Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Fourth episode of 'Incidents (of Travel)' – Dispatch by Pedro de Llano and Luisa Cunha from Lisbon, Portugal

The fourth 'Incidents (of Travel)' episode comes from Lisbon, Portugal, where Galician curator Pedro de Llano met Lisboeta artist Luisa Cunha. Their offline day took place in early December and went through key locations in the artist's life – from Ar.Co, the School of Visual Arts in Almada where she enrolled at age thirty seven, to the Largo da Academia de Belas Artes in Chiado, where she conceived a public project that never materialised. 

Each of the 23 photographs in the sequence is augmented by one or more extra assets (a brief commentary, a caption or a soundscape), and is accessed by clicking the words which overlay the images. 

Originally conceived by Latitudes as day-long artist-led tours around Mexico City in 2012 (with five dispatches presented as part of an exhibition on Latitudes' curatorial practice at Casa del Lago) 'Incidents of Travel' had sequels in 2013 in Hong Kong (online dispatches published via twitter, instagram, and soundcloud) and San Francisco in 2015 (daily posts on Kadist' instagram as part of their #ArtistNotInTheStudioCuratorNotAtTheOffice initiative). 

The project explores the chartered itinerary as a format of artistic encounter and an extended conversation between curator/s and artist/s. Online storytelling presents and documents curatorial fieldwork and an offline day conceived by an artist for a curator.

Since April 2016 Kadist and Latitudes partnered in a new 'distributed' phase of 'Incidents (of Travel)' as part of Kadist Online Projects. This new phase is developed as an online periodical that publishes regular contributions from invited curators and artists working around the world. 

The series inaugurated with an itinerary from curator Yesomi Umolu and artist Harold Mendez from Chicago – their tour was photographed by Nabiha Khan. The second dispatch came from Jinja in Uganda, where curator Moses Serubiri invited photographer Mohsen Taha to explore Jinja's Indian architectural legacy and Idi Amin's notorious expulsion of Uganda's Asian minority in 1972. The third episode took place while curator Yu Ji and poet Xiao Kaiyu hiked on Dong Shan (East Mountain), 130 km west of Shanghai, on a peninsula stretching into Tai Hu lake near the city of Suzhou, China.
Forthcoming contributions: Simon Soon (Kuala Lumpur / Sydney); Natalia Zuluaga (Pereira / Miami) and Marianna Hovhannisyan (Yerevan), all fellows who participated in the seminar ‘The Place From Where We Look’ at Kadist Paris in June 2015.  

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Cover Story – March 2017: Time travel with Jordan Wolfson

The March 2017 Monthly Cover Story "Time travel with Jordan Wolfson" is now up on www.lttds.org after March it will be archived here.  

"The film that lends its image to this month’s cover story – Jordan Wolfson’s Landscape for Fire, 2007 – was featured in the Latitudes-curated film programme A Stake in the Mud, A Hole in the Reel. Land Art’s Expanded Field 1968–2008, which premiered in April 2008 at the Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, before touring several venues in Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the U.K. 

Landscape for Fire responded to a 1972 film of the same name by Anthony McCall in which the British artist, best known for his “solid light” works, attempted to integrate performance, installation, sculpture and images in movement. Thirty-five years on, Jordan had re-staged this work of the past as though it were a ritual, the repetition of which invoked the almost mystical aura that often surrounds the art of the late 1960s and early 1970s." Continue reading by clicking the grey bar underneath the image

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage and feature past, present or forthcoming projects, research, writing, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects or field trips related to our curatorial activities, and are archived here.

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Antoni Hervàs's exhibition “El Misterio de Caviria” awarded the Visual Arts prize of the Premis Ciutat de Barcelona 2016

Antoni Hervàs receiving the award from Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona, at the Saló de Cent of the Ajuntament de Barcelona, 16 February. Photos: Latitudes.

We are proud to announce that Antoni Hervàs's exhibition "El Misterio de Caviria" (The Mystery of Caviria) has been awarded the Visual Arts prize of the Premis Ciutat de Barcelona 2016 (City of Barcelona Award). The award has been organised on a yearly basis since 1949 by the Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona City Council), “to award the creation, research and production of quality produced in Barcelona by creators or collectives working for institutions and organizations in Barcelona that promote or produce projects”.  

