Zürich, Switzerland. Recent exhibitions and projects include: Globalising the Internationale, for Portscapes (2009) and Portscapes exhibition, at the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam (2010); 11th Cairo International Biennale, El Cairo (2008–9), Nettoyage énergétique, Center Contemporary Art Fribourg (2007), A Manifestation, a Dedication and a Place to get the Word out, Swiss Art Awards, Basilea (2007); At this place, Postpetrolism was heralded on 27 April 2006, Kunsthof, Zurich (2006).


The exhibition is one of the 5 proposals selected from over 600, received via Aarhus Art Building's open submission call, and launches the 2011 season 'IMAGINE – towards an eco-aesthetic'.

A 36-page full colour publication in English and Danish will be printed on the occasion of the exhibition. It includes an introductory essay by the curators on the artists' practice as well as short texts about each of the works included in the exhibition.

Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller: United Alternative Energies’ has been possible thanks to the generous support of The Danish Arts Council Committee for International Visual Art; Pro Helvetia and the Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation.

Please contact Pernille Lyngsø, [email protected] or phone +45 86 20 60 53.
Press photos can be downloaded at www.aarhuskunstbygning.dk

The Aarhus Art Building

J.M. Mørks Gade 13

DK - 8000 Århus C


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'Amikejo: Pennacchio Argentato' inaugura el 29 Enero junto con otras 5 exposiciones en MUSAC, León

6 nuevas exposiciones en MUSAC a partir 29 Enero 2011. Cortesía: MUSAC

29 enero MUSAC inaugura 6 exposiciones: La misión y los misioneros de Georges Adéagbo (Comisario: Octavio Zaya en colaboración con Stephan Köhler); Desaparecidos de Gervasio Sánchez (Comisaria: Sandra Balsells); El molesto asunto de Akram Zaatari (Comisario: Juan Vicente Aliaga); Un modo de organización alrededor del vacío. Brumaria Works#3 Expanded Violences (Comisario: Agustín Pérez Rubio) y Un editor independiente y libre se posiciona del lado de los artistas cneai = Centre National de l’Edition et de l’Art Imprimé (Comisaria: María Inés Rodríguez), y 'Amikejo: Pennacchio Argentato' en el Laboratorio 987 (Comisariado: Latitudes) +info.

Invitaciones de las 6 exposiciones que inauguran en MUSAC el 29 Enero 2011.

El Laboratorio 987 de MUSAC inicia una nueva etapa en su programación. Cada año MUSAC invitará a un pequeño número de comisarios a presentar un proyecto anual para la sala de proyectos del museo, con la premisa de desarrollar una propuesta conceptual a través de cuatro exposiciones en el Laboratorio 987.

Reverso invitación de 'Amikejo: Pennacchio Argentato' (29 Enero–27 Marzo 2011)

Amikejo, la serie inaugural de esta nueva etapa, está comisariada por Latitudes. Amikejo está estructurada en cuatro exposiciones conceptualizadas entorno a los nexos relacionales y espaciales. Amikejo ('lugar de amistad' en Esperanto), se fundó sobre el anhelo de propiciar una comunicación internacional más efectiva mediante el lenguaje sintético del Esperanto. Este territorio 'neutral' en forma de cuña de 3,5 km2 situado entre los Países Bajos, Bélgica y Prusia (entorno a una importante mina de zinc) existió entre 1816 y 1920. Tras la Primera Guerra Mundial, Alemania renunció a sus pretensiones sobre el territorio en disputa y consecuentemente Amikejo-Moresnet desapareció del mapa, y fue absorbido por Bélgica, si bien las balizas fronterizas siguen visibles a día de hoy. Este episodio-lugar, y en última instancia fracaso, fue una síntesis única de cartografía, lengua, nación, política, economía y subjetividad brinda sus fronteras conceptuales y se ha designado como ubicación gemela al Laboratorio 987 durante esta temporada.

Para la primera exposición, 'Amikejo: Pennacchio Argentato' (29 Enero–27 Marzo 2011), el dúo napolitano Pennacchio Argentato presentará una instalación de nueva producción basada en las expectativas de teatralidad e interactividad en los espacios expositivos. Al transformar el espacio del Laboratorio 987 en interior semejando a un gimnasio absurdo y abstracto, el dúo entronca su propia actividad artística con el proyecto Amikejo, abordando las ideas de ocio, interactividad y sobreproducción, trabajo y el no-trabajo.

+info sobre la temporada aquí y aquí.

Programación y calendario de '

Pennacchio Argentato (29 Enero–27 Marzo)
Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum (9 Abril–12 Junio)
Uqbar Foundation (Mariana Castillo Deball & Irene Kopelman) (25 Junio–11 Septiembre)
Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch (24 Septiembre–15 Enero 2012)

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC)
Avenida de los Reyes Leoneses, 24
24008 León, Spain
(T) +34 987 09 00 00
(F) +34 987 09 11 11
[email protected]
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'The Last Newspaper' catalogue editions

Ten newspapers + 4pp supplement form 'The Last Newspaper' catalogue. Photo: Joel Stillman

Produced for ten consecutive weeks from a micro-newsroom in the galleries of the New Museum, #1 The Last Post; #2 The Last Gazette; #3 The Last Register; #4 The Last Star-Ledger; #5 The Last Monitor; #6 The Last Observer; #7 The Last Evening Sun; #8 The Last Journal; #9 The Last Times; #10 The Last Express comprise the catalogue accompanying the exhibition "The Last Newspaper", curated by Richard Flood and Benjamin Godsill. Featuring over 100 contributors, and including essays and interviews with participating artists, this compilation also brings together articles and special features around an expanded selection of work that addresses the news, the newspaper, and its evolving form and function. There are two versions of the catalogue:

Regular edition of 'The Last Newspaper'. Photo: Joel Stillman

– A 'regular edition' in a poly bag with sticker containing the 10 newspapers + a 4 page black-and-white supplement with editorial, contents page and index ($15, $13.50 museum members).

Special edition: silkscreened archive box. Photo: Latitudes

– A special edition: silkscreened archive box containing the regular edition

Both can be purchased from the
New Museum Store.

Further specs:

Edited by: Latitudes
Published by:
Latitudes, Barcelona & the New Museum, New York
Texts by: multiple authors
Graphic Design: Chad Kloepfer with Joel Stillman
Format: 10x 12pp two-colour newspapers, one 4pp black-and-white newspaper, 356 x 292 mm each / Regular edition in poly bag with sticker, special edition in screenprinted archive box
Language: English
Print-run: 1,000 (of which 400 are the final catalogue edition)
Printer: Linco Printing, Long Island
Date of Publication: October–December 2010
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Latitudes' projects timeline to date (2005–ongoing)

We've updated Latitudes' timeline (2005–ongoing) with some of the 2011 projects.
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