The jury recognised “the artist's research in linking Greek mythology with the Barcelona cabaret scene from the 1960s–80s and for the recuperation of its vitality.” The jury also acklowledged the “formalisation of the project into a scenographic and immersive installation and the range of public programmes it generated”. Huge congratulations to Toni, a very well-deserved recognition for his Herculian efforts!

The prize comes hot-on-the-heels of Hervàs’s exhibition winning the public vote for the best show of 2016 given by the Tria 33 programme of the Catalan TV3 channel. 

"El Misterio de Caviria" (The Mystery of Caviria) took place at La Capella between September and November 2016. It was part of the BCN Producció'16 season and was one of the three projects mentored by Latitudes.  

View of "El Misterio de Caviria" exhibition by Antoni Hervàs at La Capella.  
This and following photos: Pep Herrero / La Capella–BCN Producció'16.

Antoni Hervàs’ artistic project revolves around the legend of Jason and the Argonauts’ expedition in search of the Golden Fleece. The exhibition "El Misterio de Caviria" (The Mystery of Cabeiria), divided into eight chapters (exhibition guide (pdf) and description of each chapter (pdf)), took as its point of origin the section of the tale in which the expedition led by Jason stops for a few months in Lemnos, the island of fire, in the northern part of the Aegean Sea. Here live a kind of tribe of Amazons organized under the gynaecocracy of Queen Hypsipyle who are keeping a grisly secret. Taking this fragment, Hervàs explores the transformist and genre-bending possibilities of drawing, a medium that enables him to unite two mythologies: the Cabeirian rites of Classical Greece and figures from Barcelona’s dwindling cabaret scene. 

Video of the exhibition (Spanish subtitles).

Exhibition layout. Space design: Goig.

Publication of the project edited by Ajuntament de Barcelona and The Flames includes an interview between the artist and Latitudes. Photos: Latitudes.

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Cover Story – February 2017: The Dutch Assembly, five years on

The February 2017 Monthly Cover Story "The Dutch Assembly, five years on" is now up on www.lttds.org after February it will be archived here.  

"Five years ago this month ‘The Dutch Assembly’ took place. In 2012, the Netherlands was the guest country of ARCOmadrid and with the collaboration of the Mondriaan Fonds and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Spain, Latitudes convened this representation of Dutch art organisations. (...) ‘The Dutch Assembly’ transpired in the teeth of a storm surrounding the slashing of the Dutch cultural budget by a State Secretary of Culture (Halbe Zijlstra) who openly flaunted his disdain for the arts. (...) How have the participating organisations faired in the last five years?" Continue reading...

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage and highlight past, present or forthcoming projects, research, writing, artworks, exhibitions or field trips related to our activities, and are archived here.

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25 de enero 2017, 19h: Presentación de la publicación "El misterio de caviria" de Antoni Hervàs en el Antic Teatre

Fotos: Latitudes.

El miércoles 25 de enero a las 19h se presentará la publicación resultante de la exposición "El misterio de caviria" de Antoni Hervàs coincidiendo con el espectáculo cabaretesco "El desplume!" evento mensual que organiza Eduardo Gión en el Antic Teatre (Carrer Verdaguer i Callis 12, 08003),
conducido por Víctor Guerrero
y concebido como un homenaje a Pierrot y a la escena cabaretesca barcelonesa.   

El libro se presentará a las 19h precediendo al espectáculo que empieza a las 21h (y cuya entrada cuesta 10 Euroscompra online o en taquilla). Durante la presentación Hervàs y Latitudes tutores del proyecto – reflexionarán sobre la ejecución del proyecto, la transformación del color, la condición mutante del dibujo, la red de afectos, de acciones y escenarios que ha activado "El misterio de caviria”. 

 Instalación en La Capella. Foto: Pep Herrero /La Capella BCN Producció'16.

Detalle de los ojos de Gilda Love. Foto: Pep Herrero /La Capella BCN Producció'16.

La publicación [en catalán, castellano e inglés] incluye una entrevista entre Antoni Hervàs y Latitudesartista y tutores del proyecto respectivamente – con grandes saltos en la historia
así como fotografías documentando la exposición. La edición corre a cargo del Ajuntament de Barcelona y The Flames y se puede comprar por 5 Euros.

Después del evento se podrá adquirir la publicación en la librería Múltiplos, en La Capella o a través de la web de Folch studio, diseñadores de la publicación y de la imagen gráfica del ciclo BCN Producció'16.

Aquí podéis ver un vídeo de la exposición (7'54'', catalán con subtítulos en castellano. Here with English subtitles) realizado por Hugo Barbosa.

Actuación de Juan de la Cruz “el Rosillo” (aka El Castañuelas) en lo que fue en el antiguo local de espectáculos Copacabana (en la actualidad el aparcamiento del departamento de cultura de Barcelona). Foto: @brillobox.

Actuación de Gerard López en el Frontón Colón, 18 de Septiembre 2016. Foto: Latitudes.
 Desfile de trajes de Víctor Guerrero en La Capella. Foto: Latitudes

BCN producció es una convocatoria anual dirigida a la comunidad artística de Barcelona y su área de influencia con el fin de apoyar la producción y presentación de tres exposiciones individuales en la Sala Gran de La Capella, tres en el Espai Cub, un proyecto de comisariado y dos proyectos deslocalizados. BCN producció es una iniciativa del Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB) del Ajuntament de Barcelona. 

Latitudes es parte del equipo tutorial de BCN Producció'16 junto al comisario David Armengol y la artista Mireia Sallarès. A lo largo del 2016 Latitudes ha tutorizado los proyectos de Pau Magrané/PLOM (Espai Cub, 27 abril–12 junio 2016) y Antoni Hervàs (Sala Gran, 16 septiembre–13 noviembre 2016), y la exposición de la comisaria Joana Hurtado Matheu (Sala Gran, 2 marzo–30 abril 2017) a lo largo de la conceptualización, formalización y producción de sus respectivos proyectos. 


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Cover Story – January 2017: How open are open calls?

The January 2017 Monthly Cover Story is now up on www.lttds.org after January it will be archived here.  

"The first issue of frieze of 2017 includes “Salon Selectives”, an article by Latitudes’s Max Andrews that, with a wink to sassy 1980s hair care, asks “how open are open calls?”. The text is accompanied by this astonishing drawing from the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art by Felicien Myrbach-Rheinfeld entitled Candidates for Admission to the Paris Salon (c.1900)." Continue reading...

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage and feature past, present or forthcoming projects, research, writing, artworks, exhibitions or field trips related to our activities.  

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Participants in the symposium "You're such a curator!" at de Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam, 23–24 November 2016 and Amsterdam Art Weekend

 Above: de Appel director Niels van Tomme during his welcome speech.  
This and following photos: Carina Erdmann/De Appel.

Latitudes participated in de Appel Arts Centre two-day symposium "You are such a curator!" on 23 and 24 November 2016. Coinciding with the Amsterdam Art Weekend, the event presented lectures, discussions, performances and papers marking the conclusion of a three-year research project into the dynamics of de Appel’s curatorial programme and its position in the wider field of curatorial education.

Latitudes' presention "Following the Holy Greyhound" reflected "on the disinterment of a sculpture from 1991 – part of an exhibition by the Venezuelan artist José Antonio Hernández-Díez curated by Latitudes at MACBA, Barcelona, earlier this year – and their approach to a group exhibition in preparation for CAPC Musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux in 2017. Their point of departure was responding to the question "what does the wrongful killing of a dog in medieval France have to tell us about the micro and the macro, the hyper-specific and the universal?"  

Above: Chris Sharp during his presentation 'The Willfully Minor Anomaly of Lulu'. 
Below: Q+A session.
Above: Presentation by Aneta Rostkowska and Jakub Woynarowski.  
Below: Latitudes' presentation "Following the Holy Greyhound".
Above: galerie founders Adriano Wilfert Jensen and Simon Asencio during their presentation. 
Below: Attentive (femenine!) audience. 

Above: (Intensive) Q+A amongst speakers and audience. 
Below: Renata Cervetto during her presentation '(Art) Mediation Projects. In & Out The Museum'.

Above: Kim Nguyen during her presentation 'That's Why We Love the Moon'. 
Below: Niels van Tomme during one of the many Q+A's.

Above: Prem Krishnamurthy during a Q+A.

The two-day symposium included contributions by Mira Asriningtyas, Lucrezia Calabrò Visconti, Renata Cervetto, Mateo Chacon-Pino, Galerie (Adriano Wilfert Jensen and Simon Asencio), Natasha Hoare, Kati Ilves, Prem Krishnamurthy, Inga Lace, Latitudes (Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna), Shona Mei Findlay, Fadwa Naamna, Kim Nguyen, Emma Ines Panza, Aneta Rostkowska and Kuba Woynarowski, Chris Sharp, Niels Van Tomme and Huib Haye van der Werf.
We also visited a few exhibitions and attended a few events  programmed for the Art Amsterdam Weekend (24–27 November). One of the highlights was Marinus Boezem's exhibition at Oude Kerk's grand Gothic architecture, one of its finest and oldest examples in Holland. Boezem's pieces resonated with the Gothic style of the church, an architecture that has fascinated him throughout this artistic practice – he has produced several pieces using plans of cathedrals, his most famous one being "Gothic Growing Project" (1978–1987), popularly known as "The Green Cathedral" in a polder landscape near Almere, composed of 178 Italian poplars.
"Progetto Spaziale" (1970/2016) video works, and "Meteorieten" (2016) on the floor.

(above) "Windschaal" (Wind Scale) (1968) projected in the Holy Sepulchre chapel.
Majestic "Labyrinth" (2016) piece above and below.
(above) "New Improvisation with Bart de Kroon", one of the five performances Jeremiah Day presented at Ellen de Bruijne Projects.

And of course Friday is the big day at the Rijksakademie OPEN 2016, where we found interesting presentations by Argentinian performance artist Mercedes Azpilicueta; the Argentinian-Dutch Aimée Zito Lema; the abstracted images of Claudia Martínez Garay (below); the sculptural and archival material of British artist Alex Farrar around his suit; the glass work of German artist Christine Moldrickx; the drawings, paintings and small sculptures of Dutch artist Eva Spierenburg; the sculptural works by the also Dutch artist Marije Gertenbach and the large video work "Band Rumorose" by French artist Pauline Curnier Jardin on the Sicilian festivity devoted to San Sebastiano.

Abstracted images by Claudia Martínez Garay

(Above and below) Installation on the ground floor by Eva Spierenburg.

Sculptural and archival material by British artist Alex Farrar around his suit.

More work by Eva Spierenburg was presented in a more intimate presentation on the second floor.

 Glass piece by German artist Christine Moldrickx (above and below). 
 Works by Marije Gertenbach.

The beautiful retrospective "Machine Spectacle" by Swiss artist Jean Tinguely was cleverly paired with Jordan Wolfson's "Manic / Love" – part 1 of his first solo show in a Dutch institution. The show premieres his newest animatronic in Europe: "Colored sculpture" (2016) and is accompanied by three other works only: the video "Raspberry poser" (2012), a series of large inkjet prints and "The Crisis" (2004), one of his earliest video works. In February a second part (Truth / Love) will follow with his first animatronic (Female Figure, 2014) and a new videoinstallation.

(Above) Two of the rooms presenting works by Jean Tinguely at Stedelijk Museum.

Jordan Wolfson's "Colored Sculpture" (2016).

San Serriffe art book shop in the red light district.

kunstverein new location in Hazenstraat 28, presented "Staples", 20 years of work by typographic artist Will Holder.

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Cover Story – December 2016: Ten years ago – Land, Art: A Cultural Ecology Handbook

The December Monthly Cover Story is now up on www.lttds.org after this month it will be archived here

"The publication Land, Art: A Cultural Ecology Handbook is ten years old. Commissioned by the Arts & Ecology programme of The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce (RSA), in partnership with Arts Council England, this book was one of Latitudes’s first projects. Through the inspirational contributions of people as varied as Lucy Lippard, Stephanie Smith, Amy Balkin, or the late Wangari Maathai – to mention just a few – the compendium charted the twin legacies of Land Art and the environmental movement while proposing how the critical acuity of art might remain relevant in the face of the dramatic ecological consequences of human activity. The research and reflection involved set Latitudes on a course that led to several further projects engaging with ecology, explicitly or otherwise." Continue reading...

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage and feature past, present or forthcoming projects, research, exhibitions and field trips related to our activities.  

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30% off Latitudes' tote bag limited editions


In Spring 2015 Latitudes launched a limited edition of tote bags to mark its 10th anniversary. These four specially commissioned silkscreened tote bags feature designs by four artists with whom Latitudes has collaborated over the past decade: Lawrence Weiner (New York, 1942), Haegue Yang (Seoul, 1971), Ignasi Aballí (Barcelona, 1958) and Mariana Castillo Deball (Mexico City, 1975).

We are now offering a 30% discount, a special sale price of 35 Euros per tote (+shipping) valid throughout December 2016 (usually €50 + shipping). 

Edition: 35 + 5 A.P. (Haegue Yang's tote is ed. 20 + 10 AP)
Measurements: 38 high × 40 width × 14 base (in cm)
Fabric: 475 gsm natural chlorine-free cotton canvas
Strap: Adjustable Capacity: 15 litres
Weight: 420 gr aprox.

Each bag is made from natural durable cotton canvas with a reinforced base. They feature a press-stud closure, an internal pocket with a zip (never loose your keys again!), an adjustable shoulder strap, as well as smaller handles for carrying like a briefcase.

Each bag have been hand silkscreened in Print Workers, Barcelona; this is an artisanal process and each printing results in slight variations.

Place your order(s) from our website. Here some nice pics of our happy customers with their totes:

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Mariana Cánepa Luna reviews Ana Jotta’s “Abans que me n’oblidi (Before I forget)” exhibition in art-agenda

Installation view of the exhibition "Ana Jotta: Abans que me n'oblidi (Antes de que me olvide / Before I Forget)", 2016, ProjecteSD, Barcelona. Photo: © Roberto Ruiz 

Ana Jotta’s “Abans que me n’oblidi (Before I forget)
September 30–November 26, 2016

by Mariana Cánepa Luna

"While it has been widely exhibited in her native Portugal, Ana Jotta’s work hasn’t been presented in depth to the Barcelona public since the early 1990s.(1) So this mini-survey of her production from 1980 to the present, framed as part of the Barcelona Gallery Weekend, is overdue. “Abans que me n’oblidi (Before I forget)” begins (or ends) at the intermediary patio space that one crosses before entering the main exhibition space at ProjecteSD. Part of a curved wall is covered with irregular patches of light gray and pale pink paint, as if emulating swatch tests for a redecoration. This playful gesture sets the tone for the exhibition inside, a somber and subtle palette of delicate intonations and provisional arrangements."  

Continue reading...

Originally published in art-agenda.com on November 8, 2016.

Ana Jotta, "Cloud", 2013. Painted steel, 90 x 200 x 4 cm. Photo: ©Roberto Ruiz.

Installation view of the exhibition "Ana Jotta: Abans que me n'oblidi (Antes de que me olvide / Before I Forget)", 2016, ProjecteSD, Barcelona. Photo: ©Roberto Ruiz.

Ana Jotta, "Footnote #1", 2016. Mixed media. Variable dimensions. Photo: ©Roberto Ruiz.

Ana Jotta, "Un Printemps 2008", 2008, Acrylic and felt pen on screen, 160 x 129 x 16 cm. Photo: ©Roberto Ruiz.

Installation view of the exhibition "Ana Jotta: Abans que me n'oblidi (Antes de que me olvide / Before I Forget)", 2016, ProjecteSD, Barcelona. Photo: ©Roberto Ruiz.

Ana Jotta, "Que Sais-Je?", 2011. Marker pen on tape roll, 2,5 x 14,3 diam. cm. Photo: ©Roberto Ruiz.

 Detail of several "Footnote" pieces. Photo: Latitudes.

 Detail of several "Footnote" pieces. Photo: Latitudes.

Ana Jotta, "Sem título", 2016. Paint on wall. Variable dimensions. Photo: Latitudes.


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